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^^next day in the morning^^
Karen:(lays in bed not awake yet)
Narissa:(starts shaking Karen to wake) Karen...karen!
Karen:(slowly starts waking/groans) mmm what do you want aunt?
Narissa:(frowns and slaps Karen's arm) I told you not to call me 'aunt' (smiles and grabs Karen's arm) come on get up let's go to the park or something
Karen:(groaning) Narissa I'm tired okay yesterday was so stressful
Narissa:(pulling the sheets off Karen/ smiles) yeah I could still have your clothes on from yesterday...too lazy to change into more comfortable clothes?
Karen:(smiles) I forgot to (finally getting up) alright where are we going?
Narissa:(smiles) mall or park?
Karen:(thinks for a moment) I don't know I guess the mall
Narissa:(frowns) fine but then we are going to the park
Karen:(yawning) why are you in such a good mood
Narissa:(shrugs) I don't know why are you in a bad mood
Karen:(rubbing her eyes) where were you yesterday? You said you were almost home but you never came like I got home at around 9:30 and you weren't here.
Narissa:(stretching) ohh well I went to the liquor to buy some drinks and, you remember that one guy I said that I actually kind of liked? (Karen nods while going to her drawer) well I saw him there and well we talked and then we kissed and things got heated (smiles) I spent most of the night at his place but then rushed over here at like 5 in the morning
Karen:(looks at clock) it's 7:45...I never wake this early
Narissa:(shrugs) oh well (laughs) I'll let you change...hmm maybe I should change too
Karen:(smiles) yeah...
Narissa:(walking out Karen's room) meet me downstairs when your ready
Karen:(wears a black skirt and transparent tight under with a white shirt and blue denim jacket)(look below)

Narissa:(yelling down stairs) Karen are you ready! Karen:(starts going downstairs) yeah I am! (Goes that and smiles at Narissa) damm aunt look at you (laughs) I mean Narissa Narissa:(

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Narissa:(yelling down stairs) Karen are you ready!
Karen:(starts going downstairs) yeah I am! (Goes that and smiles at Narissa) damm aunt look at you (laughs) I mean Narissa

Narissa:(smiling)(wearing ^^) I mean it is cold out right? Karen:(laughs slightly) yeah kind of Narissa:(grabbing her car keys)alright then let go Karen:(follows behind her) so we are going to the mall right?Narissa:(getting inside car) yeah and d...

