25. Two Heirs & Their Duties

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Adele was standing at the window looking at the front of the hotel. She was staring at her youngest son outside.

Francesco opened the door to his hotel room and was happy to see his wife was up and about. She had been in bed sleeping off her stress till now. She didn't react to the sound of the door. It was as though her surroundings did not matter to her. He knew she had too much on her mind. If she was anyone else he would have used his tactics on her to make her talk and tell him what her problem was. But she was his wife. She was the exception to his rules and he only could make her talk with love and nothing else. He stood behind her and put his hands on her hips "Sweetheart."

Adele jumped and gave out a shaky breath as she kept her stare to the front of the hotel building "You scared me. When did you come back?"

Francesco kissed the side of her head "Sweetheart. Tell me what's on your mind. I need to know. I don't think you should be worried about Vincenzo right now. You have no reason to be. In fact if you want to be worried, you can worry for anyone who crosses our eldest son. He is the threat to his surroundings. Nothing can hurt him except himself. No one will be stupid enough to touch him. I made sure he knows everything to survive this business. But I did not expect him to go above and beyond me when I was his age. There is no one like Vincenzo. I know you are not happy I didn't tell you he may have to answer a calling yo Sicilians one day. The truth is I did not know that the day was going to come so soon. The world is changing. Time is not the luxury that we can have any more. We have to move fast and our eldest son has to grow up fast if he wants to survive."

Adele gave out a sigh "Francesco. How can you be so casual about this? Vincenzo will be in Sicily soon. I don't want him to be pushed into this life too fast. He is only seventeen."

Francesco inhaled her perfume at her neck as he kissed her jaw "He is choosing his path Adele. When you married me, I told you all this. My sons have choices. They are not forced to follow my lead and never were. But you forced our daughter to follow your lead and decided to never give her any choices."

Adele turned around and Francesco loosened his hold on her allowing her to move. Adele put her hands on his chest as Francesco wrapped his arms around her. Adele looked up into his eyes "How can you say that? I did my best Francesco. I really did. I want her to be safe. I am a mother. Yes. I only showed her one way. I didn't prepare her for the life of a criminal. That was my intention and I stand by it. But you made sure to show her the other side. You created that survival camp at O'Neil school which I opposed to, for her. You made sure she learnt everything. She has leadership ambitions. It's all because you made sure she is exposed to the life you want her to lead but you know I don't want for her to lead."

Francesco stared into her eyes with calmness. He couldn't get mad at her even when she confronted him. Even when they had disagreements he found her irresistible as always. She was never going to win any arguments with him. He was not ever going to make her feel the sting of his come backs that he would have at anyone else if they were addressing him in the manner his was at times. He did know it was easy to over power her and make her fearful of ever challenging him but he was not that kind of man. His father was that kind of monster. He was not going to hurt Adele just because he could. He was capable of easily bring up so many attempts she had done that broke the agreement they had. She had tried to influence their sons when she wasn't meant to. Bringing up his sons were his responsibility and not hers.

Francesco spoke calmly "Sweetheart. I never promised you to hold our children back and I will certainly not let anyone hold any of my children back." He hesitated "Not even you sweetheart." He said it as gently as he could and he made sure he held her reassuringly and gently as he said but still he made her tremble. She seemed nervous suddenly. He saw the fear in her eyes.

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