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Mark:(feeling awkward) I-I
Karen:(smiling dirtily at Brandon keeping her stare in his eyes)(whisper)what happened? You didn't like that?
Brandon:(embarrassed that mark had heard him moan)(whisper) stop teasing me Karen, you don't want to play that game again...
Karen:(turns around and faces Mark)what were you going to say?
Mark:(trying to forget Brandon's moan and the fact that Karen grabbed his dick) I...was going to say that we should go to the bowling alley right here
Karen:(smiling) there's a bowling alley here?
Brandon:(finally talking but still feeling his hormones racing) yeah it's upstairs
Karen:(turns around to Brandon and gets his hand) then let's go
Mark:(laughs) yeah
^^at bowling alley^^
Karen:(already wearing her bowling shoes and holding a ball)it's been a long time since I've played so...(throws the ball and strikes them all except 2) Aww!
Mark:(smiling while holding his ball) that was good for the first shot in a while
Karen:(smirks) I guess (watches Mark throw his ball and only miss 1) Awww you almost got them all (walks over to Brandon with a ball) Why don't you throw one?
Brandon:(shrugs) I don't real go bowling
Karen:(gets closer to Brandon placing the ball on the table next to Brandon)(whispering in his ear) You know that black bowling ball is pretty big...but your balls are bigger(faces Brandon and bites her lips)
Brandon:Karen..(was about to wrap his arms around her waists but she quickly turned around and walked over to mark)
Karen:(next to mark) I'm going to the restroom so play the next game without me...or maybe just practice..
Mark:(smiles) Okay...
Karen:(walks over to the restroom and turns to Brandon who was just watching her and smiles flirty)
Brandon:(waiting for Karen to enter the restroom. Then he quickly gets up and walks over to mark) I'm going to the restroom alright Mark, so when Karen comes back she knows where I'm at
Mark:yeah sure (watches Brandon walk over to the restrooms but then he just looks away)**oh god don't tell me they are going to make out in the restrooms**
^^girls restrooms^^
Karen:(combing her hair)**I wonder if Brandon's going to come**(smiling at the thought)**haha maybe I teased him too much...I should leave the restroom before he decides to come**(takes one last look in the mirror and turns to leave but then stops b/c she bumped into someone. She looks up and then smiles dirtily) Brando-
Brandon:(didn't let Karen finish b/c he already started pressuring his lips on hers. He pushed her to wall still kissing her roughly, only taking short breaks for breath.)
Karen:(pulling Brandon closer to her causing her to feel his dick through her shorts) Y-you (struggling to talk between their kiss) you have a really bad b-boner (continues kissing Brandon holding his face with her hands)
Brandon:(loosens his grip on Karen to laugh) see what you do to my body
Karen:(puts her arms around his neck and laughs) I see, but I also want to see more than that...
Brandon:(lifts Karen off the ground so she wraps her legs around his waist) Oh you will
Karen:(laughing as Brandon carried her to a restroom stall and sits her on a metal bar inside)
Brandon:(quickly pulls Karen's shirt off  leaving her with just her bra while she took his shirt off as well. He starts kissing her neck and chest leaving her hickies on her shoulder so that her shirt would later hide them)
Karen:(resting her head on Brandon's shoulder as he licked around her upper body) mmmm, don't leave me hickies Brandon, I hate having to hide them!
Brandon:(kissing Karen's neck) then don't hide them (grabs Karen's face and passionately starts kissing her smashing their lips together)
Karen:(slowly back off from their kiss to get some breath, having her head and Brandon's head close to each other, they both stare into each other eyes)
Brandon:(staring at Karen smiling)**oh god i love her eyes! Their so special, I get lost into them I feel like I can look through them forever**
Karen:(smiling but not looking away from Brandon's stare) **his green eyes...their so pure and innocent...he looks like an angel...I love seeing my reflection on them...they look like an on going jungle, so, so,**your so beautiful...
Brandon:(not expecting that) what? (Smiles) I'm 'beautiful'?
Karen:(smiles) your eyes...
Brandon:(laughs softly) ohhh...(smiling warmly) my should see your eyes their special
Karen:(sighs) their weird...they give me chills...your eyes, they give me warmth...
Brandon:(holding Karen's waist) Karen...
Karen:(closing her eyes) shhhh (opens her eyes) don't say anything...I want you Brandon...I want you now
Brandon:(smiles weakly and starts kissing Karen softly but very passionately he lifts her off the bar and starts sliding down her shorts slowly while removing his as well)
Karen:(pulling Brandon closer to her and then slowly falling to the ground of the stall she's on top and she starts sliding down his boxers while he unbuckled her bra and take sit off she lays on top of Brandon causing pressure on his dick)
Brandon:(moans) Uhhh (starts slipping Karen's panties off)
Karen:(helps take her pantie off and then starts grinding on Brandon slowly causing him to moan)
Brandon:uhhh, Karen go faster
Karen:(smiles down looking at Brandon) shhh! What if somebody comes in? And plus, i think I like going slow (starts humping on Brandon again causing him to moan)
Brandon:UHHHH Fuck! Your going slow but I think that just triggers me more!
Karen:(laughs softly and lays down in Brandon causing his dick to slide in her) UHHH! Brandon please don't go too in I don't want nobody to hear us
Brandon:(turns Karen over to where he's on top) I'll try but I'm not sure if I'll be able to resist (puts his dick back inside Karen and goes in very deep)
Brandon:(moaning too) uhhh! Sorry I can't resist..
Brandon:(going in deeper) just take a birth control tmrw
Brandon:(moaning) wait...(gives Karen a blow job)
Karen:(was about to start moaning again but before anything Brandon smashed his lips on hers into a very passionate but rough kiss)b-Brandon (trying to talk between their kiss)
Brandon:(continues kissing Karen but now slower but just as passionate)(slowly backs away from Karen and takes his dick out her)(smiles looking at Karen up and down) How was that?
Karen:(getting off the floor) PAINFUL! Not only did I tell you not to go in deep and I had to hold back my moans,
but besides that it was on the restroom floor like ouch!
Brandon:(laughs) but I didn't go in deep! (Smiles at the floor and picks up his boxers)
Karen:(already putting her underwear on so she bent down to pick up her bra) I know but you went in deeper than you had to!(picks up her shirt and pulls it on) You just had to get it in and leave it there
Brandon:(laughs) Alright whatever why you focusing on the bad things? (Pulls his jean on) focus on the good things like how miracle nobody went in these restrooms while we were making out
Karen:(bends down to pick up her shorts) if I focus on the good things we'll probably end up getting undressed again (laughs a little)
Brandon:(putting his shirt on) sooo? I wouldn't mind being in here a couple minutes more
Karen:(buttoning her short and then realizes something. She turns to Brandon worried) BRANDON!
Brandon:(confused) what?
Karen:(covers her face) Oh God! How long have we been here?
Brandon:(smirks) why?
Karen:(pulling Brandon's arm to leave the stall) Because that's how long Mark has been waiting for us
Brandon:(surprised) Shit! Yeah huh I totally forgot!
Karen:(pulling him out of the restroom stall and looks around the bowling alley) Where is he?!

^^What will happen next? Where is Mark, and what will be his reaction? Stay tuned for next episode!^^

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