12 - Locked In

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* Length: 627 words
Yuri and Otabek get locked inside the grocery store overnight.

should I write a smut? 😂 i'm only writing it if you guys actually want one


Yuri and Otabek walk through the aisles of food, admiring the meals in their vast glory. People passed by them, continuing their shopping trips.

"What do we need?" Yuri asks, peering at the list in Otabek's hands. "Microwave katsudon and milk." He replies, putting the list in his pocket.

"I'll get the milk, you get the katsudon!" Yuri says quickly, running far from the Asian dish that Otabek loves. Yuri never understood why people enjoyed the chicken dish. It reminds him too much of Victor and Yuuri. The blond heads to the fridges, taking out a jug of milk.

He looks around the store, and something seems off. He frowns, not able to put his finger on it. Yuri walks around the store in search of Otabek.

He hums softly while walking down the aisles. He passes ice cream, No Otabek. Pasta, no Otabek. Cereal, no Otabek. That's when Yuri realizes something. Where is everyone else?

The blond looks in every aisle for his boyfriend, or anyone, but cannot find a single person. The store lights flicker out, leaving only a few dimly lit safety lights. He huffs in frustration.

Fear kicking in, Yuri begins to panic. Was he alone? Did something happen to Otabek? Would he be trapped here forever?

"YURI!" A voice shouts, coming from behind him. Yuri turns around sees Otabek running at him, relieved. "I couldn't find you anywhere, asshole! You scared me!" Yuri shouts, hugging his boyfriend tightly.

"I'm sorry kitten, the lights went out." He apologizes. Yuri snorts. "No shit." The two walk to the front of the store, forgetting about their groceries.

Otabek grabs the handle of the front door and pulls. It doesn't budge. Yuri and Otabek exchange blank glances.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" The angry Russian shouts, pounding on the glass door. Otabek pulls him away. "I'll just use my phone to- nevermind." He sighs, realizing he has no service. "This sucks."

Yuri walks along the aisles, whistling while holding his boyfriend's hand. He tries to hide his nervousness. Yuri had always been afraid of two things: The dark, and being trapped. This situation was the worst for him.

Otabek looks at his boyfriend, concerned. "You okay?" He asks. Yuri quickly nods. "Yes, yes of c-course!" He replies, voice timid and soft.

Otabek stops walking and takes the Russian's arm, pulling him to look at him. "What's wrong?" He repeats. Yuri sighs, looking around. "I-I'm just scared." He admits. Otabek hugs Yuri and kisses his forehead. "We'll get out of here," He says. "I'll protect you."

The couple walks around the store, eating samples from various stations. "It's 10:38." Otabek says, surprised on how fast the time went by. Yuri twitches nervously, but Otabek takes his hand to calm him.

"We'll sleep on top of the bananas, I heard they're quite comfortable." The raven says, smirking. Yuri smacks his shoulder playfully. "Pervert."

The two end up sleeping on the bananas, since the floor looked disgusting. "This sucks." Yuri says from atop the yellow fruits. Otabek twirls one of Yuri's golden locks in his fingers. "Yup. It'll be a good story to tell, though."

"We're going to smell like rotten fruit." The blond realizes, frowning. Otabek shrugs. "It's totally worth it."

The AC in the store kicks on, causing Yuri to shiver. He snuggles up to the raven haired boy, making both of them smile. "Sleep well." Otabek says, pecking his boyfriend on the lips.

"I'll sleep great." Yuri replies, falling into a beautiful slumber from atop the banana pile.


bahaha save me I'm running out of ideas


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