54. One Question

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Francesco was standing next to the lake looking into a distance across the waters as he had his eyes closed as he was all alone with his memories.

"Francesco. Go to bed. I can't read you a bed time story tonight." His mother had said to him like many nights.

Francesco never liked going to bed knowing his mother was going to be subject to harm by his father. "No. Mother, stay in my room. Read me a story...." He knew that could buy his mother some time. Then maybe a miracle could happen. Then maybe a guest could show up so his mother wasn't hurt... Then maybe her cries and screams didn't haunt him as his father hurt her behind locked doors.

It was tough being a child in that household. He lived in fear and never stopped worrying for his mother and his brother for that matter.

Costanzo used to come to his room rubbing his eyes watching him argue with their mother.

"Francesco, it's bed time. I will read you a story tomorrow morning." She then had walked to Costanzo to give him a good night kiss "Sleep tight sweetie."

Francesco could only whisper "You too mother..." He recalled saying good night as though it could be the last time he could see his mother. He knew his father's marriage was on rocks. He hated recalling the past. There was no point recalling those worst days of his life that only became worse as he grew older. His abusive father was good at hiding his true colours. He still was. He adapted to the direction of the waves. He had the excuse he had anxiety. That was an excuse. Anxious people didn't beat their wife and kids. They had nervous break downs. His father was on medication but him being a wife beater had nothing to do with his anxiety that he had tried to sell to Francesco as an excuse when he had gone to Sicily right before marrying Adele. His father could trick the world convincingly but not him. The truth was... His father loved having power. If he was questioned he didn't like it even by his children. He had a wounded pride because his wife had ran away once when she was pregnant with their eldest son. His father didn't forgive his wife and saw the expression of affection from his kids towards her as a sign of betrayal. He was jealous in some ways too that his children loved their mother more than they loved him. A child needed their mother. His father couldn't understand that. The more time passed his father became more strict throwing whatever harshness and testing conditions at him and his brother. Francesco took the hits. He tried to protect his younger brother with all he had. But of course his brother Costanzo was emotionally hurt in many ways. No one escaped his father. His shadow was there. Francesco left him behind in Sicily hoping the next time he had to look into his eyes was at his funeral. But of course his father just never went away. His father had dared to even influence his son. His son was not damaged. He didn't think he was. His son had peculiar survival genes and of course Francesco had taught him survival skills and resilience in case he came face to face with the likes of his father. Even though he had full faith in his son being safe from the monster the thought of his son being with his father disturbed him. His son had been with his father when he was a child without his knowledge. How could Antonio betray him like this? How could Antonio allow this? He felt responsible. He should have protected his son. He had failed to protect his child. It didn't matter that his son was invincible now. He had not seen the signs. He never thought Antonio could betray his blood. Antonio wouldn't have endangered Vincenzo. He trusted Antonio and he believed Antonio must have kept an eye on his father when Vincenzo was alone with him. The thoughts troubled him.

O'Neil's voice brought him to reality "I am sorry Francesco."

Francesco opened his eyes and turned around facing his friend.

O'Neil shook his head "I am sorry I can't talk sense into him my way. I need it to be your way... He is still inside. You need to go inside and talk to him."

A Mob Boss's Territory (Book 4-About Vincenzo)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant