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^^Karens Pov^^
Karen:(watches Joey until he's out of sight and sighs)(thinking to herself)**Well there's two friends I've said bye to, who's next**(looks around and doesn't see anybody so she continues walking around)
Jacob:(smiling taps Karen's shoulder) Karen is that you?
Karen:(smiles and turns around) yeah (sees Johnny and Lauren next to him)

^^Karens Pov^^ Karen:(watches Joey until he's out of sight and sighs)(thinking to herself)**Well there's two friends I've said bye to, who's next**(looks around and doesn't see anybody so she continues walking around) Jacob:(smiling taps Karen's s...

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^^Jacob and Johnny^^

^^Jacob and Johnny^^

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^^Lauren's Fit^^ Johnny:(smiles a little) Hey

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^^Lauren's Fit^^
Johnny:(smiles a little) Hey...(chuckles) Before you give me the silent treatment I'm sorry about how I reacted the other day when you told me you liked Brandon it's just that i got mad since you two were like my friends and went behind my back, but it's fine I mean I'm over it (smiles)
Karen:(doubtful but smiles) Okay...(laughs) And well yeah me too I'm sorry I should have never accepted to be your girlfriend when I had feelings for Brandon
Johnny:(chuckles) Yeah...
Lauren:(smiles awkwardly) Well I missed you (hugs Karen tightly) You never hit me up girl
Karen:(laughs) Sorry it's just that a lot has been going on (pulls back) Like I want to tell you guys that I'm gong to be leaving Phoenix for a while and go to LA
Johnny:(smiles) Wow really? When?
Karen: Umm tomorrow
Jacob:(laughs) Oh wow me and Johnny are gong on tour together and we're heading to Philly in a week or so
Karen:(nods) Wow you guys too? I mean going on tour? So is Joey
Jacob:(shakes his head) On no he's in a different tour with other guys it's just me, Johnny, Lauren, and Mackenzie on Johnny's tour
Karen:(confused but smiling) Ohhh, different tours (laughs) Got it
Lauren:(smiles) Gonna miss seeing you so you better hit me up now
Karen:(laughs) I will but you three also like don't go all Hollywood on me
Johnny:(laughs) What? We aren't Hollywood!
Karen:(laughs) Im playin you guys are the nicest friends I have, and well also Ariel
Jacob:(smiles) Is she here?
Karen:(nods) Yeah I saw her a couple of minutes ago, she was looking for Blake so she might be with him
Jacob: Oh okay well I wanna go talk to them to see you guys later
Johnny: see ya bro
Lauren:(sighs and turns to Karen) Honestly Im happy you and Johnny broke up like it was too weird
Johnny:(laughs) What??
Karen:(laughs) Oh wow Lauren
Lauren:(laughs) Well yeah like admit it weren't you too more comfortable being just friends?
Johnny:(shrugs) ehh, I mean sometimes but we mostly kept it lowkey
Karen:(nods) Yeah like a few kisses here and there
Lauren:(laughs) Okay I'll stop talking about you too so anywayyysss... Happy Birthday!!
Karen:(smiles) Aww you remembered
Lauren:(smiling) Of course I did I mean your my friend!
Johnny:(laughs) Oh yeah huh you have the same birthday as Landon! Happy birthday Karen
Karen:(smiles) Thanks, both of you guys...And talking about Landon I haven't seen him anywhere
Johnny: yeah and that's good cause Landon's cocky and so full of himself...only reason I came was to accompany Lauren who was the only one invited from the two of how does he even remember me from Brandon's party?
Karen:(laughs and shrugs) I don't know...(sighs and looks around and sees Mark sit down next to Loren and some other girl)(doubts about going to say bye to him but then decided to)(turns to Johnny and Lauren) Well catch you guys later I hope cause I've got more friends I wanna say bye too
Johnny and Lauren: alright bye
Karen:(smiles and then starts walking over to Mark)(sits next to him) Hey Markuz
Mark:(turns around and frowns confused) What are you doing here?
^^Brandon's Pov^^
All:(quickly take the shot and then put it on the table)
Sophia:(laughs) Ha I finished it first
Brandon:(smirks)(drunk)Yeah it was about time I mean how many rounds have we been doing this?
Joey:(drunk as well) Lost count...But hey good job little sis you finally beat me and Brandon
Sophia:(also kind of drunk)(laughs) Hmm what's wrong you two can't keep going?
