16 - Cuddles

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* Length: 460 words
Yuri and Otabek watch a horror movie, which results in lots of scared snuggles.


Otabek holds a movie disk in the air. "How about Divergent?" He asks Yuri, who's sitting on the couch. "Nah." "21 Jump Street?" "Nope." Otabek sighs. "Well, what do you want to watch?"

Yuri thinks for a moment. He could choose a sappy romance, to possibly spark a moment between them. Or, he could pick a horror movie and sneak in some "scared" cuddles.

"How about the Walking Dead?" Yuri suggests, shrugging. Otabek raises his eyebrows. "You? Watch a horror film?" Yuri snorts in response. "Unless you'd rather watch Dora or something, yes."

Otabek takes out The Walking Dead disk and inserts it in the television. He sits down beside Yuri on the couch, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. The blonde blushes from the small action.

Otabek presses play on the remote, and the film begins. The start isn't bad, but as the movie goes on, it gets scarier. Yuri doesn't even have to pretend to be fearful to snuggle with Otabek.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!" Yuri screams, burying his face in his boyfriend's neck while hugging him tightly. "That's a zombie." Otabek replies, keeping his eyes on the screen.

Yuri looks at the screen again. Instantly, a jump scare appears, making Yuri yelp and hug Otabek. The taller boy chuckles. "Let me know if you want me to turn it off." "I'm no coward!"

A gruesome scene begins, and Yuri's eyes widen. He sits on his boyfriend's lap in a straddling position, burying his head in Otabek's chest. "Tell me when this part is over." He whispers. "Okay."

Otabek smirks at their current position. He holds Yuri tightly to his chest, rubbing his back.

A few minutes pass. "The nasty parts over." Otabek says, kissing the top of Yuri's head. "Okay." The blonde replies, staying in the same position. "Are you going to move?" Otabek asks, getting a little turned on when Yuri's inner thigh brushes his pants. He stifles a yelp of surprise.

"I'm staying here," Yuri replies. He shifts slightly so he's even closer to his boyfriend. Otabek grins and pecks Yuri's lips.

The movie ends, and slight snores escape from the blonde boy's lips. Otabek shifts so he can carry Yuri up to their room. He scoops him up bridal style, and walks slowly up the stairs. Not wanting to wake his prince, Otabek gently lays him down under their sheets.

Otabek hops in bed beside Yuri. In his sleep, Yuri twitches and smiles. Considering this adorable, his boyfriend nuzzles his neck.

The two sleep soundly, grinning in their pleasant slumbers.


gotta love the classic cuddle one shot!


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