Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty Four

We'd been here for four days already, and Shannon's attitude was still bitter and rude towards everyone. Even my dad.

I just didn't understand.

There was no need for it. I had never done a single thing to her for her to hate me the way that she does, and Harry was nothing but polite to her. Even after the way she spoke of him on the first night we were here, he still treated her kindly and respectfully which was something I greatly admired about him seeing as it was something I don't think I'd ever be capable of.

The weather is getting much colder, now that Halloween has passed and it's the beginning of November. No snow has fallen yet; at least not here, but the whipping country winds were enough to send a bone racking chill throughout your body.

Harry and I were currently seated on the front porch, just talking and laughing. I found that the more we talked, the more we found things in common about each other. We liked a lot of the same things, and always found something to talk about.

I shivered, pulling my knit sweater closer together as a gust of wind blew upon the porch. Harry shifted closer, lifting his arm over my shoulders and pulling me closer to him for warmth.

I smiled at him brightly, unable to break my eyes from his. I loved when he was like this. Although he didn't care to admit it, he was actually quite the softy. And a hopeless romantic at that, too. He told me he wasn't used to this, caring for someone so deeply that you just wanted to spend time with them. He wasn't usually one for going on romantic dinner dates or taking walks, but I was glad that with me it was different. I was hopelessly falling for a man that I had barely known for a month and it didn't seem to bother me one bit.

As if on cue, my father comes gallivanting out of the back door, bouncing happily onto the porch. I swear my dad was one of the happiest people alive, and I wasn't sure why seeing as he went through one hell of a divorce and now had to live with a fiancé that was absolutely nuts.

"Hey kids" He chimes, grinning from ear to ear but quickly composing himself and shoving his hands into his jacket pockets.

"I'd actually like to borrow Harry for a bit Zo, can we take a walk?"

I look up to Harry questioningly but he doesn't seem to have any sort of problem, giving a quick kiss to my forehead before standing up from the porch swing we were seated on.

My dad smiles, the wrinkles by his eyes crinkling further.

"We won't be long, just going to go down the road."

I nod my head, watching them head back inside the house to go through the front. I leaned back further in the swing, breathing in the chilly air. I loved it here, I always did, but it just didn't quite feel like 'home' anymore. Sure, anywhere where my dad was would always be home to me. I guess it was safe to say I was daddy's little girl. He was my absolute favourite person, even when my mom was still around. She was always bitter about life in general, whereas dad was always a bubble of joy.

I loved him immensely. He was and always would be my biggest fan, and I, his.

But it was time for me to move on. And England was looking pretty fantastic right about now.

Harry's POV

Stanley and I walked at a moderate pace down the long gravel road, silently at first. I took this as the chance to let my eyes roam my surroundings. I had to admit, it was beautiful here. The scenery was amazing, large spruce trees seen in every direction far out on the horizon. The sun was slowly setting, creating a mellow pink and yellow glow to flutter throughout the sky. It was definitely picture worthy.

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