9 - Drunk Banquet

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* Length: 834 words
Yuri and Otabek go to the Grand Prix banquet. They watch as their peers act rather strange while tipsy.

Dedicated to Silvermiss1 for voting for all of my chapters and being active :) Thanks!



Otabek parks his motorcycle, as Yuri hops off the back. The two are heading to the Grand Prix banquet, a fancy event held to celebrate this year's ice skating winners.

Yuri is dressed in a dark gray suit, with white and baby blue accents. His hair isn't in a ponytail, he decided it had looked better down.

Otabek is wearing an all black tuxedo, with white accents. The blonde had pointed out earlier that he looked very sharp.

The two walk into the banquet, hand in hand. Luckily, nobody seems to be drunk yet. They both know that Victor might act a little 'differently' later on.

"Victor! Yurio's here!" Yuuri says, calling over the fancy-dressed Russian. Victor grins and hugs Yuri, shaking Otabek's hand.

"Come inside! The party has just begun." He says, dragging the two into the room.

Tables of food and delicious pastries line the edges of the room, along with glasses of champagne and wine. People are chatting pleasantly, and a few come over to congratulate Yuri.

Yuri thanks all those who congratulate him, silently hating the attention. He loves being reminded of his victory, but it seems that people are coming up to him every five seconds.

Otabek notices Yuri's discomfort, and glares at people who come close to his boyfriend. This small feat helps prevent more attention.

Yuri laughs. "You've got one mean glare." Otabek winks in response. "I suppose I do." The blonde smiles and leads his lover over to the dance floor. A pop song is playing.

"You? A dancer?" Otabek asks, surprised. Yuri shrugs. "Might as well give it a try." He says, beginning to dance cheesily. The taller boy joins in, and soon other skaters come to dance with them.

Yuuri and Victor are holding hands, spinning while laughing. Phichit is talking to Mila across the room, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.

"Want to try some pastries?" Otabek asks, twirling Yuri around. The shorter boy nods happily, letting his boyfriend lead him to the food.

"Those brownies look like piles of poop." Yuri whispers, eyeing the brown food is disgust. Otabek laughs. "They sort of do. Have a chocolate croissant instead." He hands Yuri the bread pastry, who eats it happily.

Otabek takes one too, nibbling on it. "That is good." He says with a mouth full of food. Yuri nods in agreement.

His eyes narrow while looking into the crowd. "Is that Chris?" He asks, pointing to a blond-man who's kissing the window - with passion.

Otabek and Yuri crack up, watching Chris make out with the pane of glass. It's only a little while until drunk Victor steps onto the dance floor.

Otabek and Yuri exchange worried yet exited, humored glances. Yuuri taps Victor's arm. He turns to look at him. "Victor don't!-" "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" Victor slurs. The crowd turns to look at the silver-haired man. "May the green tea be ever in your favor!" He laughs at his own comment, clearly drunk.

Yuuri drags him off the dance floor, Victor groans in response.

Yuri and Otabek laugh at Victor's actions, but aren't surprised. The two are glad they are underage, now they can remember these hilarious moments forever.

"Hey!" Victor says, walking up to the duo. Yuri waves. He stands there awkwardly. "Need something?" Otabek asks. "I'm Russian!" Victor answers, is if that would justify anything.

Yuuri runs up behind his fiancé and leads him away once again, mumbling something about the champagne.

Otabek smiles and points to another tipsy friend across the room. "Oh my god, is that Yakov?" Yuri gapes, shocked to see his coach drunk.

Yakov stands on top of a chair, dropping chocolate strawberries into his water glass. "I'm a plane!" He shouts, almost falling off the chair.

Yuri winces but smiles. "That's gotta hurt his reputation." Otabek shrugs. "It's nice to see that guy smile every once and a while."

The short blonde looks up at Otabek, smirking. "What?" He asks, noticing Yuri staring. Yuri shrugs. "Oh nothing, just thinking about what you would do if you were drunk." "What would I do if I was drunk?" Otabek asks.

"You'd probably start explaining the history of motocross to everyone while shouting 'DAVAI' every second." Yuri responds, chuckling.

His boyfriend grins. "That seems accurate." He nods. "Wanna get out of here?" Otabek asks. Yuri nods quickly. "Definitely. I'm not in the mood to hang around these psychos."

They hold hands and exit the banquet, walking outside. The two pass Chris, who is still kissing the window. They laugh, poking the glass. Chris' expression fills with worry as he pets the glass, as if we hurt it.

"I wonder what next year's banquet will be like." Yuri wonders aloud. Otabek chuckles. "Don't get me started."




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