Chapter 18

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WARNING: this chapter contains some explicit/sexual content. This is the only warning I will give from now on so read at your own risk.

Chapter Eighteen


I bring my hand to his forehead, sweat beginning to form in droplets. He's burning up, pretty green eyes hidden away behind eyelids and dark lashes.

"I need you to be okay Harry" I choke, stroking his cheek. He sighs silently, wrapping his fingers around mine and squeezing my hand.

"Then don't leave me" He whispers gently, his breathing finally evening out.


My eyes flutter as another loud clap of thunder echoes through the room. I pull Harry's arm off of my body, making my way to the window. Rain falls heavily in the streets, soaking the ground.

I close the curtain as lightning streaks the sky, illuminating the entire room. It's the middle of the night, and I didn't want to wake Harry.

I crawl back into the bed beside him, sweeping dark sweaty curls from his forehead. His brow is trickled in sweat droplets, forehead still burning up. It startles me when he begins tossing and turning, moaning almost in pain in his sleep.

I couldn't take this. I couldn't see him like this.

I rush out of the room and into the bathroom, grabbing another cloth and letting it soak under freezing water. I grab him a water bottle, and two advil before heading back into the room. Shaky hands lock the door behind me, my nerves settling in.

"Harry" I whisper his name, gently shaking his shoulder and pulling him from the dream he was having. He blinks up at me, attempting to sit up but I stop him. I gently coax him back down to his back, fixing the pillow behind his head.

"You're burning up" I whisper, handing him the water and advil. He doesn't ask any questions, just takes the pills and gulps down a large amount of the water. I rest the washcloth on his forehead, a small sigh leaving his lips as it cools his fever down.

"I'm cold" He croaks, tugging me into him again. I pull the blanket over us, resting my hand on an undamaged part of Harry's chest.

"Go to sleep," I mumble, kissing his skin a few times. I feel his eyes staring down at me, fingers resuming their place of rubbing up and down my arm again.

"Are you going to be here when I wake up?" It shocks me at how young he sounds, almost like a small child wishing to be close to his mum.

"Yes" I promise him, intertwining my fingers with his.

He lets out a large breath, relieved that I don't plan on leaving him as he slowly falls back into unconsciousness.


Harry's POV

When I manage to open my heavy eyelids in the morning, I'm relieved that Zoey is still with me; tucked gently under my arm.

I shift around a bit, rolling out of the bed and careful not to wake her. She stirs but rolls over, clutching onto a pillow.

I try my best to avoid groaning in pain as I make my way across the hall to Louis' bathroom. I stare at my reflection in the mirror, not shocked at what I see. The bruises on my chest and stomach are purple, yellowing slightly already. The swelling on my face has gone down, and I begin removing the gauze Zoey put on the cut above my brow.

The cut doesn't look too bad, the only thing on my face that looked worse than it was being my swollen lip. The bruises would fade quickly, so hopefully Zoey would be able to forget about what happened last night.

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