30 - Soulmate AU (Part 1)

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*Length: 1181 words
Otabek Altin believes he will never meet his soulmate, but then he spots Yuri at the park doodling under a cherry tree.


Otabek Altin lives in the mysterious world of soulmates. Everyone sees black and white until their soulmate smiles at them. Nobody knows how these soulmates are chosen, but they know that destiny draws two people to each other.

Like everyone else, Otabek has been seeing black and white since he was a baby. Time passed by quickly, and his friends began to see color. Most people find their soulmate at age 16. Otabek didn't.

You'd think people at his college would tease him about it, but they didn't. They probably would have, but Otabek never spoke about his soulmate. He was smart enough to know that everyone but him had found the love of their lives.

He lives a basic life in a simple dorm in Russia. He's originally from Kazakhstan, but moved to Russia because he always loved the country. He didn't know why, but he had a feeling something was different about Russia.

Otabek yawns, stretching his muscular arms above his head. He glances at the clock beside him. 7:39am. The tired boy groans and sits up. He slips on some pants and a shirt from the edge of his bed.

He is about to leave his room, but stops short. His eyes glance to the mirror across his bedroom. Otabek stares at his reflection for a while.

He wonders what he looks like in color. What color is his hair? Are his eyes brown, or a shade of electric blue? Are his lips pink or a deep shade of crimson? Otabek shakes his head and snaps out of his daze. He quickly shuffles out of his room. He doesn't like to think about seeing color, because he fears he will never find his soulmate.

Otabek walks across the hall to the kitchen. He pushes all thoughts of color away from his mind.

When he reaches the kitchen, he fixes a breakfast of cereal and berries. He spoons the mixture into his mouth. The tall boy glances out the window. His eyes look around at the familiar surroundings that he knew far too well.

Otabek sighs. Everyday was just.. the same. He would wake up, go to school, come back, do homework, and then sleep. Nothing more, nothing less. Sure, he has friends, but Otabek focuses more on his studies than parties.

He wipes a strand of stray hair out of his vision. He finished his meal and places his bowl in the sink, deciding to clean it later. Otabek shrugs on a light gray jacket and opens his front door. He walks outside.

The world around him is nothing new. The familiar black birds sing a song that fills the college campus with sound. The wind blows softly, sending a light breeze past Otabek's skin. Leaves fall from a faded gray tree, landing on a patch of flowers.

He strolls along the sidewalk, passing his fellow students. Some are in a rush to get to class, some are stalling their movements.

Out of the corner of Otabek's sight, he notices movement under a cherry blossom tree. The tree is on a small hill, and hardly ever has visitors. He decides to investigate the movements.

As Otabek walks up the hill, he notices a small figure is sitting against the tree's trunk. The figure has shoulder length blond hair and is wearing a white sweater.

The person turns around, hearing someone come up behind him. He yelps in surprise and falls over, catching himself with his hands. "You scared me!" He says. Otabek furrows his eyebrows. "I didn't mean to." He replies.

The blond boy stands up and dusts off his pants. He picks up a sketchpad from the ground and turns around. "I'll be going now." He says. Otabek runs after the boy but he continues to run. "Wait!" He shouts, but the blond keeps running.

Otabek curses under his breath as he watches him run away. Something intrigued him about the boy, but he doesn't know what. The way his bright gray eyes glimmered under the sun sent Otabek into a daydream.

"You forgot your pencil!" Otabek shouts to the boy, sending him to a halt. He huffs and turns around. He walks back to the tree and tries to grab the pencil from Otabek's hand, but it doesn't budge.

"Let go of my pencil, asshole!" He shouts, pulling at the wood. Otabek only holds it tighter. "Tell me your name." He demands. The blond boy rolls his eyes. "Yuri." He says, keeping his mouth in a firm line.

"Yuri's a nice name. I'm Otabek." Otabek says with a smile. Yuri glances up to the grinning boy in front of him. His eyes widen as color fills his vision. He turns in a circle, admiring his new environment.

Yuri clamps a hand over his mouth in shock. His eyes meet Otabeks. You're my soulmate! He thinks to himself. My pencil stealing soulmate!

"Something wrong?" Otabek asks, confused on Yuri's sudden actions. "Y-Yeah! Everything fine!" He says, smiling politely. Fuck I smiled.

Otabek's world begins to fill with color. The trees that surround him fade to a shade of green. Yuri's bright gray eyes turn to a hue of teal. He gasps. The two spend a while looking around, not believing their eyes.

"You're my soulmate." Otabek says, grinning from ear to ear. Yuri hides a smile. "I suppose so." He says softly. No matter how hard he tries to suppress his smile, it finds its way onto his face.

"I knew my soulmate would be a cute one." Otabek says, chuckling. Yuri slaps his arm playfully. "I'm not cute!" He says angrily. This only makes Otabek smirk. "You're right. You're not cute, your hot as hell."

Yuri blushes and looks down. He laughs at his soulmates flirting. "I suppose cute isn't too bad." He says, shrugging. Otabek wraps the small boy into a tight embrace.

They pull away after a moment. "What were you drawing?" The raven haired boy asks, gesturing to Yuri's sketch pad. Yuri puts his head in his hands. "I-I was drawing you as you w-walked by." He admits sheepishly.

Otabek kisses the top of his soulmate's head. "You were obsessed before you even met me." He says with a wink. Yuri laughs. "Shut up."

The two hold hands. Otabek gives Yuri back his pencil as they walk. They discover they have a lot in common. They both figure skate, like books, like cats, watch the same shows, and have the same taste in music.

Yuri hums as he walks, an action Otabek finds adorable. "I think I love you." The tall boy says. Yuri looks up to his lover. "Well of course, you're my soulmate." He points out. Otabek takes a long breath. "I mean, I really love you." He says.

Yuri chuckles and kisses his soulmate on the cheek. "Well, Otabek Altin, I really love you too."


I might make a part two if you all would want one


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