10. Future Battles

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It was a cold winter morning. Francesco was sipping from his glass of vodka sitting on a chair opposite his bed watching his wife sleeping peacefully as he from time to time glanced outside. But there was not much outside to see.  There was no sunshine and it was dark  and cloudy out there but the light snowfall was making it a beautiful sight. Francesco was looking at the snow flakes that fell on the glass windows while trying to think about his children's future and their upcoming battles. Did they know their grandfather was on the compound grounds? Vincenzo knew. What about the others? Had any of his children seen their grandfather brought inside? What about his wife. Had Adele seen anything. Perhaps not. He was sure Adele hadnt. She had been reading a book when Francesco had arrived home. She hadnt noticed anything much out of the ordinery. He asked himself, were they going to miss Paulo if he

His father was  ano go area. But he prefered to focus on the thought of his family and their well being rather than how badly he wanted revenge.

Francesco couldn't stand the thought of his children near the man. How did this happen? How could he allow him to come this close? But more importantly had he ever come this close before and Francesco had missed it? The thought bothered him. No. Impossible. He wasn't that careless. But what if he had slipped? What if his father had come close before and had done some damage? The thought of the man he couldn't call his father but had to, messed with his mind. Even after all these years he felt wary of him. His father couldn't hurt him and neither had he taken steps to. Not yet anyways. But he was capable of it. Power was dangerous in his hands. He was certain his eldest son felt it too on that roof top. His son knew who he was dealing with. Francesco could tell. He had raised his son with enough knowledge to recognise the dangers. His father was a threat and his son knew it. That did put his mind slightly at ease. As long as he didn't feel sympathy for the man he was to be wary of, he was content.

Now it was time to question Vincenzo. He had to sit down and have a talk with him. But where did he start? He couldn't question him without going into detail about everything the man had done. But was he ready to tell his son about the past? His past was not revisited often and in particular he didnt mention his life before marrying his wife mostly unless he blanked out the parts about his father. The man destroyed his life and Costanzo's. They had a family and he destroyed it. It made his blood boil when he looked at his childhood. Many were not lucky enough to have a family on this planet. But he was lucky enough. He could have happiness. But his father didnt allow it.

Why did the pride and insanity of one man had to destroy a family. His childhood was bitter but it didnt have to be. His father ruined it. He had no childhood. His father ripped their family apart and ripped his soul apart too by force. Maybe if he had the choice he had chosen the paths he was on now. Maybe he hadnt. He could never know. But at least he would have had choices. Of course thats what it came down to. He never had any choices in his life. None at all. Once only he took control of his father's business he was allowed to choose to bring Adele into his life after ten years of no communication with her. His father didnt even allow him to make one phone call to Adele or write one letter or christmas present or birthday card to her. He was hoping Francesco forgot her so Franceco could marry a Sicilian girl from neighbouring mob families.

"Francesco..." Her voice called.

Francesco felt instantly at peace. Her voice was like an antidote to the poisonous thoughts he had at that moment. He relaxed instantly. All he needed was her to get though his upcoming years. He protected her in every way he could and his children didn't understand it fully. He apprecaited his wife like no other. Life before Adele was no life. He turned to Adele's form lying on the bed with her  creamy silky dress. He smiled as he put his vodka glass down "Sweetheart. Go back to sleep..."

A Mob Boss's Territory (Book 4-About Vincenzo)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora