19 - Highshool AU (Part 1)

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* Length: 1098 words
Yuri's a sarcastic book nerd, and Otabek is a new student at Frostwind high. With Yuri's undeniable crush on Otabek, how will he ever make it through the semester?



The scariest thing about me, is that I am the result of a happy childhood. Fun times, fun memories, they lead me to be a fairly optimistic person throughout most of my life.

But all good things come to an end when high school comes around the corner. I'm a sophomore in high school. It's not really all that bad, but it's just so different that it shocks me.

Within the first week of my freshman year, you could already see the different groups and clicks forming. Poof! There's the jocks and cheerleaders. Poof! The theatre and book nerds. Poof! A group of goth and emo people!

I never really fit into one group. I tried hanging near the theatre obsessors, but they shoed me away due to my lack in knowledge of Shakespeare quotes. I tried the goth's, but, uh, that just didn't work. The Jesus freaks, the choir bombard, even the cheerleaders.

Nothing really suit me, until I met my little group of friends. Yuuri, Victor, and Phichit.

"No, Phichit, you are not getting my point. You can't go and flirt with her! You've got about as much charm as a dead slug." Victor argues with a face full of tuna sandwich. I roll my eyes at the sight of them arguing.

"I can! Just.. maybe next year." Phichit sighs as he watches his crush receive a kiss from her boyfriend.

"Yeah, go for it next year. Magically win over her heart with your slick, slug charms." I add sarcastically. Yuuri stifles a laugh and Phichit sticks out his tongue. "Thanks, Yuri."

He takes a bite of his potato chip and the lunch bell rings. We groan. At least we all have history together.

I pop out of my seat and bid my squad farewell, quickly grabbing my items from my locker and arriving in class early.

I've discovered that if you come to class early, the teachers like you more. You can make them think you are not a slacker and homework procrastinating professional.

"Ah, you're here early again. That's lovely! Get to work on the starter, there is seven minutes until the bell." My history teacher tells me. I nod and get to work.

Before I know it, the bell rings and a few students come in tardy.

I glance up and spot the usual tardy people. JJ, the asshole, and his little gang of football misfits.

But I pay no attention to them. My eyes are set on the boy with mocha brown eyes and fluffy black hair who I haven't seen before.

His words sound angelic to me while he speaks. "Sorry I'm late, ma'am. My locker got jammed. Not use to these types of locks." Ah, a new student.

The teacher simply smiles widely and motions to the empty seat beside me. "Oh, that's okay! Welcome to the school.. what's your name?" She asks.

"Otabek Altin." The boy replies. That is one lovely name.

The teacher launches into her lesson on the Cold War, but I find my eyes constantly glancing over to the chocolate eyed boy next to me.

His hair is slightly buzzed on the sides, making his jawline undeniable. His features are soft yet strong, and handsome too.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I take a quick look at it to find a message from Victor. I open it.

Victor probably noticed me staring at Otabek, because his message reads, "$20 that you two will be dating by the end of the year." I roll my eyes at the text and don't respond.

If only I had the guts to talk to him.

The classroom phone rings during the lesson, and the teacher groans and answers it, walking into the hallway to talk. The class begins chatting away at this opportunity.

I'd talk to Yuuri, Phichit and Victor, but they didn't manage to get a seat near me in time. Plus, we all made a deal that we four had to sit next to each other or we all would sit apart.

Otabek shifts in his chair, pulling out a book. I tilt my head to read the cover and he spots me, his eyes locking with mine. I look like a deer caught in headlights.

The raven boy smiles. God, that smile. He tilts the book front towards me so I can read it. I smile. The Fault In Our Stars is a wonderful choice.

"T-that's a g-great choice in books." I tell him nervously. He grins and his eyes twinkle. "Thanks! You've read it?" I nod. "I'm Y-Yuri." "That's a nice name." I smile and look away, scared to mess up the conversation.

I want to tell him about all the times I've read that book, and all my nerdy theories about it. But I sigh, deciding I'm to nervous to keep talking to him.

The teacher walks back in the classroom, silencing everyone with a loud, whale-like noise.

I pretend to pay attention while she teaches, but really, I'm watching Otabek. Surprisingly, his eyes seem to be flickering to me every once and a while too.

When class ends, I'm both disappointed and relieved. I find myself wondering if I have any other classes with Otabek.

As if he read my thoughts, he jogs up beside me. "Hey, Yuri!" He greets. He remembered my name? "H-Hi Otabek!" I reply.

He walks alongside me to my locker. I don't ask where he's going, because I enjoy his presence. It's strange to admit, but he seems to have an effect on me.

"You're the first person I've talked to today, and you seem friendly. Care to help me around throughout the day?" Otabek asks. I nod quickly, putting my books in my locker.

I pause in thought. Friendly? No one has ever called me friendly before. Even Phichit says I'm too sarcastic and cold to be nice.

I shake off his kind words, deciding he only said it to be polite. "Of course I can help! W-What's your schedule?" I ask. He pulls out his schedule on a piece of paper and shows it to me.

I examine it carefully and smile. "We have every single class together, wow." I reply. He grins. "Great. We've got gym next, I'll see you there!"

He leaves my locker as I'm waving goodbye. I watch him as he turns the corner, black hair flowing lightly. I can already tell that this year will either be humiliating, or perhaps the start of something beautiful.


i'm at loss for words. 1k reads..thank you all so much! I want to give a huge thanks to everyone who's read this book and inspired me to keep updating


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