7. Terza's Fears

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Clarisa was standing next to Vienna at the bar talking to her while they were waiting for their fresh orange juice glasses to be made. It was late in the evening and the young guests at Clarisa's welcome party were invited to come to a youth club that was owned by Vincenzo. This was a business the he had been running for a while now which had started as a school business project. Since the profits were soaring high every day, he had decided not to close down the place. The business was in fact booming and the place was buzzing with sons and daughters CEOs and Hollywood stars.

Clarisa watched his brother talking to Vincenzo on the second floor's VIP section. Tristan was glancing at Vienna from time to time. He was the king keeping an eye on his queen at all times.

It was Tristan's idea to find to this club after dinner. Clarisa knew this was really a date night with Vienna for Tristan. He had decided to invite people along to not make it look like a date in absence of Francesco Rosario and his wife who were still away on holiday. He was smooth like that not leaving any room for argument even from Vincenzo who was so protective of his sister.

Clarisa stared into Vienna's eyes as she was talking about her project. She resembled her mother a lot. There was little resemblance between her and her older brother. But when Vienna looked serious, there was a look in her eyes that reminded her of Vincenzo.

Clarisa sighed in frustration at the thought of the boy who had been on her mind and everywhere since she had just touched down on American soil after months being spent in Italy. It was crazy how Vincenzo was affecting her. He had promised to cut up anyone in half if they danced with her. She never thought he was going to follow up since the party was at the O'Neil home earlier on. But he was dead serious. He had knocked out Derek before he had the chance to dance with Clarisa. Vincenzo had warned her that he was willing to get two swords from her father's office and challenge any guy she danced with to a sword duel. He had vowed to indeed cut them up
in half. She found his over reaction unbelievable. She had tried to reason with him to no avail and now was trying to avoid him. She needed time to breathe and think how to hit back at him for being so over protective and possessive when he didn't need to be. She could take care of herself. What bothered her the most, was the fact that Vincenzo knew no guy meant anything to Clarisa. She wasn't interested in relationships. She preferred to focus on her career than spend time on boys.

Vincenzo was an exceptional case who had managed to get dances and kisses from her. He was too irresistible and had managed to grab her attention despite how hard she tried to just stay friends with him with no feelings attached. She did love him and there was no escape. But had to prove he was worthy. She wasn't going to let him just have his way while dating another girl. It was all a difficult situation that Vincenzo had to settle before he could claim her but he was moving on towards her already. It made Clarisa wonder how close Vitale could be to the day he declared Letizia as his girl. It couldn't be much longer. Clarisa wasn't sure how she felt about that. Was she going to carry on her studies even if Letizia left? She missed home but she was cherishing the opportunity of the mentoring she was getting from Anna Rosario.

Vienna asked "Is everything alright Clarisa?"

Clarisa leaned to the bar with her elbow " Of course. Why wouldn't I be alright? I am back home after so long."

Vienna looked around and then stared at Clarisa. She was hesitant but she finally asked her question " Clarisa.... How do you think Tristan would react if I go to Italy for the rest of this academic year?"

Clarisa couldn't believe Vienna was considering this but the look in her eyes meant she was serious. She was looking right at her with curiosity.

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