7 - Beach Date

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* Length: 800 words
Yuri and Otabek go to the beach. They end up in a slight dilemma, but get ice cream from Victor's parlor afterwards. Lots of cute fluff!


Yuri and Otabek hop off the motorcycle, ready for a day at the beach. Otabek had never seen the ocean, so Yuri was determined to let his boyfriend experience the liquid beauty.

The hot sun beat down on the two harshly. "This is the complete opposite of ice skating." Yuri grumbles, grabbing towels and snacks from his bag.

Otabek chuckles. "Yeah, but I'm sure it'll be fun!" He says, taking his boyfriend's hand and dragging him to the coast. Yuri fumbles to lock the motorcycle and then runs down the sand with Otabek.

The burning particles that slip in their flip flops burn, making them dash to the waters edge.

He can almost hear a hiss of the fire on his feet being extinguished. "That feels way better." The blonde breathes.

Yuri glances up at his boyfriend. Otabek is staring at the water, eyes scanning the blue, shimmering surface. His lips are parted in awe.

Yuri laughs. "It's great to look at, but even better to swim in." He runs away to place the towels and snacks on a nearby recliner.

While Yuri's gone, Otabek wades slowly into the water. He smiles when the cool texture wraps around his feet. The waves are gentle and small, with the relaxing sound of the tide comforting him.

It was a wonderful thing to see for the first time.

"I'm back!" Yuri exclaims, now in only swimwear. Otabek takes off his tank top and throws it onto the sand, too lazy to bring it up to the recliner.

Yuri's eyes wander to Ota's muscular build, much stronger than his own. Otabek smirks. "Like what you see?" The blonde snaps out of his daze and wrinkles his nose at the taller boy. "Oh hush."

Otabek takes Yuri's hand as they walk farther from the shore. The water is now up to their hips, sloshing gently against the boys' waists.

"It's like a swimming pool, but way better." Otabek says, joy in his eyes. Yuri nods and wades closer to his boyfriend. "Yup."

Otabek wraps an arm around the Russian's hips, hugging him closely. The two talk about many things. The next skating season, cats, and their exhibition skate.

Out of the blue, Otabek splashes Yuri with a handful of sea water. Yuri narrows his eyes. "You wanna go?" He says, laughing and shoving water towards Otabek. The two grin.

"Ow! Stop stop!" Yuri yells, letting hair fall in front of his eyes. A concerned Otabek swims over quickly. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry. Please forgive me! Can I get you somet-" Yuri splashes Otabek in the face and laughs. "You fell for it! Hah!" He laughs, teal eyes twinkling.

Otabek rolls his eyes. "Whatever." He says sarcastically, as if he didn't care. (Though he did.)

The two are snapped out of their game when a girlish screech fills the air. "Oh my god! Is that Yuri Plisetsky and Otabek Altin?"

The two boys exchange wide-eyed glances. Otabek grabs Yuri's arm and dashes through the waves and up the shore. A group of squealing girls chase behind them. "Hurry!" Yuri shouts, grabbing their towels and clothes from the recliner.

Otabek turns on his motorcycle and Yuri hops on behind him. They whizz away while waving to the sad girls. As much as the two wanted to see their fans, they wanted some one-on-one time.

"Where are we going?" Yuri asks, clipping on both of their helmets. The wind blows Yuri's hair in his face, so he buries his head in Otabek's back to block the breeze.

"To get ice cream!" Otabek shouts over the roaring engine. The blonde grins. He loves ice cream. The cool dessert was destined to distract him from their interruption.

When the couple arrives at the ice cream truck, they hop off their bike and step up to order.

"What can I get for you?" A familiar voice asks cheerfully. Otabek smiles. "Victor! I didn't think you owned an ice cream truck."

Victor shrugs. "I don't, I'm in this for the free ice cream." He whispers. Yuri smiles. "Can you give us free desert too?" Victor looks around before replying. "Don't tell anyone."

He hands them two vanilla ice creams, both are swirled perfectly on a cone. Otabek licks his. "Thank you so much, Victor!" He calls, but Yuri is already dragging him to a picnic bench to eat.

Yuri licks his ice cream, happy to be spending time with the boy he loves. Otabek smiles and pulls out his phone to take a quick selfie of them. Yuri leans across the table to kiss Otabek on the cheek right when he takes the photo, causing the black haired boy to blush furiously.

This was a date they would never forget.


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