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Brandon:(looking around) He's over there
Karen:(takes deep breath) Oh god
Brandon:(smiling) relax he's used to seeing me with girls
Karen:(rolls her eyes) Well Im used to being in this type of situation
Brandon:(smiles flirty) I'm pretty sure you'll handle it
Karen:(smiles and grabs his arm to start walking) Let's just long did we last
Brandon:hmmm like about 10-15 minutes
Karen:(laughs) Oh he totally knows something happened (stops and walks over to Mark) Hey Markus
Mark:(smiles half-hearted and then looks back at Brandon) You guys came back quick
Brandon:(leans against a table and smiles dirtily) I get your sarcasm
Mark:(laughs and throws the bowling ball hitting all the pins down)
Karen:(surprised) Oh you got them all
Mark:(smiles) yeah, I noticed that
Karen:(awkward) So how many games have you played?
Mark:(puts the bowling ball that he was going throw down and walks closer to Karen and looks directly in Karen's eyes) None, b/c I had nobody to play with (stays staring at Karen)
Karen:(looking at him also)(in a soft voice)Well now you do (smiles flirty)
Mark:(smiles flirty back not moving his eyes from hers)**her eyes change color...they're a light purple now I'm pretty sure they were blue a minute ago...** then I guess now I'll finally have someone to play with...(getting a little closer to Karen)
Karen:(looking at Marks lips)**is he trying to kiss me?**(quickly turns around before Mark could get any closer to her) Alright then let's play (grabs the bowling ball next to Brandon and looks up at him smiling warmly)
Brandon:(not smiling back but giving her a serious face)**I do NOT like how close they got. Karen can fuck with any guy but not Mark! Not my best friend!** (grabs a bowling ball and walks over to them and stands between Karen and Mark) Alright I'll play okay?
Karen:(smiles) Finally you decided to play
^^An hour and a couple minutes later. They finished their game with Mark winning and then Karen in 2nd place and Brandon in 3rd^^
Karen:(taking the bowling shoes off and wearing her sandals) Can't believe your score Brandon (laughs and playfully punches Brandon's arms)
Brandon:(smiling at the floor) I said I don't really go bowling
Mark:(laughs) I know right like whenever I tell you to go your always 'busy'
Karen:(looks at Brandon) hmm busy doing what (laughs and leans on him a little)
Brandon:(quickly wraps his arms around Karen and starts swaying her around) nothing (smiling)
Karen:(laughing and letting Brandon sway her) hmm alright then
Mark:(feeling like a third-wheel) Cute, what a nice couple (smirks)
Karen:(loosens from Brandon's embrace and scoots away) me and Brandon aren't dating (looks at Mark smiling)
Mark:(smiles back) Awww, Brandon hasn't asked you out yet? (Laughs)
Karen:(smiles sarcastically) Boi if he were to ask me out I'd say no (laughs and slaps Brandon's back playfully)
Brandon:(forces a smile) We are just friends
Mark:(rolls his eyes) yeah sure, back at it with 'just friends' more like friends with benefits (laughs) don't think that I didn't notice you too sneak off the restrooms back there
Karen:(laughs) Your so extra Mark
Brandon:(smiling at the floor) Right?
Mark:(still laughing) Taking things a little too fast don't you think? You guys barley met and aren't even anything and already pushing each other's buttons (shakes his head) how immature of you Brandon
Brandon:(laughing, gets up and wraps his arms around Karen again) I mean what can I say...(starts smelling Karen's hair) Karen's such a tease (rests his head on her shoulder)
Karen:(pulling away from Brandon laughing) I always get what I want...(smiles flirty at him biting her lips and then quickly turns to Mark)
Mark:(smiling) Yeah I can see that (laughs but then he gets a phone call)
^^phone call^^
Loren:(mad) Mark where the fuck are you?!!
Mark:(surprised) Loren!?
Loren:(angry) yes you asshole it's me! I've been waiting for you for over an hour in the car! I seriously got down looking for you a couple minutes ago but I didn't find you!
Mark:(worried) well then why are you barley calling me now you should have called me since the longest?!
Mark:(rubbing his face) aww shit I had it off to save the battery...I'm so sorry Loren ...
Loren:(angry) WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?
Mark:(takes deep breath) I went to the bowling alley with Brandon and Karen I totally forgot you were waiting for me...I'm sorry... I swear-
Loren:(interrupting Mark, trying to calm down) Mark if you don't come her right now I'm leaving...
Mark:(sighs) You should leave...I don't want to keep you waiting any longer
Loren:(takes deep breath) Mark...if you don't come, we're over (she hangs up)
^^End of phone call^^
Mark:(hearing the beep so he puts his phone back in his pocket. Finally looking up at Karen and Brandon) I've got to go...Loren is waiting for me...she is really mad
Karen:(surprised but lowkey wanting to laugh) Oh shit! She was waiting for you all this time!(can't help but show a smile but covers her mouth with her hand trying to hide it)
Brandon:(smiling also) Nah bro then hurry and go
Mark:(half smiles) Yeah...she said she was going to break up with me if I don't hurry
Brandon:(laughs) Then run boiii! We don't want to be the reason you break up with your girlfriend
Karen:(smirks) even though she doesn't deserve you
Mark:(smiles flirty at Karen) I'll take that as a compliment (grabs his jacket and start walking away) Bye guys!
Karen:(smiling)(soft tune) Bye Markus...(watches him until he turns to a corner)(sighs)
Brandon:(watching Karen who was was staring at Mark so he firmly pulls her to face him) What do you have with Mark? (Seriously looking at her)
Karen:(smirks trying to loosen from his grip) let go of me Brandon, I don't have anything with him
Brandon:(holding Karen tighter) You don't make me stupid I see the looks you guys give each other
Karen:(trying to push him away) Ayye watch the way your talking to me...I don't need to explain anything to you... I don't have anything with Mark, just like I have nothing with you (smiles mischievously)
Brandon:(let's go of her) I have that clear but at least if your going to act like your with me then don't flirt with my best friend
Karen:(smiles dirtily) I can talk to whoever I want! Got that (stares at Brandon angrily)

^^end of episode!! What will happen next? Why is Brandon mad? What happened with Mark and Loren? Stay tuned...^^

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