Brandon:(moving the empty shot glass with his finger) Can we? Yes. But can we stand the head ache that will follow if we do? No.
Joey:(sighs) Not even midnight and we pretty much drunk (laughs) Moms gonna be soo mad when we get back home
Brandon:(laughs) Fortunately for me, my mom had a girls night today so I have till morning to wear off the head ache...(sighs) Not gonna be long enough (puts his head down)
Sophia:(sighs) You two get so depressed when your drunk like damn...(smiles) Let's play a game
Brandon:(raises his head) Ooo yay a drunk game, speak up Sophie
Joey:(yawns) What game we playin?
Sophia:(thinks for a moment) Hmm...truth or dare ?
Brandon:(smiles) I like truth or dare...especially when they dare me to make out with somebody
Joey:(laughs and rolls his eyes) Sure I mean if you want to be making out with me and my sister all night
Brandon:(frowns) Eww, your right, something else Sophie
Sophia:(thinks of another game) Alright then never have I ever
Joey: sure how we playin?
Brandon: Oh I know we ask a question and whoever has, has to take a shot
Sophia:(smiles) That's good
Joey:(shrugs) Sure...(Smiles) Ill start...(trying not to laugh) Never have i ever had a threesome?
Brandon:(nods and takes a shot) Yup
Joey:(laughs and takes one too) Once it was a pair of twins...still don't know who was who
Sophie:(laughs) You both had had threesomes? I haven't
Brandon:(laughs) Good because there's always gonna be somebody that gets left out and it sucks when that's you
Joey:(laughs) For real
Sophia:(smiles) Okay now me...Never have I ever embarrassed myself in attempt to impress the person I like?
Joey:(thinks for a second) I'm always embarrassing myself so (takes a shot)
Brandon:(sighs) Yeah and then be regretful (takes a shot)
Sophia:(sighs) Yup me too (takes a shot)
Brandon:(winces a little and smiles) Okay now me, never have I ever flirted my way out of a bad situation?
All:(quickly take a shot)
Sophia:(laughs after finishes it) Omg, is it wrong that I flirted with my teacher so he could give me extra credit when I didn't do even do it?
Joey:(laughing) You did what? (Laughs again) I flirted with the liquor lady cause I was 10 dollars short of buying something I don't even remember
Brandon:(laughs) Flirted with the ticket lady so she wouldn't give me a speeding ticket
Joey:(laughs) For real? Man I got a speeding ticket too but it was a guy who gave it to me...(laughs again) Okay me again, never have I ever accidentally said "I love you" to somebody?
Sophia:(quickly takes a shot) Mmm most current time, told mark I loved him but I think he misinterpreted it
Brandon:(takes a drink too) Always do...many when they do something I wanted them to do for me...and then to her it just spilled out without me knowing
Joey:(imaging by "her" Brandon meant Karen so he smiles) I also say I love you to randomly to people like it just comes out(takes a shot)
Sophia: Alright umm, never have I ever almost sent somebody to jail on accident? (Laughs and takes a shot)
Joey:(laughs also and takes a shot)
Brandon:(rolls his eyes and just stares at his shot glass smiling) I haven't (sighs and then smiles again) Okay never have I ever sent somebody to the hospital on accident? (Takes a shot)
Joey:(thinks for a second and laughs) Oh yeah (takes a shot) A fan offered to carry me on her back so I did and then ugh (shakes his head trying not to laugh) I adjusted, she lost balance, we fell and she broke her arm and had to go to the hospital
Sophia:(with her mouth open trying not to smile) Omg why didn't you ever tell me? (Laughs) I also made somebody go to hospital, it was you Joey because I pushed you off your skateboard when you were 8 and you fell and broke your arm (smiles) I laughed so hard but then I started to feel bad
Joey:(laughs) Oh yeah I remember now...(shakes is head) Alright well umm, never have I ever had a physical fight with my best friend (smiles at Brandon and takes a shot)
Brandon:(laughs and takes a shot too)
Sophia:(thinks for a moment) No, because if we were to get in a fight than that doesn't make her my best fiend
Joey:(laughs) I fought some kid from school that I stopped talking to and well than Brandon here
Brandon:(shaking his head laughing) Oh boy we fought like how many times?
Sophia:(laughs) Alright my turn...(smiles a little) Never have I ever regretted how I lost my virginity?
