1 - Hero

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* Length: 915 words
This takes place in episode 10 when Yuri gets attacked by fangirls and Otabek offers him an escape, but ends up taking him to dinner.



Yuri huffs, leaning against the window of a store. He looks around at the busy street, eyeing the seemingly happy couples.

As much as he wants to fight it, Yuri is jealous of how happy the loving pairs look. He knows nobody would ever love him like that, for everyone said he has a repelling personality.

The wind blows strongly, causing Yuri's hair to blow in a thousand different directions. He ignores it, starting to walk along the sidewalk.

He only walks for a few minutes until a loud screech fills the air. "IT'S YURI PLISETSKY!"

Yuri does the first thing that comes to mind. Run. He dashes down the street, looking behind his shoulder to see a pack of girls chasing him. Some are squealing while taking pictures of the celebrity, taking the unique opportunity to their advantage.

He sprints through an alleyway, turning the corner at the last minute in hope to confuse the girls. It works for a moment, and Yuri hides behind a different building.

He can still hear screams emitting from the girls. The sounds of "Where is he?" "Find him!" and "We lost him?!" fill the air.

Yuri lets out a breath of relief. But the realization of reality soon hits him in a wave -the only way out is to go back towards the girls. Either that, or he risk running in the open out on the street.

He sighs. He'll probably to run in the open to escape. It's a risk, but who knows how long these girls will stay here for.

Yuri kicks the wall, angry at his own stupidity. Think Yuri, think! The blond kicks a rock, but that only makes his situation worse. "DID YOU HEAR THAT NOISE?" One of the girls screams. Yuri's breath hitches as he stops his noisy actions.

He begins to hear the load thrum of an engine, turning around on instinct. His eyes meet a tall male on a jet black motorcycle, black hair slightly buzzed underneath a helmet.

Yuri doesn't pay much attention to the stranger at first, but the driver starts to come closer to the blonde.

The motorcycle rider stops right in front of Yuri and glances at the girls around the corner. His expression doesn't change, his mouth always in a solemn, straight line.

"Need a ride?" The stranger asks Yuri. He thinks for a moment, pros and cons filling his head. He could accept the offer and escape, but that - of course - would be taking the easy way out.

"No," Yuri replies sharply. "I'm smart enough to get myself out of this situation." He continues, anger and arrogance evident in his tone.

The stranger shrugs, but remains where he is. Through the midst of the silence, the girls' faces pop around the corner of the building. "There he is!"

"Still going to decline my offer?" The black-haired-boy asks, a playful smirk playing on his lips. Yuri huffs, seeing that there is no other choice.

Otabek hands him a spare helmet that was previously resting on the handlebars, quickly sitting on the back of the motorcycle.

The stranger smiles and whizzes away, leaving the girls with sad expressions. As much as Yuri hates to abandon his fans, he's secretly grateful for his mystery hero.

There isn't much talk between the two until Yuri looks at who his savior is. "Are you Otabek Altin? The skater?" He questions over the roar of the engine, blonde hair drifting in the wind.

Otabek nods. "That's me. And you're Yuri Plisetsky?" He asks. "No shit," Yuri replies. He pauses before speaking again. "Where are we going?" Otabek smiles. "To dinner."

Yuri coughs, surprised. "Dinner? I have to get home, and wake up early for the Grand Prix tomorrow and-" The other boy cuts him of by parking in front of a large restaurant. "Just come with me."

Otabek's fingers clip off Yuri's helmet, fingers brushing against Yuri's pale chin.

Yuri sighs in protest but follows the tall boy into the restaurant. "Table for two." Otabek tells the lady at the front desk. She smiles warmly and gestures for them to follow. "Right this way."

The two boys follow the lady to the table, sitting at a place in front of a large window. "Your waiter will be here soon." She tells them, excusing herself from the area.

Otabek smiles lightly at Yuri, who is looking out the window. "Tell me about yourself." He says bluntly. The blonde tilts his head in thought, unsure of what to tell him.

"Well, I like skating, I'm from Russia, my favorite animal is a tiger, and I hate people." He says with a dry chuckle.

Otabek slides his phone across the table. "Put in your number." He says, a sense of care yet command in his voice.

Yuri folds his arms. "Excuse me? I literally just met you, and I'm not even in this restaurant by choice." He says, narrowing his eyes.

The taller boy simply clicks onto his home screen, revealing a picture of an adorable kitten. Yuri melts. "Is that your cat? Oh my god! It's so fluffy!" Otabek laughs. "It's my friends cat."

He launches into a story about how the cat had once gotten stuck in a tree, and he had to climb up and get him. Yuri is mesmerized by his friends animated talking. Slowly, he starts to speak too.

It's sort of amazing how cats can connect people.

A few minutes later, the waiter arrives at their table. "What will you have to order?" Otabek looks down at his menu. "I'll have the chicken soup and a Sprite." The waiter scribbles the request down on her note-pad. "And for you?" She asks Yuri. "I'll have the same thing." The waiter nods and leaves the table.

Otabek grins. "Wise choice." The Russian boy snorts. "Oh shut up." Otabek points to his phone across the table. "Now can I get your number?"

Yuri laughs and takes the phone, entering his number. The other boy grins in victory.

Little did they know, their friendship was the start of something so much greater.


Hope you enjoyed! :) I actually really like that chapter wahoo.


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