66. Negotiations

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After Terza had left, Vincenzo had stayed to do some paper work. Work was never paused even from a distance. Once he finished making some phone calls, he left his room. He was walking downstairs he was greeted with O'Neil who was coincidentally walking in his direction or was he? There was no such thing as coincidence with him. O'Neil said "Hello ... disaster."

Vincenzo sighed and stopped walking as he waited for O'Neil reached him. He said "Hello sir. How joyful to see you?"

O'Neil looked into Vincenzo's eyes and said " I want you to listen carefully... You think this is bad... Think again. Its going to get worse... Much worse..."

Vincenzo asked "Alot is bad at our end right now sir. What are you referring to exactly?"

O'Neil said " The impact of your decisions. The ones you have made... that you cant undo..."

Vincenzo said " I am aware of my father's displeasure about me... I will undo what I can..."

O'Neil said "He is never displeased with you... Because you are his son... He is displeased with himself for not protecting you ... You think you can undo anything... Think again..."

Vincenzo said " One thing lead to another and I landed in making decisions that displeased my father... With all due respect sir... I did not ask to be involved. I became involved with my grandfather long before I could even comprehend the meaning of what was happening... ..."

O"Neil said "But you knew always that your father cut off ties with his father. Did you ever question that in your mind? A father so dedicated to his family... Why would he not want his children to see their grandfather? ... What was so bad that he had done this... You knew that all along... You could use the knowledge even yesterday... When you tried to take the law into your own hands and abducted the monster, excluding your father in the process from your decisions of such personal level to him... That was an unnecessary move. You betrayed your father's trust... Now he wont want you involved in any way...  Your father cant take the risk of you trying to get involved in what he has tried all his life to shield you from... Now he has made a pact with your grandmother... Good luck abducting her too and making matters worse..."

Vincenzo got the message. His father had chosen truce one again and at a cost. It was a win for his grandfather. The man kept buying himself more time in this world.


As soon as Viggo heard about the Russians being near where his sister was, he left the mansion in his car with his bodyguards. What was wrong with Tristan? Of course this was his Irish side kicking in casually just informing him there was a near accident where his sister had come close to the Russians. The Alexandrov family of all the god damn ones. He went straight to his uncle Costanzo's house. He asked to see his uncle Costanzo as a matter of urgency. He was in a meeting but he cancelled it. His uncle Costanzo dealt with diplomatic relations for the family. Costazno heard Viggo's account calmly in his office. "Have you told your father yet?"

Viggo said "No. Tristan said he will deal with it and I am sure he will. I dont wish him to deal with it... We need to do it so we make sure there is no doubt and no room for mistakes. My father trusts him... I do too but not when Vienna is involved in such serious matter without a. choice of her own..."

Costanzo said "You have nothing to worry about Viggo about your sister..."

Viggo said "Thats what Tristan said... This matter must be resolved, closed and filed away. I need you to give me your advice..."

Costanzo said "If Tristan wants to deal with it, you need to let him, but if you want to take action to make sure your sister is not involved, I can take action... I need to get inside information on this..."

A Mob Boss's Territory (Book 4-About Vincenzo)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora