Friend don't have feeling for friends

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Brandon:(holding on to her) I said I wouldn't until you listened to me! Karen:(stops struggling) Brandon I'm not mad at you...I'm mad at myself for actually going along with you when I already now how things between us always end...and huge fight and hurt feelings
Brandon:(looking into her eyes) Karen the reason why I lied about not feeling anything when I kissed you was because in reality I felt a lot...more than I would ever want to...I felt so many emotions when I kissed you last night after so many days...I missed you and if I'm being completely honest with you right now I swear haven't been able to stop thinking about you since the day we met, I thought it was only because I really liked having sex with you but the more days past or me not being without you I realized it wasn't the sex I missed from you is was, you...I'm not going to lie about it but yeah I slept with several other girls after you but I still felt attracted to you...deep down I knew it wasn't because I really liked the way you moved on me, even though that does have some reason to it,(slightly smiles) but also because I just missed hearing your voice, kissing your lips, staring into you gorgeous eyes, feeling you breathe on my face, feeling the warmth of your body against mine, and the feeling, I get in my heart every time you smile at look me in the eye, was what I realized I missed the most, not your body but you in general...Like that last time I was with you when my mom was here...i really enjoyed that day, it was perfect but it was too perfect, I realized that it wasn't just having sex with you that made me feel attached to you, even after we had orgasm I wanted you to stay, and not just so I can keep having sex with you but because I just like being with you...and I hate it cause I don't want to get hurt, and I thought that if I pretend as if I don't feel anything special for you than it'd go away...but the more and more I stayed away from you, the more I felt attached to you, I just couldn't get the image of you on me off my mind...It's im-poss-ible(begins to stutter in his sentences)....And my dumbass also thought that if I just kept hurting you and saying cruel things to you than you'll go away and you'll never want to see me again and that way I'd be able to get over you. But no, you'd always come back anyways...why? no matter how much I pushed you away, you always would come back to me, which would make me angry because I wanted you to leave me, but deep down it made me feel you more because I thought that maybe you felt the same thing I did(takes a deep breath)...But I didn't want to admit it so I kept pushing you away and act like if I didn't give two shits but actually felt like if I I was being shot multiple times in my chest...and in an attempt to 'play pretend' I actually did end up getting shot (laughs a little) And when I found out you almost also did trynna help save me I felt so miserable and I just could t face you without fucken crying out to you and I didn't want to....It didn't take me a while to realize that pushing you away wasn't going to help me get away from you so I decided to just become your friend and somehow, I have no idea why I thought this...But I would just all of sudden not have any feeling for you and just see you as a sister instead but I can't....because like you said last night friends don't kiss friends, and , friends don't have feeling for friends, and especially, friends don't want to take each other's clothes off when they're this close to kissing or this close in bed(staring at Karen eyes who was hadn't said a word or sound since Brandon had began talking but instead just stood there, frozen, not knowing what to say, just looking at him in the eye) (looking at her up and down)Since the day I met you I thought you were the prettiest girl I've ever seen but I didn't think you'd also be the best...I  haven't wanted to admit it but I falling for you Karen, and I don't know when or how it all began but I am...and as of now I really don't know how long I can keep up with this (breathing heavily and trying his best to hold back tears) oh god at least say something...
Karen:(looks down and blinks several times letting tears roll down her face)(takes a deep breath) I-(shakes her head) I Also don't know what it is I feel towards you...why I'm attracted to you...I don't know if it's the sex like you say or just being with you also...or even just because I hate it how you've rejected and mistreated me so many times...and well I'm just as confused...but...(wipes her tears) Shit, I don't know Brandon...(looks up at him and bites lip) I'm not as good as expressing my feelings as you, I-i can't think of anything that you've haven't said yet
Brandon:(lets a tear fall) I don't know what I'm doing either...I don't even know if the only reason I'm telling you how I feel is because it's another way to try to make you leave me by scaring you away but...I do know for sure that I'm falling at a great height, and a great speed, for you...i keep trying to think what made me be in this situation...but thinking back just makes me live through my moments with you again which just make me want you with me again even more...and I just can't (let's a tear slide down his cheek) I just can't keep the things I feel for you in me no more...I feel a huge pressure on my chest and I just don't know how long I could go...I've tried and I just can't keep myself from falling for you, from feeling these feelings...I don't know how I can keep my feelings to myself no more Karen...
Karen:(takes a deep breath) Than don't..
Brandon:(frowns) What? What do you mean?
Karen:(wiping her tears) Don't hold back your feeling, it's the only I can let my feeling for you out of me too, You've put me through enough pain, don't make me suffer this much more again
Brandon:(wiped his tear) Karen...(grabs her face and pull her close to him in a hug)(feeling his heart beat increasing) (whisper) I think I love you...

^^End of chapter! What a chapter! I'll try my best to update but don't forget to comment your thoughts and vote! Thanks for reading! ❤️ ^^

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