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^^3 Days later at around 5:30 pm^^ Narissa:(walking inside Karen's room)(sighs when she sees her still laying in bed using her phone) Karen get up
Karen:(looks up from her phone) what?
Narissa:(sits next to Karen in the bed) what do you mean 'what'? It's time you get out of this room and I don't know see a friend?
Karen:(rolls her eyes and continues using her phone)
Narissa:(staring at Karen) You've been in you room for the whole past 3 days...the only times u go out is the get food out of the kitchen, but besides that you spend all the yours days here
Karen:(shrugs) what's wrong with that?
Narissa:(shaking her head) I want you to go out (takes the sheets off Karen)
Karen:(groans) Narissa! (Pulls the sheets over he again) I don't want to go out because if I do I probably will end up having sex with some stranger
Narissa:(sighs) Are you serious? Your scared you won't control your needs? (Laughs) okay that's it let's go somewhere (pulls Karen's sheets off her again
Karen:(starts stretching) Its been the longest since I've had sex
Narissa:(laughs) what like a week? Ha your funny
Karen:(laughs) No...A little more than a week but still...I'm proud of myself
Narissa:(rolls her eyes smiling) You really need to go out...hurry up and change lets go run to the park
Karen:(sighs) What about my stitches?
Narissa:(smirks) What about them? Girl they look nearly healed, Erick said you can get them off in 3 days so your fine
Karen:(getting up) Alright then
Narissa:(smiles) good...now excuse me Ima going to dress
Karen:(sees Narissa leave so she gets up and walks to her closet and picks out an outfit)

now excuse me Ima going to dress Karen:(sees Narissa leave so she gets up and walks to her closet and picks out an outfit)

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Karen:(^)(looks out her window) Damm it looks hot today and seriously like 3 days ago it was hot...

Narissa:(coming inside Karen's room)(^^) Talking to yourself? Karen:(turns around and laughs) What? No!

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Narissa:(coming inside Karen's room)(^^) Talking to yourself?
Karen:(turns around and laughs) What? No!...well yeah but I was thinking out loud so...
Narissa:(laughs) Okay whatever...let's just go to the park
Karen:(smiles) Which park are we going to?
Narissa:(walking out of the room) Same as last time but this time we are running together and a further distance
Karen:(laughs) Alright..
^^drive the car to the park^^
Narissa:(looking around) Damn it's almost 6 and it's still hot
Karen:(sighs) I know right!
Narissa:(shrugs) Well I guess that'l just make our exercise more heavy...(stars running) Come on
Karen:(following behind her)(they run for an hour but before leaving Narissa stops to go to the public restrooms)(Karen's waits for her outside sitting in a bench, catching her breath)
Joey:(smiling) Karen?
Karen:(looks up and smiles) Joey! (Stands up hug him and then both sit back down) What are you doing here?
Joey:(smiling) Didn't I tell you I come here every day?
Karen:(laughs a little) Yeah but I thought you meant in morning b/c I had seen you in the morning...
Joey:(laughs) Nah I come any hour I could
Karen:(smiles) Oh...(sighs) So...how've you been...(giggles) Did you have to donate blood?
Joey:(laughs) Yeah...but not b/c of you but because I stayed over at a night at a friends one day...and she thought I stayed a night with a girl so...(chuckles) yeah..
Karen:(laughs) Omg...(stops laughing but continues smiling) And did they accept your blood?
Joey:(nods) They always do, I don't know why my mom so overprotective
Karen:(smiling) It's cute...that your mom cares (frowns)
Joey:(looks at Karen) Yeah well so does your mom...I mean to send you here so you take the right path
Karen:(shrugs) I guess...but honestly I think I would have preferred to get my blood donated every once a week than to be away from my old friends and family
Joey:(smiles halfhearted) But I mean if you wouldn't have come here you wouldn't have met your aunt, your new friends, your lovers...(shoulders her)
Karen:(laughs and shoves him back) Yeah, your right... but seriously those are the only reasons why I actually like it here
Joey:(laughs and then there's a pause of silence, until Joey finally speaks up) You know Karen, I like you...like a lot...
Karen:(interrupts him by laughing) Oh Joey...You also really like yourself like your hella cocky if I'm being honest
Joey:(laughs) You are too!
Karen:(laughing) Not as much as you though
Joey:(stops laughing and trying not to smile) What have I said right now that makes me seem cocky?
Karen:(shrugs, smiling) Okay maybe not right now but the other times...O M G (starts laughing again)
Joey:(shaking his head) Okay well you didn't let me finish what I was telling you!
Karen:(stops laughing but smiling) okay okay...continue
Joey:(shakes his head smiling) Yeah well I really like you and well I wanted to know when your getting your stitches removed so I can help you celebrate I mean...(puts a hand on her thigh) who better to celebrate with then an good friend right? (Starts rubbing Karen's thigh)
Karen:(smiles) Im getting my stitches out in 3 days (stands up) But I have different plans for that day...(before walking away) And if you really want to be there than text me (walks away)
Joey:(laughing) I will!
Karen:(sees Narissa waiting inside the car so she walks over to it) Did u see that?
Narissa:(smiling) Joey? Yes I did and that's why I came to the car...wow nice job you actually rejected him
Karen:(sighs and rests on the car seat) I made it seem so easy but honestly I just wanted to starts kissing him...he was being so nice...but of course his cockiness soon appeared
Narissa:(laughsand turns on the car) I think he's a good guy...I mean you tell me he donates his blood so at least you know he doesn't have any STDs (starts driving)
Karen:(laughs) yeah I guess (looks out the window and opens her eyes wide) Wait! ....

^^End of chapter! Real short but okay oh well...think imma update soon today but yeah...Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!^^

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