34 - Camping Trip (Part 2)

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* Length: 1222 words
Part two of the previous chapter.

Dedicated to Pastel_Goth_Fairy for being an active lil bean 💕


Yuri hums in his lovers embrace. Otabek closes his eyes, he could stay in a position like this forever.

"We have to go get Yuuri and Victor to start our activities." Otabek says after moments of a comfortable silence. The blond boy groans and nuzzles farther into his boyfriend's warm chest.

"Do we have to?" He asks, groaning. Otabek chuckles and kisses the top of Yuri's head. "Yes, we do. Get up pumpkin." He says while standing up, making Yuri have to get up as well.

The Russian stretches his arms and yawns. He zips open the tent and climbs out, holding it open for Otabek.

The two walk to Yuuri and Victor's tent beside theirs. The cool wind brushes over their hair, blowing it all around. Yuri giggles when Otabek attempts to clear the hair out of Yuri's sight, but fails miserably.

They arrive outside of Victuri's tent, slipping it open without warning.

"I told you, we should have brought ice skates!" Victor argues to his fiancé. Yuuri puts his head in his hands. "The water is not ice here Victor!" He fights back.

The two continue to ramble about what they should and shouldn't have packed, unaware of Otabek and Yuri's presences. They watch as the engaged couple fights like a married one. None of the arguments get too serious.

Yuri stifles a laugh that gains the attention of Victor, who chuckles nervously. "I didn't see you there!" He greets. Otabek gestures to the open door and waves. "Come on out. We've got lots of things to do." He says.

Yuuri and Victor step out of the tent with Makkachin following close behind. He wags his tail enthusiastically while they begin to walk towards the forest.

"Where are we going?" Yuri asks. "There's a really neat creek over here I want to show you." Otabek responds. Everyone is glad that Otabek knows his way around, or else they would most likely get lost in a matter of seconds.

The boys chatter amongst themselves as they stroll across the plain, eventually reaching a thin trail. They walk in a single file line, careful not to scrape their arms on any of the trees.

"We're almost there." Otabek announces from the front of the line. Victor coughs and wafts small bugs away from his face. "I left the bugspray at the tent." Yuuri mumbles, helping his fiancé get rid of the bugs.

Bugs are luckily no problem to Yuri. If anything, they remind him at night that he's not the only target for a large bear attacking him. Victor on the other hand, seems to be a bug magnet.

"Why won't they get off me!" He shouts angrily. He brushes at the nats that continuously circle him. "Do you have any food on you?" Otabek asks.

Victor nods and takes out a bag of trail mix. The bugs waver around the bag and land on it. The skater lets out a frustrated sigh and tosses the bag on the ground, it lands with a loud thud.

Everyone turns around as the sound of buzzing wings fill the air. "You tossed it on a fallen wasp nest you dumbass!" Yuri shrieks. He wasn't wrong.

Soon, everyone is dashing as far as they can away from the wasps. They fumble over one another, rushing to escape the terrifying insects.

The stinging bugs race after the four boys and dog, but luckily no wasps can make it through Makkachin's thick fur. At least he's safe.

"We have to go in the creek and get under the water!" Otabek shouts over the sound of buzzing wings. The wasps are still hot on their trails.

Everyone silently agrees to Otabek's plan and follow him, trusting him to know the correct direction. Under and over branches, through the trail they run. Their hearts are pounding as they constantly check to make sure the brown poodle is okay.

Soon enough a long, murky river-like stream comes into view. It's only seconds away from the boys, and they run straight to it.

The sound of splashes and dunks fills the air as they swim to the bottom of the creek, getting as far from the wasps as possible. They stay under for thirty seconds, making sure the bugs are long gone before they surface.

Otabek, Victor, Makkachin and Yuuri rise from the water's surface. They cough and look around at each other and the empty air. "The little fuckers are gone!" Victor swears happily, smacking the water with joy. They tread along to the edge of the creek, pulling themselves out of the filthy liquid.

They all look around, but something doesn't seem right. "Guys?" Yuuri panics. "Where's Yuri?"

Otabek's eyes widen and he instantly dives back into the creek. He opens his eyes to search for his lover but can't see through the murky water. His eyes burn but he keeps them open, searching for any strands of blond hair or soft pale hands.

Otabek swims around, arms outstretched in hopes to find his lover. After what seems like minutes, his arms collide with a small figure. He tugs at the boy's torso, yanking him up above the surface.

Yuri gasps and coughs as he squirms in Otabek's arms. Otabek reaches the coast and Yuri leans down, propping himself up on his elbows. The raven haired boy mumbles words of comfort to Yuri, almost crying from how worried he was. After the blond stops coughing, he pulls him into a tight hug.

"I was so scared! Oh my god are you okay?" Otabek asks, firing nervous questions at his boyfriend. Yuri smiles and pulls him in to a tighter hug. "M-My foot got caught on something b-but I'm okay now." He assures Otabek.

Yuuri rushes over to Yuri's side, taking him from Otabek in a parent-like hug. "Thank goodness you're okay." Yuuri says, sighing with relief. Normally Yuri would push the pig away, but now that seems hardly appropriate.

Out of the corner of Yuri's vision he can see Victor and Makkachin kicking at the water. "Stupid water!" Victor shouts angrily. The dog barks in agreement and bites the foul liquid, spitting it out quickly after.

Yuuri smiles and stands up, walking over to Victor. He whispers something into his ear and Victor calms down, relaxing into his lover's embrace. Even the little brown dog curls up at their feet.

Otabek walks back over to Yuri, kissing him softly on the lips. "You don't know how worried I was when I couldn't find you." He mumbles while pulling Yuri in to a tight hug.

"I'm okay now, Beka." He assures the taller boy, smiling brightly to prove it. Otabek lets go of Yuri and takes his hand, leading him to the start of the trail.

"Let's head back, shall we?" He suggests, though it isn't much of a suggestion. Yuuri and Victor follow Otabek and Yuri, excited to escape this horrid forest and return to their tent.

Aside from the fact they are completely drenched, it was almost as if nothing ever happened at all.


I was planning on Victor dropping his snack and then Makkachin running away with it, but this seemed a lil spicier y'know?


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