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Karen:(shocked) Brandon! What are you doing here!
Brandon:(still standing outside) Damn chill can I at least come inside?
Karen:(mad) what?! No! We've already talked. You made it clear to me how things were so get the fuck out!
Brandon:(sighs) look I'm sorry alright I should have been less rude but I mean I just hated that...that (frowns) never mind that's not what I came to talk about
Karen:(not letting Brandon inside) Okay well then I don't see anything else we should talk about so leave (tries closing the door but Brandon puts his foot stopping her) Ugh Brandon leave!
Brandon:(holding the door open) Not until I get my answer
Karen:(opens the door madly) What the fuck do you want to know!
Brandon:(relieved she opened the door) I want to know if you hooked up with Joey
Karen:(laughs annoyed) if I did what?
Brandon:(rolls his eyes) I don't care I just wanted to know if the guy I saw you with was him...(staring at Karen) It was him wasn't it?
Karen:(annoyed) yes it was him and why the fuck are you watching me?
Brandon:(laughs half hearted) Uhh maybe because you guys were standing in front of my house pointing at it while arguing (smirks) what did he say about me
Karen:(swallows remembering what Joey had told him) nothing... nothing
Brandon:(thinking) you don't sound so sure about that
Karen:(frustrated) Okay look, he told me to back the fuck away from you cuz your a fucken rapist alright! And that's what I'm trying to do (tries closing the door again but Brandon hold it open) Brandon!
Brandon:(opening the door and walking over to her couch) Its not fucken true alright!
Karen:(smirks) Of course it's not
Brandon:(annoyed) Karen his sister was fucken but hurt cause she seriously asked me out and I told her that she was just any other side bitch I was having sex with
Karen:(surprised) rude much
Brandon:(rolls her eyes) okay yeah maybe but I didn't think she'd get so mad like she seriously went to the cops to say shit about me but of course they found no traces of violence so I was innocent...but her family hates me and Joey has tried the beat the shit out of me every time I see him...
Karen:have you guys ever fought?
Brandon:(smirks) yeah like the first time but me and my brothers jumped him after he came telling me shit about telling everybody that I was rapist so like yeah
Karen:(surprised) wow
Brandon:(annoyed) yeah, wow...it's like if you would have gone to the police after I shitted you
Karen:(smiles dirtily) maybe I should have...that would be two possible rapes
Brandon:(smirks) don't fucken play with that shit some people actually believed it was true
Karen:(frowns) and u thought I would too
Brandon:(shrugs) I don't know I just wanted to know if Joey fucken dared to tell someone...and his small dick did
Karen:(opening her eyes wider) shit but don't do him anything...I mean I kept insisting for him to tell me so it's not his fault
Brandon:(laughs half hearted) don't defend his uglyass he's just as an ass hole as I could ever be
Karen:(sits next to Brandon) yeah your pretty similar
Brandon:(smirks) the fuck that nigga weak
Karen:(laughs a little) not really
Brandon:(turns to Karen smiling) your such a slut
Karen:(turns to him and shoves him playfully) shut up (both laugh)
Brandon:(sighs) look I'm sorry
Karen:(turns to him confused) sorry? For what?
Brandon:(takes a deep breath) for what I said the other day like I was just heated
Karen:(laughs a little) heated? More like angry
Brandon:(laughs) I wasn't angry at you...I mean I was more angry at Mark just that I didn't feel like fighting him over a girl so I decided to let my anger out with you
Karen:(smiles warmly) You seriously got mad at him because she fucked with a girl you aren't dating?
Brandon:(laughs) I guess I did (looks at Karen face) I shouldn't have said those things like u don't know how badly I wanted to punch you but then also fuck you too
Karen:(laughs) of course you did
Brandon:(laughs looking at his hands) I'm sorry I just don't know why I got mad
Karen:(sighs) its fine I mean there's no way to go back in time
Brandon:(laughs a little) yeah duh (turns to Karen and looks her in the eye) Your chill
Karen:(staring at Brandon's eyes) I'm chill?
Brandon:(looks away blushing) yeah like you easy to talk to
Karen:(smiling) Hmm better than saying I'm easy to get
Brandon:(rubs his face blushing more) yeah I'm sorry
Karen:(laughs putting her hand on his shoulder) Its okay (sees him blushing) Omg your blushing again!
Brandon:(laughs at the floor) Stop!
Karen:(laughing) Omg! You know how cute I think boys are that blush...
Brandon:(blushing more) God stop! (Smiling)
Karen:(smiling at him) how are so mean, nice, sexy, and cute at the same time?
Brandon:(looks up at Karen smiling and shrugs)
Karen:(laughs softly) I like you Brandon
Brandon:(looks at Karen) what?
Karen:(seeing him start to blush again smiles) yeah like "your chill to talk to" (both laugh)
Brandon:(looks at Karen) Yeah I like you too
Karen:(smiles awkwardly)
Brandon:(smiling yells) Haha!! Your blushing too!
Karen:(laughs) what!?
Brandon:(shaking his head excited) Naha Nah nah stop you were blushing don't hide it stop!
Karen:(laughing) Wth Brandon!
Brandon:(calming down) I know you were blushing don't lie!
Karen:(laughing) I was not like do I look pink to you?
Brandon:(shaking his head) nope nope nope you blushed don't lie I know you felt your cheeks get warm
Karen:(slaps Brandon's shoulder) shut up omg
Brandon:(frowns trying not to smile) Make me
Karen:(smiling looks at Brandon face staring at his eyes and then lips. She starts leaning closer to him and then they kiss gently and passionately. She puts her hand on his head continuing to kiss him softly feeling thirster every kiss.)
Brandon:(wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to him kissing her more passionately but then gently backs away) wait...are you sure you want to?
Karen:(out breath nods) I'm sure...

A/N what will happen between Karen Brandon...will things get heated or will something get in their way? DONT FORGET TO VOTE 😃🌟

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