26 - At Death Do Us Part

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* Length: 830 words
Otabek has died, and Yuri is in an extremely emotional state. I'm apologizing in advance this might be really sad.


Yuri opens his eyes, waking up. The clock labels 4:38am. He sighs, looking at the empty space beside him. I can't sleep without you.

He sits up and stares blankly at the wall in front of him. His mind is empty, his face emotionless. I can't think without you.

Yuri stands and yawns, deciding to get ready for the day. But the thought of a day without Otabek is unbearable. I can't live without you.

He shakes his head as a tear threatens to slip down his cheek. He tells himself to be strong but buries his head in his hands. I can't be strong without you.

He dashes out of his bedroom and runs down the stairs. Yuri slams open his front door and runs. He doesn't know where he's running, but he has to get away from all the memories of his lover. I can't be home without you.

Sobs wrack his frame as he continues running. He becomes exhausted and collapses on the cement, tears hitting the pavement beneath him. I can't stay sane without you.

Yuri stands on his knees. He looks up to the sky, wondering if Otabek is watching. He wipes a tear. I can't be happy without you.

He stands slowly. It's so early, nobody is around to see the blond boy. He lets out a shaky breath. I can't stand steady without you.

Yuri cries as he stands up and runs. His shoes hit the pavement quietly. He wonders if his parents care anymore, or if they ever did. I can't be optimistic without you.

He passes a coffee shop. Yuri glares at the cafe, memories pouring into his mind. Otabek and him used to go there all the time. I can't be myself without you.

Yuri continues to run. Eventually, he stumbles upon a large building. He looks up at the tall structure that looms in front of him. An office, nothing special. He sighs. I can't think smart without you.

He doesn't think twice before beginning to climb the structure. His feet and arms move in sync with determination. I can't feel emotion without you.

Tears stream down his cheeks and are blown away in the wind. He wants to see how high up he is, but keeps climbing. I loose all sense of direction without you.

He reaches the top of the building, standing tall. Yuri looks over the edge. The rim of the roof is teasing him, asking him to jump. I can't make choices without you.

His mind is bombarded with thoughts and decisions. He could end it now, and see Otabek, but would his Beka want that? I can't be selfless without you.

He takes a deep breath. He knows what he has to do. Yuri approaches the edge of the building, salty tears burning his eyes. I can't be saved without you.

Instead he stumbles backwards. He can't do this to his Otabek. Yuri cries and sits down, hugging his knees to his chest. He looks to the night sky. I can't think straight without you.

The blond boy stands up, eyeing his surroundings. He doesn't jump. Instead, he begins to climb down the building. I can't be brave without you.

He cries the entire way down. There is no ladder, only his hands gripping the cold, jagged cement. I can't feel anymore pain without you.

Yuri's feet hit the ground. He stares at the skyscraper that looms in front of him. Minutes ago he could have seen Otabek, but he did not. I can't tell right from wrong without you.

He takes a deep breath and turns around, walking away from the tall building. The wind whips his hair in his face. He is too drained to care. I can't be energetic without you.

Yuri kicks a pebble across the street as he walks. He halts in his tracks, looking directly up at the night sky. He lifts his hand up to the stars, reaching for the love he lost. A tear falls down his cheek.

Perhaps they are not stars, but openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through to let us know they are happy.

Yuri will join those stars one day. For now, he stays on Earth. Surrounded by friends and family. The heartache of loss never truly goes away, but it is numbed by many others.

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. Yuri knows that Otabek understands that, and needs him to be strong.

He can do that.
He can hold on.


sorry for those who crave angst I just can't let this blonde baby angel die


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