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Joey:(smiles awkwardly) well maybe your eyes aren't the only thing that attract people (looks at her up and down)
Karen:(laughs) Oh of course...I know that (smiles flirty)
Joey:(smiles back) Hmm you said I'm full of myself?
Karen:(puts her hand on his shoulder laughing) Omg!
Joey:(laughs and stands up) you said your new here so lets take a walk around the neighborhood
Karen:(sighs and gets up) how about a walk back home?
Joey:(laughs) alright just don't say I stopped you from doing your exercise
Karen:(laughs) I won't (starts walking ahead of Joey while he walks slightly behind her)
^^after walking a little more closer to Karen's house^^
Karen:(spotting her house) Oh, I live over there
Joey:(seeing where she was pointing) the big white house?
Karen:(smiles) yeah
Joey: I walk like 8 houses down the right of it
Karen:(looks at Joey smiling) oh that's great
Brandon:(not smiling back) yeah what's not great is you having to live next door to the Rowland's
Karen:(frowns) why is it not great?
Joey:(frowning) b/c they are bad people
Karen:(confused) oh...why?
Joey:(getting a little mad) they're just bad people alright? Not worth your time...(turns to Karen who had a confused face) ugh look just ignore them and they'll not be a problem okay? Don't worry about it
Karen:(stops walking and stays standing in front of the Rowland house) a little too late for that...(Joey stops and turn to look at her confused) I mean I've talked to them all and invited them to my house the first day I came and then I went over to theirs the next day I mean...
Joey:(walks over to Karen) okay well just don't see them anymore (continues walking but then turns to Karen who hadn't moved) what now?
Karen:(looks at the house and then Joey) I've gotten to know them...their nice people...(smiles) I mean Brandon is quite a flirt but...
Joey:(a little angry) yeah that's it Brandon's and ass hole! Much like the rest of his brothers
Karen:(confused) woah stop! Yes Brandon's an asshole but a little too much hate for his family?
Joey:(annoyed) yeah well they also have got their history
Karen:(walking over to Joey) tell me
Joey:(starts to walk again) tell you what?
Karen:(pulls her arm) why you hate him so much
Joey:(sighs) hate is a strong word...
Karen:okay well u don't like him...
Joey:(interrupting Karen) Karen I detest him! I fucken wish him gone!
Karen:(surprised) wow what happened? Did you fight over a girl or...
Joey:(interrupting her) no over my sister
Karen:(confused) excuse me? I'm not following
Joey:(mad) Brandon raped my sister
Karen:(shocked) what!? (Looks at the Rowland's house) that's not true!
Joey:(frowning) yeah that's want the police thought too
Karen:wait you guys even went to the police?
Joey:of course! He fucken raped her!
Karen:(confused) but if the police said he didn't then...
Joey:(mad) my sister would never hookup with Brandon after me warning her about it...
Karen:(awkward) yeah well he can be really intrusive...
Joey:she came so devastated that day telling me how Brandon broke her heart...
Karen:(thinking) so basically he didn't rape he just played her?
Joey:(mad) he raped her alright! She said he messed her up! And she wanted to go to the police about it...
Karen:(trying to sort things out) but they didn't find any traces of harm or violence so that proved Brandon was innocent or she had sex with him voluntarily
Joey:(annoyed) look you can justify him as much as you want but I'm always gonna consider him ass the guy who raped my just don't fall for him alright (continues walking)
Karen:(follows behind him while biting her lip) Yeah I wouldn't say it's too late about me falling for him but it is too late for me to ignore him
Joey:(turns) you fucked with him didn't you? Damm he fucken good at seducing girls (continues walking)
Karen:(frowns and runs to Joey and touches his shoulder to stop him and then smiles) Who said he seduced me?
Joey:(confused) what?
Karen:(smiling) You don't really know me Joey...I said, who said he seduced me?
Joey:(confused) not understanding
Karen:(walking around him and then whispers in his ear) I mean what if I was the one who seduced him?
Joey:(turns around) how is that possible?
Karen:(sighs) want to know the reason why I came to phenix?
Joey:(confused) I mean I guess I do
Karen:(laughs) You do..(walks over to her house and opens the door) come in
Joey:(goes inside and sits next to Karen) so uhh...
Karen:(running up stairs) oh wait let me change cause I feel sweaty in this
Joey:(awkward) yeah sure
^10 minutes later^

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