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Avoidance - the action of keeping away from or not doing something. 

Exactly what Derek was doing to Stiles. He was avoiding having to speak about the kiss, and it was killing Stiles. 

"Hey Scott have you spoke to Derek this week?" Stiles asked across the classroom, curious. 

"Yeah, about an hour ago. He's coming over to get the bestiary tonight." 

"About an hour ago?" 

"Yeah why?" 

Stiles sighed, looking away. 


He looked around the classroom, lowering his voice to a hushed tone. 

"He kissed me." 


"Scott! Shut up" Stiles saw his classmates eyes on him at Scotts - not so quiet - voice. 

"Derek kissed you?" Scott spoke hushed this time. 

"Yeah and he's been avoiding me ever since." 

"Have you tried calling, texting?" 

"Of course I have. I even went to his place but he wouldn't open the gates, probably pretending he wasn't home." 

Scott sat thinking for a few minutes before speaking up again. "You know, you could always just climb over the gate." 

"Scott, you know that probably isn't the best of ideas...clumsiness and all." 

"I'll help you." 

"You said he's going to your place tonight? What if I just happen to be there too..." 

"Oh yeah...nice plan" Scott beamed, making Stiles internally face palm a little. 

So later that day after they'd finished school, Scott gave Derek a call and arranged for Derek to come to his place later that night. They spent the evening calming Stiles' nerves by playing a few video games, and eating what ever food they found. Stiles waited anxiously for a knock on the door for about an hour until he finally heard it. 

Scott answered, and Stiles could faintly him and Derek talking. 

"So...the bestiary?" Derek spoke. 

"Right - it's over here." 

Stiles could hear them walking towards the front room where he was awkwardly standing. He saw the door creep open and Scott push Derek in, pulling the door closed behind him.  

"Scott! What the he- Stiles-"

"Just hear me out ok." Stiles started, watching Derek look at him skeptically. "I know you've been avoiding me and I get it, you probably didn't mean to kiss me and it's ok - well maybe an explanation would've been nice but - you get what I'm saying. I get it, you don't like me or whatever so lets just forget it ever happened and you can continue to ignore me." Stiles spoke too fast to hear what he was actually even saying. 

Derek remained quiet, taking in what Stiles had just said. 

"Okk..." Stiles rolled his eyes at the silence and barged past Derek, heading quickly out to his jeep, avoiding Scott's confused glance. 

He was about to climb inside when he heard Derek's voice, "Stiles wait!"

He turned around slowly, suddenly feeling the air being knocked out of his lungs as he was met with Derek's lips once again. 

He felt Derek softly push him up against the side of the jeep, still having a hold of his t-shirt bunched up in his hand. 

When he pulled away, Stiles looked at him blankly. 

"I don't want you to forget it, I meant it." Derek let go of Stiles' shirt. 

"Yeah? Funny way to show it." 

"I didn't know what to do, Stiles I'm sorry." 

"Aren't you meant to be the one who's good at this stuff? Besides, you think avoiding me was the best thing?" 

"No I just, I ...freaked out."

"Thanks" Stiles sarcastically rolled his eyes. 

"Not like that. I was scared you didn't like me as much as I liked you." Derek's head hung low, almost embarrassed. 

"Derek obviously I-" 

"You shouldn't Stiles, we can't be together, not like that." 

"Why?" Was all's Stiles replied, keeping calm. "Why kiss me again then?"

"I just I didn't mean to -" Derek shook his head at himself tripping over his own words. "People, they talk, the Alpha's will find out and I don't want any harm coming to you." 

"We can-" Stiles was cut off.

"But I'm selfish, and it's because I'm selfish that I still want you." 

Stiles took a deep breath. "We can Derek, all's it takes is a piece of paper." 

"Stiles, I couldn't possibly make you do that." 

"What if I wanted to?" 

"It would ruin everything, you don't understand." 

"Then make me understand, because nothing you're saying makes any sense right now." 

Derek sighed. "The other week, when I got attacked, I know who it was." 

"But you said-" 

"I know, I lied. Her name is Kali, she's one of the original Alpha's. If she found about about us - you, I can't guarantee you'd be safe. Thats why I lied to you, and freaked out when I kissed you. Stiles I'm sorry. I just - I don't know what I'm doing." 

"I think the solution is simple here Derek." 


"No, you're making no sense Derek. You say you want us to be together, and the only way for that to work is for me to sign the contract, but you won't let me. What else is there to do Derek." 

Derek remained quiet, so Stiles spoke up again. 

"What do you want with me?" 

He watched Derek's face fall full of confusion, until he softly sighed. 

"Why don't you just come back with me?" 

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