chapter 34

45 15 7

Good morning heart!
And our madness began!

Diamond's POV

Magnus do you know I can drop an egg on the floor and not feel bad at all!

' and why would you want to..
I broke the egg before Magnus continued his sentence!
' oh my God, why did you do that Magnus asked?'
Wanna see me break another?
' haha u think I'll ....
*I put my finger that i previously put into pancakes batter, inside Magnus mouth!

' is this love or torture, Magnus asked?'
Both, so how's the batter!

' sweet like you, moderate sugar..

Ok that's enough, your praising me with pancake batter, I'll pass please

I mixed the pancake, and started frying it!
Magnus and I went to the living room, and a few minutes later, we started smelling, smoke!

' diamond, did you by any chance, you know, NOT SWITCH OFF THE GAS, Magnus yelled'

Hey hey stop yelling maybe I didn't exactly off it!
We rushed to the kitchen and immediately i went to the gas to off it.

' ok your mom is going to kill us, two 16 years old, and we were this close to burning her house, and making her lose one of the most important person she needs Magnus said'

No my mum won't kill us, she would just get us arrested or kidnapped, that's it! Magnus, am i that important to my mum?

' nope either we get our ass whipped, haha am the important person, totally not you, Magnus said'

' well of course it's you, please don't let us get carried away like that, anything could have happened, Magnus said'

Why you so got up, Mr responsible?

' because you mean a lot to me, and I can't afford to lose you, or anyone, Magnus said'

Magnus you won't lose me, I will always be by your side, I'll always be just where you left! Hey! Remember when I said if you mess up, I'd cut your pinky finger? Well I wasn't kidding about that!

' oh I thought you were just saying that, now am scared, Magnus said'

Where you planning on messing up, Magnus?

' I wouldn't think of such, Magnus said'

Well, that's a shame we lost the pancakes, so what you gonna eat!

' hmm what do you feel like eating, Magnus asked?'

Right now, am at no point, am damn confused.

" How about we clean up, and think of something, Magnus said'

Ok sure!!

::::;;;:::::: ::::::After cleaning up::::::::::::':::::::

We went to living room, and I asked Magnus what he was gonna have for breakfast!

' look at the time, diamond I don't think it's breakfast anymore, Magnus said'

Are you freaking kidding me it's almost 3pm!

' why you freaking out, Magnus asked?'

I really don't know, I feel like am forgetting something, was I suppose to do something? I can't even recall!

' check your ' memory book' and see if you wrote anything down there, Magnus said'

I opened my purse which was beside the chair, and I opened it to take out a paper folded. I opened the paper and I put my hands on my mouth, oh my gosh how can I forget it, I started crying, and Magnus, already looked sad, he took the paper from my hands,

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