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Narissa:(smiling)(wearing ^^) I mean it is cold out right?
Karen:(laughs slightly) yeah kind of
Narissa:(grabbing her car keys)alright then let go
Karen:(follows behind her) so we are going to the mall right?
Narissa:(getting inside car) yeah and don't worry about the money I'll pay for whatever you want
Karen:(gets inside car and thinks for a moment) Umm Narissa what is you career?
Narissa:(starts the car) I am a psychologist (smiled over at Karen)
Karen:(opens her eyes wide and looks at Narissa) what?! That's why my parents sent me here?!  (Lays back, flat in the car seat) wow...
Narissa:(laughs) why are you surprised? I'm just a psychologist like I still have a life
Karen:(thinks) do you really always go out because your hooking up with some guy or is it appointment?
Narissa:(laughs) omg Karen I wouldn't lie about that! 50/50 times I go out are for either one but whenever I talk about me hooking up with someone it's true (laughs) omg I thought you already knew I was a phycologist
Karen:(laughs slightly) no I uhh I didn't...Omg wth...and like that you still haven't given me therapy and shit?
Narissa:(just smiles and keeps looking at the road)
Karen:(still shocked) omg your not just being a bad aunt your being a bad doctor (laughs)
Narissa:(smiling) no I'm not! I'm taking you to the mall what better therapy for my niece/patient?
Karen:(shaking her head while smiling) oh god don't call me make me feel like I was under therapy all this time
Narissa:(laughs) well then I guess you were if you felt that way
^^minutes later they reach the mall^^
Karen:(after buying clothes from many stores) Narissa I'm tired...let's go back to the house?
Narissa:(frowns) hmm let's go eat something first cause I do not feel like cooking today
Karen:(laughs) okay then let's go to Buffalo Wild Wings?
Narissa:(smiles) sureee
^^go to Buffalo Wild Wings and order their food^^
Karen:(gets up) I'm going to the restroom okay?
Narissa:(using her phone waiting for the food) yeah okay
Karen:(walls over to the restroom and then is about to leave but heard voices arguing outside)(thinking)**should I go out or wait till they leave...ugh they are still fighting...wth why am I worried like it's not as if I'm gonna get in trouble or anything**(opens the door of the restroom and sees the girl slap the boy) **why'd I got out**
Girl:(laughs shaking her hand and rubbing it) Owww!!
Boy:(smiling and rubbing his face) owww why'd you slap me (laughs)
Girl:(laughing starts hugging him) I'm sorry!!
Boy:(laughs) whatever here (takes his wallet out) damn can't believe you can't pay your own food!
Girl:(laughs) shut up! (Turns a little and noticed Karen standing there awkwardly) oh sorry here (walks to side to let her pass)
Karen:(smiling awkwardly starts walking past her)
Girl:(smiling) much of that did you see?
Karen:(turns and smiles) enough to know that you have a nice boyfriend (looks at the boy and laughs)
Boy:(smiling) she's not my girlfriend
Girl:(laughs) No!! He's not! He's just a friend... (smiles at Karen) I very good friend
Karen:(laughs) oh okay (starts walking away
Girl:(runs over to Karen) wait why don't you stay and hang out with us cause like I don't want to eat alone with my 'very good friend' (both laugh)
Karen: oh umm I'm here with my aunt but umm I'll tell her I'll be with you guys
Boy:(sarcastic) Yayyy your gonna eat with us stranger! (Smiles) nah I'm playin...what's your name?
Karen:(laughs) My name's about you (smiles)
Boy:(slightly laughs) Jacob and that's Ariel (rolls his eyes)
Ariel:(laughs) yeah I'm 'Ariel' (coping the tone in which Jacob had said her name)
Karen:(laughs) okay wait here cause if you leave then I won't know where to find you (walks over to her table)
^^Jacobs and Ariels pov^^
Jacob:she's pretty
Ariel:(laughs) yeah she's pretty
Jacob:(rolls her eyes) why are you being so annoying today!!
Ariel:(laughs) I don't know!!
^^karens pov^^
Karen:(sees her table and sees Narissa talking to some guy)(thinking)**wtf I barley leave for like 5-10 minutes and she already got somebody taking my fucken way**(does eye contact with Narissa and raises her hands questioning)
Narissa:(sees Karen and with one hand signals her to go)
Karen:(shakes her head annoyed) **omg Narissa** (she walks back towards Jacob and Ariel) hey guys guess what
Ariel:(smiling) what?
Karen:(annoyed) I came here with my aunt and seriously just left like 8 minutes to go to the restroom and when I get back to her she's already hoeing around with some stranger...(laughs not full heartedly) like wtf I thought this was an aunt niece day not a half way aunt niece day slash side nigga of hers (rolls her eyes) I swear to god if you guys weren't here Idk where I would have gone like she seriously told me walk away...Like what type of aunt does that (looks at Jacob and Ariel who were quiet and smiling at her)
Ariel:(trying not to smile) whaaaat?
Jacob:(laughs) deep much?
Ariel:(laughing) calm down well good thing we are here
Karen:(shaking her head) sorry I just needed to get that out...(looks around) where's y'all table?
Jacob:(sits on a table) right here
Karen:(laughs a little) oh (sits in front of Jacob)
Ariel:(sits on the other side of table) so Karen...tell us something about yourself
Karen:(thinks for a moment) well uhh I just moved to Arizona like 5 days ago and I don't know when I'll be leaving...I guess when my mom wants me back home...
Jacob:(confused) why doesn't your mom want you home?
Karen:(sighs) Cause I was too much of a problem
Ariel:(frowns) why? What happened?
Karen:(shakes her head) a lot happened the past years  just that my parents hadn't noticed till recently
Jacob:(confused) why what'd you do?
Karen:(frowns) a lot of things like, just cause so many problems
Ariel:(frowns) oh...well you don't need to tell us like we should just enjoy the evening and order some food (smiles)
Karen:(sighs) I already had ordered food but just then my aunt started talking to that one stranger so i wonder what's she's gonna tell him when my order gets to them (smiles) oh dear aunt
Jacob:(slightly laughs) okay well you'll just have to order it again
Karen:(smiles) right...
Ariel:(stands up excited and runs to some guy) BLAKE!!
Blake:(hugs Ariel and gives her a quick kiss) hey guys wassup (fist bumps Jacob and then turns to Karen) hey my names Blake
Karen:(smiles) my names Karen
Jacob: we just met her and she seems chill so we sticking with her huh Ariel
Ariel:(laughs) yeah
Karen:(looking at Jacob) 'seems chill'? (All laugh)
Jacob:(laughs shaking his head embarrassed) you are chill..
Karen:(smiles) yeah that's what I thought
Blake:(sits down next to Ariel) so have you guys ordered yet?
Ariel:(sitting back down) no but I'll just call the waiter
^^they call the waiter and then eat their food talking happily the whole time for over an hour^^
Karen:(laughing at their conversation and then checks the time) Omg we've been here for over an hour!
Ariel:(stops from laughing) wow really?
Blake:(standing up to stretch) let's go somewhere else?
Jacob:(gets up too) yeah let's go somewhere fun
Ariel:(taking money out her bag to leave a tip) yeah sure where?
Karen:(thinks and then smiles) I have an idea (laughs of the idea) Let's go to a night club?
Jacob:(laughs slightly) what? I'm 16 okay
Karen:(laughs) So am I and what?
Blake:(catching up with Karen) Ohhh!! I know what you mean! I mean I'm 18 but ohhh
Ariel:(confused but smiling) I'm 19 but what?
Karen:(smiles mischievously) Fake IDs? I already have one but I'm pretty sure Jacob can have one done quickly right?
Blake:(smiles) yeah I know a place
Ariel:(smiles) oh okay two go the place for Jacobs fake ID and me and Karen will go get ready you know like makeup and all
Karen:(laughs) yeah
Jacob:(walking to the exit already) alright come on Blake
Blake:(gives Ariel a kiss and then walks away) bye guys
Both: bye
Karen:(smiles to Ariel) want to get it done or do it to ourselves
Ariel:(thinks) lets go to your place to do our makeup cause like I like doing my own makeup
Karen:(smiles) okay (starts heading)
Ariel:(grabs on to Karen's arm excited) omg it's gonna be so fun!!

End of chapter! Comment ppl you want to be at the club and also any suggestions! Thx for reading!! Don't forget to vote! 😘😁

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