Joey:(sighs and thinks) Hmm who was my first girl...(smiles) Ohhh I remember now (laughs) Nah I don't regret it, I mean we were both "virgin" so it was kind of cute, we dated for a month or so but then I moved on so, yeah (laughs)
Brandon:(looking around trying to remember) Umm...(remembers and quickly takes a shot) Yup I regret it...she was some hoe who seduced my little innocent self and laughed when I told her I had never had sex before..(shakes his head) I remember I actually kind of liked her and after she screwed me over that one time she left me and acted like she had never known me at school (smirks) Fuck her (looks at Sophia waiting for her to answer)
Sophia:(thinks for a moment and than raises her shot glass but then puts it back down. Than quickly picks it up again and drinks it)(winces a little) Uhh I don't know cause I don't regret with who I lost it and how it was but I do regret the process cause I was kind of drunk when i did so it was like a blur
Brandon:(awkwardly looks away) Oookayyy...(looks up) Hmm, never have I ever given or had a lap dance?
Joey:(laughs) Omg (takes a shot) Both!
Brandon:(laughs and takes a shot too) Yeah me too (looks at Sophia and winks)
Sophia:(smiles and rolls her eyes and then thinks for a second) Okay I've given somebody a lap dance but I've never gotten a lap dance soo (takes a shot and laughs)
Brandon:(smiles dirtily) Hmm you trynna change that?
Joey:(laughs) Bro watch out I may be drunk but I ain't letting you mess around with my sister like that
Brandon:(pouts) See that's why I prefer truth or dare
Sophia:(laughs) Your funny Brandon but no
Joey:(laughs) Okay me now, never have I ever been handcuffed...for any reason (all laughs)
Brandon:(laughs) Hell nah I see movies where girls hand cuff guys and then leave them... And like I also don't hand cuff or tie girls hands like I want them to move on me (laughs)
Joey:(laughing) I have...
Brandon:(laughs) Nah!! Really?
Joey:(laughs) Yeah but like it was Halloween and like a Halloween party and some girl was being dirty and shit...and then me too this one time I tied some girl hand on the bed frame and like yeah just..(laughs) Just dirty little things but nah it was just that one time I never did it again
Sophia:(surprised) Okay brother umm I haven't... so hmm...never have I ever grabbed a mans penis without permission (quickly takes a shot and starts choking on it because she was laughing)
Brandon:(laughing) What the heck?
Joey:(laughing too) Nah I'm straight!
Sophia:(laughing and coughing) I was just kidding!
Brandon:(laughing) Okay but you still took the shot so who? I mean besides me
Sophia:(laughing) You, and two other guys from school
Joey:(laughing) What? Sophie!!
Sophia:(trying to stop laughing) Okay okay fine, umm another one, never have I ever gone skinny dipping?
Brandon:(smiles and shakes his head) Yeah, once...with you (quickly takes a shot)
Sophia:(laughs also and takes a shot)
Joey:(thinks for a moment) Yeah with two girls and some guy(takes a shot) 
Brandon:(smiling) Okay my turn and last one...never have I ever had sex in the back of a car? (Looks directly at Sophia)
Sophia:(smiles and than slowly takes the shot) Yup...again, with you
Brandon:(laughs and takes a shot)
Joey:(smiles) Oh yeah many times (takes a shot too)
Sophia:(sighs and rubs her head) Ugh good thing that was the last one cause I honestly can't take any more (puts her head down)
Joey:(smiling) Aww lil sis can't take any more? Need me to swoop in like I always do and drive you home when it's currently just 12:14?
Sophia:(mumbling) You being mean to me? Okay, your drunk too
Brandon:(laughs and puts his head down too facing Sophia) Ya'll sibling goals like I'd never be caught drunk with Ashton or Hunter
Joey:(sighs and leans on his chair) Shut up my heads hurting
Sophia:(playing with her shot glass with her finger) Can I just take a little nap and you guys wake me when the singers Landon said were coming, actually come? (Doesn't get an answer) Okay thank you (closes her eyes and covers her face with her arms)
Brandon:(yawns with his head on the counter) yeah me too wake us up alright Joey (wraps his face with his arms)
Joey:(smirks as he rubs his face) Sure, like I'm totally not gonna drop too (scoots his chair closer to the counter and puts his head down as well)

^^End Of Chapter!! Thanks for reading  and don't forget to vote and Comment!!^^

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