29 - Singer AU

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* Length: 1230 words
Yuri is a singer who Otabek hears in a cafe. Blown away by the angelic voice, Otabek is determined to learn more about the beautiful blond.


Yuri steps onto the stage, setting up the microphone. He's performing at a small cafe, with an audience of about 20 people. The nervous blond takes a deep breath while he moves cables out of the way.

Meanwhile, a tall, black haired boy named Otabek orders a slice of cake. He sits at his table and glances at the movement on stage. He peers at the small, cute boy who is organizing instruments on the wooden platform. His eyes are focused on the microphone in front of him, as if he doesn't want to realize how many people are watching him.

Yuri's heart pounds in his chest. He hides the fear displayed on his face and takes a deep breath. What if I'm not good enough? What if they hate me? He tries to push the doubts aside but they roam his mind.

Yuri continues to stall by sorting his instruments around him. Each for a different song. A violin, a small drum kit, and a guitar surround him.

Out of all instruments, the guitar was by far Yuri's favorite. He would pluck the strings as an angelic sound filled his bedroom. The chords would echo across his walls, singing a song of their own. Perhaps the guitar that he played was a voice to replace the 'ugly' one in his throat.

Otabek watches as the boy shuffles closer to the microphone on stage. He opens his mouth to speak a few times, but shuts it shortly after. After many attempts at speaking, the boy on stage greets the audience.

"Hello! I'm Yuri Plisetsky, and I'm g-going to be singing a song today for you." Yuri says, smiling. He's shaking, but you would only notice if you payed close attention.

The people in the cafe clap and cheer, making Yuri smile even wider. "It's a song c-called Home." He says. Just by the sound of Yuri's speaking voice, Otabek can tell he will be a good singer. Yuri picks up his guitar and sits down on a stool. He takes a deep breath before parting his lips.

Otabek has heard many things, but nothing as beautiful as Yuri's voice. Soft yet powerful tones fly from the blond boy's throat. Otabek is in awe. He watches as the singer closes his eyes, singing deeper into the song.

Yuri sings a song about hiraeth. The homesickness for a home where you cannot return, a home which maybe never existed. His lyrics are filled with passion and sorrow, electrifying the audience with emotion.

In that moment, the clock seems to stop. Yuri opens his eyes and locks sight with Otabek. Otabek grins and waves, wanting the blond boy to sing forever. The singer chuckles and continues to sing, glancing to the tall boy every once and a while.

By the time the song is over, people in the cafe are applauding the young man on stage. Yuri wipes a joyous tear off his cheek. I did it! I did it! Grandfather would be so proud. He thinks to himself.

When Yuri first walked on the stage, he felt like the butterflies in his stomach would never go away. When the audience started cheering, he felt relieved. But when the mysterious stranger from across the cafe waved to Yuri, his nerves completely vanished.

"T-Thank you!" Yuri says happily to the crowd, waving while walking offstage. He decides to skip his other songs and come back another time. He wants to leave the audience wanting more.

The blond boy puts his guitar in its case beside the stage. He hums to himself while the people in the cafe continue their everyday chatter. Some even speak about how talented the singer is.

Yuri is about to exit the cafe, but is interrupted when a hand taps his shoulder. He turns around and is greeted by the tall, black haired stranger who gave him a boost of confidence.

"H-Hi!" Yuri stutters out, taken aback by the strangers handsome appearance from the close distance. "Hey. You're a really great singer." He says. Yuri blushes and looks at his feet, flustered. "T-Thank you!" The shy, cheerful blond replies.

He glances upwards when he feels his cheeks are back to their normal hue. "I'm Otabek." Otabek greets, extending a hand to Yuri. Yuri takes it and smiles. "Pleasure to meet you." He says. Otabek brings Yuri's hand to his lips and kisses it.

Yuri's eyes widen at the action and he blushes furiously. He's never felt the feeling bubbling inside his chest before, and is unable to identify the feeling. Joy? Excitement? Love? 

He smiles at Otabek and hides his confusion. Unsure what to say, he glances down at his guitar. "You're adorable." Otabek blurts. He seems shocked by his own words, but lets it slide. After all, he isn't lying.

Yuri puts a strand of loose hair behind his ear and blushes even more. He laughs. "T-That's a first." He says. "A first for what? Being called cute?" Otabek asks. The blond nods. "Well, you deserve to be called it more often." The tall boy says with a playful wink.

Yuri smiles and tilts his head in an adorable manner. "You flatter me, stranger." He says through giggles. Otabek does a silly bow, as if his actions deserve an award. To Yuri, maybe they do.

"If I flatter you so much, maybe I can get your number?" Otabek says suggestively. Yuri crosses his arms and scratches his chin, as if in thought. "Hmm.. no." He says. He watches as Otabek's face falls. Yuri laughs and takes the taller boys hand. "I'm kidding! Of course you can have my number, I enjoy talking to you." He says.

Otabek lets out a breath of relief and smiles. Yuri pulls out a sheet of paper from his pocket and writes down a line of numbers. Otabek isn't sure where he even got the pen from, but he could care less. All that he cares about is the blond singer in front of him.

"You should consider trying out for a singing show." The raven boy suggests. Yuri shakes his head and sighs, handing the number to Otabek. "I'm not good enough for that." He says. Otabek folds his arms. "Excuse me?" He asks, voice filled with shock.

Yuri looks up to the boy in front of him. "I said I'm not good enough for that." He repeats. "With a voice like yours, you can steal the heart of anyone. If you can do that, you can win a singing show." Otabek says.

Yuri clicks his tongue in response. "Did you just say I stole your heart?" He asks, hope lingering in his voice. Otabek laughs. "That's all you got from what I said?" "Yep."

Yuri kisses Otabek's cheek. "I have to get going. Don't forget to text me!" He says. Otabek grins and holds the door open for Yuri. "I won't." He promises. Yuri smiles and picks up his guitar, heading out the door.

Music can connect people in ways no one understands. Who would have thought that one boy and a guitar could steal the mighty heart of Otabek Altin.


I just burned my Eggo ;-:


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