32 - Soulmate AU (Part 2)

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*Length: 1311 words
Part two of the Soulmate series thing. Includes both Victuri and Otayuri!

Yuuri = Yuri K
Yuri = Yuri P


Previously, Otabek and Yuri found out they were soulmates on their school campus. They both can now see colors.


Yuri smiles as Otabek squeezes his hand. The two walk through campus, not really caring about going to their classes. The only thing on their minds are each other.

The whole "soulmate" idea always had seemed ethereal to Yuri and Otabek. They both thought they would never find their loved one, and would end up alone forever. They thought that the world would stop for them but revolve for all the happy couples around them. As much ad they deny it, neither of them wanted to live like that.

But now Otabek and Yuri have found each other. All negative thoughts can stray from their minds. They can live in peace while enjoying each other's presence. For once, they can feel needed.

The two stroll around campus as leaves of various hues fall to their feet. They point out different colors in their environment, still adjusting to their new vision.

Yuri giggles when Otabek compliments his eyes, saying they are the color of beautiful oceans. He knows this because they walk over a small bridge on the trail, one with a little stream running under it's fading wood.

The blond boy hums softly as they walk. "Is that Yuuri K?" He asks, pointing to a black haired Japanese student reading a book on a bench.

Otabek nods. "I think so, why?" The blond shakes his head in astonishment. "I always thought his hair would be pink. You know, like a pig?" He says.

Otabek stifles a chuckle. He would laugh at this accusation, but Yuri seems actually very confused. As if he sincerely thought that that boy's hair was pink.

Yuri shrugs and approaches his friend. "Hey!" He says rather cheerfully. Yuuri looks up from his novel and smiles lightly. "Oh hi. Who's that?" He asks, gesturing to Otabek.

Otabek waves and extends a hand. "I'm Otabek, Yuri's soulmate." He says. Yuuri laughs. "Wow, you two make an interesting couple." He points out, not entirely wrong.

Yuuri was one of Yuri's friends because like him, he hadn't found his soulmate. The two grew close after being the two "outcasts" during high school.

Yuuri was joyous for his friend, but a knot inside of him twisted with sorrow. Now he really was the only one on campus without a soulmate.

Yuri notices a look cross over the Japanese boy's face. "You okay?" He asks. Yuuri sighs and brushes a strand of hair out of his eyes. "I-I don't think I'll ever find my soulmate now." He says.

Yuri gasps. "You will certainly find them! Everyone will someday." He argues. Yuuri only sighs. "Before you found your soulmate, you never believed that either."

Yuri opens his mouth to speak but closes it. The boy has a point. Before you find your soulmate it feels like only half of you is complete. The longer it takes, the more unbearable the loss becomes.

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