3 - Jealousy

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* Length: 356 words
In which Yuri seems to get a little jealous... heh.


Yuri and Otabek stroll down the halls of the Russian mall, colorful advertisements displayed around them. The two are visiting Yuri's home country in celebration of the Grand Prix.

They had stopped in various stores, purchasing various items and gimmicks. Otabek had even bought Yuri a cute tiger print blanket. In return, he had kissed Otabek happily on the cheek.

As they passed the stores, something caught the raven haired boy's eye. "Look! It's the new motorcycle racing game!" He exclaims, dashing away from Yuri to the store window.

The clear glass displays an image of a jet black motorcycle behind it, a bolded caption labeling "ACE RACE 17" at the top corner.

Yuri chuckles and follows his lover to the ad. "Let's get it then!" He says. Otabek hugs him and enters the store, instantly locating the game to pluck it off its shelf.

The two head to the cash register to purchase the game, a gracious grin on Otabek's face.

As they arrive at the register, they are met with the piercing brown eyes of a boy around their age. He smiles pleasantly but locks eyes with Yuri's partner, an unknown emotion flowing through him.

"Is this all for today?" He asks, taking the game gently from Otabek, brushing hands with him in the process. It was as if he was completely ignoring Yuri's presence.

"Yep." The buyer responds. The cashier scans the barcode on the game - forgetting to hand it back. He runs a hand through his hair, as if displaying it on show. Yuri and Otabek exchange confused glances.

"Can I get your number?" The cashier whispers to the raven haired boy, leaning in too close for comfort. "Perhaps even a date?" While he speaks, the cashier sets a hand on Otabek's arm.

"Know what you can get? A trip to the hospital." Yuri says immediately, karate chopping the flirty cashier's arm, (possibly) breaking it. He uses this chance to grab the video game from his hands, a revenge filled feeling in his chest.

The clerk wails in pain. Otabek grabs Yuri's arm and drags him out of the store. "Bitch!" The furious, jealous boy shouts before exiting the store.

His lover laughs, certainly not surprised by Yuri's choice of actions. "You're one to talk." He says. The short boy snorts. "Talk? I'm one to defend what's mine."

Otabek shakes his head playfully and Yuri smirks. "I challenge you to a motorcycle race when we get home." He says, holding up the racing game. "It's on."


i'd call myself the jealous type. how about you?


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