chapter 21

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Diamond's p.o.v

Haha! Guys guys slow down alright, sincerely I dont like anyone trust me I don't.

'We will trust you once you tell us who, nick said'

Sincerely I don't like anyone, I don't think I will focus on that now.

'Yo! Spill the bean, who is he? If its Landon, Jerome, or even Clemuel, just tell us, jade said'.

Bi*chh why is Clemuel involve, I don't even talk to him, neither do we have anything in common. Hell to the no it ain't Clemuel. But girls am serious, I don't like any dude.

'Diamond! We are like friends, you dare not hide anything from us, jade said'.

'Yes, you better not hide things, nick added'.

I promise no hiding. Haha thanks for today guysYou coming to school tomorrow?

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