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(An Au where Alphas are dominants, and humans are submissives. Derek's a rich, slightly intimidating yet kind and compassionate Alpha, and Stiles is a curious human). 

Stiles once again found himself sitting in his jeep, staring at his reflection in the mirror. With one final look, he turned the keys and pulled off. He soon pulled up at the school a short while later, dreading the day ahead. 

You see, Beacon Hills was a strange place. In a world of the supernatural, there came the Alphas, who were dominants, looking for a submissive - most commonly a human. It was a strange concept. Stiles still wasn't sure how he felt about it all, he was becoming curious of the whole thing. Some nights he'd stay up, aimlessly searching google, trying to figure it out. 

Everyone else knew that rules were rules, even if they didn't agree. No one ever questioned it. Most people were lucky enough not to come into contact with any of the Alphas who lived in Beacon Hills, others - not so lucky. Stiles wasn't exactly sure how it even became a rule, everything seemed to be covered up. All's he knew is that approximately ten years ago, a pack of Alpha's attempted to take over Beacon Hills, and thats how it came about. Since then, Stiles was sure they'd left, but other werewolves continued to carry the concept on regardless. It was just something the people of Beacon Hills had to deal with.  

Stiles was snapped out of his overthinking moments later, when Scott pulled into the space next to him.

"Stiles!" Scott moved to hug him, having not seen him for a few days. Scott was Stiles' best friend, a few days apart felt like a life time. 

"Hey Scott." 

The two of them walked into school, heading to chemistry first. After sitting through an hour of Chemistry with Mr. Harris (who definitely hated Stiles), Stiles was relieved to hear the bell. Sure it wasn't lunch yet, but at least he could escape Mr. Harris for the day. 

"So you know how you're a werewolf?" 

"Stiles, be quiet!" 

"Do you know who bit you yet? I mean its been almost a year since you became one." 

"No, and I don't want to know either - you know what Alphas are like. God knows what kind of trouble we'd get in if we started hanging around with one." 

"Aren't you intrigued just a little though?"

"Not really." 

"But lately I've been-" the next bell cut Stiles off. 

He rolled his eyes dramatically as he followed Scott into English class, seeing Lydia sitting in her usual spot. 

"Scott, Stiles...we need to talk." She whispered over. 

Stiles could only nod, wondering what on Earth she needed to talk to them about. 

English was worse than Chemistry today - and that doesn't happen a lot. At least this teacher didn't hate him quite as much as Mr. Harris did though. 

Stiles was meant to be analysing some kind of poem, but something else caught his attention. He'd been looking out of the window aimlessly across the lacrosse field, when he saw a guy standing on the edge of the trees staring up at the window which he was looking from. 

When Stiles looked across again, he was gone. Maybe he was going crazy. 

This time the lunch bell rang, and Stiles tried to escape, failing as Lydia grabbed him arm. 

He turned around, seeing Lydia smiling sweetly at him. The three of them walked to lunch together, sitting down at a random table. 

"So...?" Scott started.

"I know who bit you" Lydia blurted out, too casually. 

"Woaaah what?" Stiles butted in, literally - head first. 

"I don't know his name yet, but he's been lurking around here, asking people if they know who you are." 

"Wait - I saw some creepy dude standing by the trees earlier, maybe that was him." 

"Scott, what are we going to do?" Lydia looked worried. 

"I - I don't know...just don't talk to him if you see him. We don't need to be getting involved with Alphas." 

"Scott you're cursed...I don't think we have a choice in the matter." 

"Stay away from him Stiles, we can't risk it." 

Stiles looked between Lydia and Scott's disapproving faces.

"Ok ok fine...no Alphas. But what if he comes after me? Or you know, something."

"That won't happen. From now on we all look out for each other. I'll let Allison and Isaac know too." 

Lydia nodded in agreement before getting up to go to her next class. One of the reasons Stiles was glad he didn't have to do double Science - he got an extra hour of lunch break with Scott. 

"So what's the real plan?" Stiles eyed his best friend. 

"Stiles this isn't the same as before. We stay out of it"

"Ok fine, but can we at least have a plan for if this creepy Alpha dude does find you. I mean what if he wants you to be his -" 

"Stiles thats not happening, definitely not happening." 

"Right...so...the plan?" 

"If he finds us...we just try to avoid him, maybe even befriend him if we have to." 

"Or we could just kill him." 

"We're not killing him." 

"Couldn't you at least think about killing him...for me?"

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