49. Mistakes & Regrets

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Vincenzo felt like he was living a nightmare. The shock was just hitting him. His father had been trying to protect him from Paulo Rosario. All these years he questioned why his father had cut off ties with the Sicilian part of his family except for uncle Pietro now made him feel guilt. All this time he thought his father should have allowed his grandfather to enter their lives. What was the worst that could happen? But now he just felt deceived by his grandfather. How he had fallen for his front was a mistake he wanted to never repeat. He wasn't careless. He didn't trust people that easily. He had trusted his grandfather and now he had taken one look into his father's eyes and he had seen the pain and suffering. When he had spent time with his grandfather he could see his brutality but not towards family. He had never hurt him. Of course there was a good reason too. His grandfather didn't want to alert his father to seeing his grandson. An unexplained bruise could be alerting him.

Vincenzo relived the past hour that had been the hardest hour of his life. He had gone outside and had called upon Viggo to tell him the truth. Viggo was as shocked but had said his mother and Vienna had the right to know. He had told them all the while his father was outside and ordering his men around. He was planning something big. His uncle Costanzo was outside too. When Vincenzo had glimpses of them from the window he could see them in intense conversations. This matter was personal to the brothers and Vincenzo could feel it so he had decided to stay inside.

Now his mother was in the kitchen making breakfast deciding they had to live normal while waiting. Even his mother knew she couldn't interfere. Not any more. His mother had gone pale when she had heard and had cried. She had embraced Vincenzo and asking if he was alright repeatedly. Now she was just waiting. There was nothing that could influence his father. Everyone knew that. He was not sure where his siblings were. They were scattered. Vienna was on the phone with Tristan most likely and Viggo, well he was most likely just waiting in the kitchen with their mother. The threat was real when his father had declared "this fight was his." That meant they had to wait their turn.

Vincenzo was now in front of the mirror in his father's office resting his forehead on the mirror thinking hard. Just then the door opened soundly and as he looked in the mirror he saw his father. His father paused at the door "Why are you still here?" He said harshly. He then came in and banged the door soundly as his heavy foot steps shook the room. He was staring right at Vincenzo walking towards him "I told you this fight is mine."

Vincenzo took a step away from the mirror and turned around. He was silent. He didn't know what to say. He couldn't find the right words.

Francesco walked to his son and then reached next to him opening a cupboard next to the mirror.

Vincenzo was startled as his father had raised his hand towards him. He was deep in his thoughts. He watched his father take out a hand gun and some bullets.

Francesco stood in front of his son looking down at his gun as he was loading it with bullets. He said dismissively. "If you stayed to talk to me about your so called favourite uncle, then you might like to know that I am not dealing with him today. He is sent away out of town. I have banished him for now. I will deal with him later." He then looked up at his son as he put his gun around his belt in its leather case.

Vincenzo said "I didn't stay for uncle Antonio. I think he knew the consequences when he tried to save his family by going along with it..."

Francesco narrowed his eyes and became tensed up "  If you want to know about your grandfather and you stayed just for him, then I will tell you what is his status after I have dealt with him."

Vincenzo shook his head and said "I didn't stay for them. I stayed for you...."

Francesco raised an eyebrow "I told you this is my fight. Not yours... Now leave... Go to your room or go see your mother and help her with making breakfast."

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