33 - Camping Trip (Part 1)

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* Length: 1040 words
Yuri, Victor, Otabek, and Yuuri all go camping. But with Yuri's fear of the dark, it's no easy feat for him. Fluff too!


Yuri, Otabek, Makkachin, Victor and Yuuri walk down a dirt trail. Yuri groans as his shoes become coated in a thick mud, making his feet heavier and harder each step.

"Why did we have to go camping today?" He asks, kicking off the mud onto Yuuri's feet. Victor ruffles the blond's hair and chuckles. "Because today is going to be a good day! I'm not going to let you ruin that." He replies.

Yuri groans again. Otabek's hand finds his and he calms down slightly, still fidgeting nervously.

As much as he denies it, he has an extreme fear of the dark. Otabek knows this, (after sleeping in the same bedroom with a nightlight), but it doesn't occur to him how scary camping could be for Yuri.

As they walk along the trail, Yuri can't stop thinking about all the things that can go wrong this night. Even in broad daylight, he can see the creatures lurking in the shadows.

"We're almost to the flat-grounds." Yuuri says, glancing at his map of the campgrounds. "Thanks babe." Victor says with a wink.

The four skaters trek through the forest, their spines aching from their many backpacks. Yuuri, being the mother he is, brought lots of inessential bags filled with medicine and care packages. He couldn't help it. Thinking of Victor or Makkachin dying from a wild disease made him pack an overdose of bandages and pet treats.

Yuri fumbles around nervously and almost drops his bag. Otabek looks over to his lover, eyeing him with a worried expression. "Is everything okay?" He asks. Yuri nods quickly. "Yes! You're overreacting!" He snaps, too scared to think about his words.

Otabek sighs and decides to bring up the topic later. He doesn't want to make Yuri stress even more, especially when such an exciting day lies in front of them.

The boys continue to walk down the dirt. Aside from an occasional comment, the walk is consumed in a comfortable silence. The only sounds are the tap of their feet on the soil and the crunch of leaves beneath the brown dog's paws.

"We're here!" Otabek says, excitement in his voice. The trees that once surrounded the trail have subsided, now there is a large plain to take its place.

Victor gasps and looks around. "It's huge! There's no one else here either." He exclaims. Yuuri nods and smiles. "We've got the whole place to ourself."

Otabek takes Yuri's hand and runs into the center of the plain, almost making Yuri fall over. This is the happiest he's ever seen Otabek in a long time.

"Why are you so damn excited about this?" Yuri says angrily, kicking at the tall grass that tickles his knees. Otabek grins wider. "I used to go camping all the time with my father. It's like reliving memories when I'm here." He exclaims.

If Yuri wasn't nervous already, he's anxious now. What if he couldn't bare the conditions? What if he let Otabek down even more?

Yuri shakes his head. He can't let these thoughts roam his head. If he's going to make it through the night with anyone, it's Otabek.

So instead, Yuri smiles and looks up at the tall raven, kissing him on the cheek. "I'm glad I get to be a part of you're camping trips now." He says. Otabek beams down at the blond boy. "Of course! This will be so fun!"

Fun. Yuri thinks to himself. Yeah right.

Victor and Yuuri make their way over to the couple, their hands interlaced as they step over the uncomfortably tall grass. Makkachin runs in circles, rolling in the unique texture under him.

"Where do you want to set up the tents?" Victor asks. They all ponder for a moment and eye their surroundings. "How about over there by the stream?" Otabek suggests, gesturing to a non-grassy portion of the field.

They all begin to walk over to the stream, making sure to find a place not too close or far from the water.

After moments of Yuuri's worrying and Victor's carelessness, they unpack the tents and unfold them. The orange piles of fabric lay on the ground, almost blowing away in the wind.

Yuri takes out the hammer and sticks that would nail the tents to the ground. He eyes them suspiciously, as if they would bite. "Are we sure this is safe?" He asks. Victor laughs. "Since when did you care about safety?"

The boys work to assemble their tents. It was harder than it looked, the pictures made it look simple. It took about an hour just to get one up. Luckily Makkachin helped by providing everyone with joy and patience.

Otabek and Yuri would be sharing a tent, while Yuuri, Makkachin and Victor shared theirs. Victor had wanted to buy the dog his own tent, but Yuuri face-palmed at the idea.

Makkachin lets out a joyous bark when both tents are set up. He waltzes inside of one and nuzzles beside the orange fabric, closing his droopy eyes.

Victor and Yuuri coo at their puppy while Otabek and Yuri start unpacking. They still have a lot of time before sundown, and want to make the most of it.

Otabek brings their supplies into the tent, shutting the door behind him. Yuri smiles and unzips the bags, resting them against the side of the tent.

He plops down beside Otabek, leaning into him tiredly. He rubs his eyes as the tall boy pulls him closer.

"I hope we didn't forget anything." Yuri mumbles. "We didn't. You've got nothing to stress over, kitten." He says, kissing the top of Yuri's head.

Yuri smiles and sighs sadly. "I'm scared, Beka." He admits, burying his face in Otabek's chest. Otabek rubs his back in a comforting manner. "It'll be okay, I promise. I'll be here for you all night." He says. Yuri smiles. As long as Otabek's there, all will be okay.


I KNOWWW; it ends so abruptly and i'm sorry ahh. this is going to be a series though, since it's still around 2:00pm in this chapter


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