chapter 26!

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Diamonds p.o.V

Hey! Landon, can I speak to you for awhile. Ok! If you don't want to talk, I will just get straight to the point.
Am sorry for how badly I acted towards you!

'Its no problem, different people, different personalities, Landon replied'.

Hopefully your not offended by any means.

Landon's p.o.v

Am not offended. I just don't get the fact why you think both of us not talking is the best thing for us. Your destroying both you and i.

'Destroying us? Why do you mean by that, I replied'.

Ugh, don't worry about it. When you get it, am always here to lend a shoulder.

'Dude! Seriously what are you talking about, I asked?'.

Have you found who your looking for?

'Lucas? Lucas! Oh yes Lucas yes I found him, I replied'.

Ok! Good then. Good luck for today!

'Yes good luck to your team too, I replied'.

Diamond's p.o.v

What's this feeling, why am I so suddenly soft, and when did I start stammering. Only mother of Mary.

'Diamond where you talking to yourself, Jerome asked?'.

Hmm yes, no I mean no... Jerome can I ask you something.

'Go ahead, Jerome said'

If a girl is talking to a guy, and she starts stammering, would that mean she likes him??

"Honestly speaking, yes! But it could also be, maybe she finds it hard to start a conversation. In other words 'shy'.

This is why I love you, your advice are always the best.

'Haha! Anytime! But do you like somebody now, Jerome asked'.

Let's see,

Diamond's p.o.v

The bell rang and we went to class, after a boring thirty (30) minutes of learning history, the bell rang and the next period was biology.

The first team went, if I was to grade them it was a total 'F', the arrangements wasnt there, the research sucks, it looked like a one day work. Well that was my opinion, the next team was Jordan team. And I could see Sneh right behind Jordan. Was trying to make jealous ( well I didn't care). Jade and Nick too, went outside and they presented the project I had to say it was good, which made our team scared. 10 minutes later they finished their presentation. And next was our team.
It was so sad cause other members had a minimum of six (6) members while we had four (4) it was more of an embarrassment, that I was so shy when they called my team members.

'just four (4), Mr Kumar asked'.

Yes sir, just us!

"Ok but, Lucas which team are you in?,Mr Kumar asked".

'Hmmm,no team sir, Lucas replied'.

'You do know everyone should participate, and if you don't, you might get an 'F' in your grade, Mr Kumar said'.

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