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Diamond's p.o.v
I can never fall in love with someone again. Its hard, it's painful. Liking someone for a few months now, and they are still unserious with you,  its  cruel. I can never fall in love!

'You can never fall in love yemi! Not even with me?, Lucas asked'.

What! What do you mean by not even with you.

'I mean you won't fall in love even with me. What if I said I like you, would you me a chance, Lucas added'.

Wait so, gosh what the hellLucas, you like me?

'Yes! is there a reason, why I shouldn't Lucas added".

Lucas' p.o.v
Maybe it was high time I told diamond I have a crush on her.

Yes! Diamond I have a crush on you.

'Do you want to talk about it Lucas, diamond said'.

Yes I would like too!

Lucas' p.o.v
We sat down on the path, of  the street. And we started talking.

'When did it start, diamond said'.

IT WASN'T LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now