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Are you aware your daughter is going through alot of stress for her age?  Is there something that could be wrong? You know family going, grades or friends in school.

Mum's p.o.v

Well she isn't in good terms with her father, apart from that there is no problem. Am proud of her grades so i dont really see where stress could come from.

"I  think you should go for F.S.T, said the doctor".

F.s.t meaning what.

"Family system therapy. Not only will you get to understand your daughter , she will tend to know you better, the doctor added".

I took a deep breathe and just felt i shouldn't release. Everytime a problem goes, more appears.
Doctor  would she fine.

"Of course, its just stress. Go see her, replied the doctor".

Room 416, were diamond was.

Knock knock...

Sweetheart it's mum.

No answer..

I opened the door and went in. That was the first day i saw my daughter lying on the wrong bed, apart from when she was born.
Sweetie! Its ok if your sleeping, or dont want to reply just listen to me.
............ ........  .............
I love you

(" i love you too, diamond replied in her heart".)

Am happy to be your mum.

("Am to be your daughter, diamond replied in her heart".)

There is no better thing in this world that can replace you. When things were tough you stayed with me. Your smile each day fills my heart. Am greatful to god for having a daughter like you.

Diamond"s p.o.v

Tears flowing from my mum eyes is the least thing i wanted to see. Just because of a boy, i let my mum suffer my pain.

Mum! I love you too, i said out loud.

"Sweetie! You mean the world to me, mum said".

I want to go home. Every tuesday you make MARCAROONS for me, i can't miss today. I told my mum.

"Sure sweetie! Shall we, my mum said".

We shall!!
" i will pay for the bill and be right back, mum said".


10minutes later what's taking mum so long. I better go look for her.
I opened the door and right in front of me was landon. I  Walked pass him like there wasn't  any one there.

Landon's p.o.v

I would appreciate it if you stopped walking and listen to me. How did you get here?  What problems are you going through? I asked diamond all the question i couldnt ask  27hours ago in school.  Did you miss me?  How long did you wait for me? How much and how long do you  cussed at me? How many times a day do you tell yourself you hate me?

Diamond's p.o.v
Am here because i hate you. The fact i see you everyday is my problem. I missed you every seconds, every breathe i took and every moment i walked i thought of you. I waited every second and every minutes for you. I cuss at you every time i remember you, which is every seconds. Every second i tell myself i hate you, but i reply with but i still love him. I answered you so there is no need for you to talk to me again.

"Is there a need for all this hate, landon said".
"If i loved jade, there is nothing that could be done about it, landon added".

Yea just admit it, you still love jade.
" yea i still i like her, landon said".

Then why did you come to meet me here, if you knew you were only going to make me feel worst why the hell did you come here? Why did you come if you knew you were going to break my heart the second time? Why did i meet you? Why did you enter my life? Just why?, am pleading with you tell me why?
I fell to floor crying.

"Landon sweetie i think you should go, come back some other time, my mum said while rising me up".

"Go landon, my mum interrupted what he wanted to say".
"Talk to her some other time, or never at all, mum said".

"But Mrs. Yemi, just a few minute, please, i beg you, landon said".

"I know you  dont care about my daughter health. I do so please leave her, mum added".

I watched landon leave, his head down, like the world crashed before him.

Mum's p.o.v

Landon sounds like a smol brat. Please enough with him. If he doesnt like you, dont waste you time on him. Oh, sweetie Jade, jassy, salsa, and sneh are coming over.

"Jade! Holy crap not that bitc.... i mean ughh, i said".

Sounds like you hate her. Be nice to her even though. Your a christian "God said love your neighbour as yourself", so dont go around hating on people.

"I understand, i replied my mum".

25minutes later, we got home.

My friends were already at the front of my house.
"Hope you guys didnt wait long, mum said".

"No not at all mum, salsa said".

"Omg! Diamond yemi, are you ok? How the hell did you faint, jassy said".

"Hi! Jade said".

Hi, i replied

We went inside, and went up to my room.

"Here you go guys, cookies and milk, mum said, as she  dropped the tray and left".

"Gosh! Chocolate are ok, how did you faint, jassy asked again".

"Jade did you inject her with fainting drugs, salsa said".

"Haha! I wouldnt dare, jade replied".

Oh, that reminds me jade you were about to tell me something before i passed out, i could clearly remember that.

"I better not say anything, dont want you to pass out again, jade said".

Its ok! Please speak.

Jassy and salsa left the room and went to meet my mum in the kitchen.

So jade,.....
Jade's p.o.v

Yea! I was talking about why i gave up on landon. Well because everytime i chatted with him, he seem to enjoy talking about cool you are, i got jealous at that. Ok am just going to say it landon likes you. I didnt want to tell you simple because i didnt want you both being together, it just disgust me that you have everything. But he really loves you😢😳....

Omg! Guys what's going to happen? Is jade being honest? Was this what landon wanted to tell yemi? Find out in next chapter....
Chapter 10➡➡➡

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