24 - Letters

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* Length: 1002 words
Letters that Otabek and Yuri wrote to each other while in different countries throughout the year. Starts fluffy.. goes downhill...


January 6, 2017
Dear Beka,

I miss you already. Why'd you have to leave for Kazakhstan, idiot.. I know your family is there, but I can't help but wish you were here with me. I'm at the park while writing this. If it weren't for the calming sounds of nature around me, I would be raging. Who knows how long you'll be gone for?

Your Ice Tiger

February 2, 2017
Dear Cheerio,

Yuri! I know I left so suddenly, and I'm sorry for that. I promise I'll see you again one day. Plus, we can communicate with these letters. Psh, who needs texting when you can go the old fashioned way? Give the cats a hug for me, and make sure to snuggle with them everyday. Here in Kazakhstan my parents adopted a fish. Kind of boring, but better than nothing, right? I hope I can persuade them to get a cat. Then I can be reminded of you whenever I come home.


February 25, 2017
Dear Otabek,

Yes, getting a cat would be a lovely idea. Scratch that, getting seven cats would be a lovely idea. When you fly back to Russia you can bring them all! We'd have ten cats together, which would drive Victor and Yuuri crazy jealous. Victor isn't fond of our three cats, but who cares? He's just jealous of our amazing pet ownership skills, and the fact that Makkachin likes Yuuri more than him.


March 19, 2017
Dear Cat Master,

Seven cats is a great idea! I don't know how to propose that idea to my parents though. I'm staying with them in Kazakhstan, so it's up to them. No matter what, I'll make sure to get at least one more fish. I'll name it Yuri.

As always,

April 22, 2017
Dear Beka,

First off, Happy Easter! I think you celebrate that. Anyway, It's been a few months since I've last snuggled with you, I miss it. I miss our cuddle sessions and kisses. Do you know when you can return to Russia? I hope you can soon. The cats are very concerned and are wondering where their papa bear went. They sleep on the foot of my bed now, kind of like dogs. It's adorable though, and I love it. Maybe sometime you can be in this bed with me, and we can be a big happy cat family.


May 17, 2017
Dear Yura,

I would love to be a big happy cat family. Plus, I have a flight to Russia soon! I managed to get one, and I can stay for a few months! I can't wait. I would have told you sooner but letters take a while to send. I'd ask if I can stay with you, but I'm pretty sure the answer is yes. I should arrive on June 7th!

Your Super Excited Motorcyclist

May 27, 2017
Dear Otabek,

Oh my goodness! That's amazing! I am so excited right now, my hands are shaking while writing this. Its been almost half a year since I've seen you! I know we've Skyped, but still! I can still remember what it's like to hold you in my arms while we skate. I remember the sensation on my lips when you kiss me, and can't wait to feel it again. I love you, my prince.

Yuri! Yuri!

June 9, 2017
Dear Otabek,

Perhaps your flight got delayed? If so, please write back. I went to the airport to pick you up after you texted me the details, but didn't see you. I promise I looked all over! I texted you many times too. You'll only get this letter if you're still in Kazakhstan, but if you do get it, please reply! I'm not mad, I understand if something came up. Maybe I got the date wrong?


June 18, 2017
Dear Price Charming,

Otabek, please reply! I'm really nervous, you're scaring me! I've tried texting you and calling you but you never answer. Did I do something wrong? I really miss you. Maybe my letters aren't making it to your mailbox? At least text me back, please. Tell me you're okay.


July 27, 2017
Dear Otabae,

It's been almost two months since you were supposed to be here with me. Are you okay? Did something happen? I'm so worried, Beka. Tell me what's going on! Please be okay. If I did anything wrong I said I'm sorry! Are you even in Kazakhstan? Goodness, I've never been this concerned in my life.

Your Kitten

August 8, 2017
Dear Otabek,

I think something happened, and that you're not receiving my letters. Knowing you, you would never ignore me for this long. I love you, please answer in any form possible. A letter, email, text, I don't care how you reply! Please Otabek.. just tell me you're alright.

You Know..

September 1, 2017
Dear you,

I'm loosing hope. I'm crying right now, what happened to you? I miss you like crazy. I love you, you know that? Please be okay. Please, please just answer me. I don't know how I can live without you.


November 2, 2017
Dear Yura,

I'm so sorry. I love you so much and am so sorry for worrying you. I am in okay condition, but getting better. On the way to Russia the plane crashed... there are only three survivors. I was pinned under the wing of the plane after being blown out of the window. I broke three ribs, one arm, one leg, and suffered major burns. I was in a coma for many months, I just woke up last week. I promise I'm living, I'm breathing, I'm okay, and I love you.



I was going to make this end sad but iM nOt tHat mEaN your welcome


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