10 - In The Nick of Time

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* Length: 633 words
Yuri has one of those days where everything seems to go wrong. Unfortunately, Yuri has a skating competition today. How will his moods cheer up in time?

Dedicated to @Odlotowy_Balkon for commenting and being active. 🎀


Yuri sighs as his alarm clock blares loudly, waking him from his slumber. He had dreamed that the raven haired boy he loved proposed to him, making him grin in his sleep.

The Russian huffs and steps out of bed, only to fall because his legs got caught in his blankets. He sighs. Today wasn't off to a good start.

His grandfather always said that the beginning of your day indicates what is yet to come.

Yuri shakes this thought from his head. Today has to be a good day. After all, he skates in a competition in a few hours. Perhaps it was only his morning that started poorly?

He hops off his bed and heads to change clothes, but can't find his skating costume. Yuri frowns. He searches under his bed, in all his drawers, and in the cat's bed.

The blond, now frustrated, shouts in anger. He fumes, putting on last years outfit. It would have to work for now.

The competition wasn't huge, it was only a state qualifier. That means he would only be against Russians. No JJ, no Yuuri, and Victor was in a different match. He had nothing to worry about, right?

Yuri walks into his kitchen, making a bowl of cereal. But he spills the milk, and it gets all over his socks. He groans. Now I have to change socks! I don't have time for all this mess.

He eats a granola bar instead, slipping on new socks while hurrying out the door. Thats when he realizes he forgot his car keys. The blond groans and runs inside, and cannot find his keys. He searches and searches, but can't locate the silver item.

He looks out the window and spots Otabek on his motorcycle, waiting outside Yuri's house. He can give me a ride!

Otabek smiles as he spots Yuri run towards him. "Need a ride?" The raven asks, patting the seat behind him. "Yes yes! Thank you so much!" Yuri says, kissing Otabek's cheek. Otabek laughs. "It's what boyfriends do."

Otabek was in town to watch Yuri skate. He wouldn't be participating, for he had already advanced to nationals in his country.

The two whizz off, Yuri gripping tightly onto the boy in front. "Are you okay? You're gripping me a lot tighter than usual." He says, concern in his voice. Yuri stifles. "I'm okay."

Otabek doesn't believe a word he says, but drops the topic. The couple arrives outside the competition rink early, and manage to get a parking space close to the facility. Good luck seems to follow Otabek wherever he goes.

When Yuri and Otabek hop off the motorcycle, Yuri breaks down into tears. He looks around before crouching into a ball on the ground, weeping.

Otabek rushes to his side. "Yura, tell me what's wrong." He coos, rubbing Yuri's back to calm him down. "I-I-" He hiccups, tears wracking his frame. "I'm nervous, Beka. T-Today has been a bad day and- and I'm scared I'll loose the c-competition." Yuri cries softly.

Otabek cups the smaller boys cheek gently. "Yuri. I don't know what happened this morning, but you're strong. You can beat those other skaters, as long as you believe in yourself." Otabek says calmly, never breaking eye contact with Yuri.

Yuri smiles and blushes, resting his forehead against Otabeks. "What would I do without you, prince charming?" He says, smiling. The raven pecks Yuri's lips and the two stand up.

Otabek wipes the fallen tears of Yuri's pale face. Ready to kick some ass?" Otabek asks, grinning. "Hell yeah."


just drew yuri!
+ it doesn't look bad yay


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