59. In The City

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Tristan was in his car on his way to meet his father. When he went around a bend that lead to the private drive thru of Riordan Rossi, the car came to a halt. He looked outside and saw what was happening. He could recognise a face. Arturo. He was standing in front of his car leaning to the car boot as he was waiting. He was staring right at his car. He saw himself surrounded by his men as his own men came out.

Tristan quickly came out and signalled to his men to back off. He didn't know why Arturo hadn't gone to the rendezvous. He asked "Greetings Mr Agostini. We are meeting at the Rossi villa." His voice was reflecting in the deserted area. The place was full of empty villas reserved for summer. There was no one there past a point unless they had permission from the Rossi family as it was a private road.

Arturo stood passively as he looked at his watch. "Come closer kid. You and I need to have a talk.

Tristan's bodyguards didn't like that. As Tristan took every step, his bodyguards moved with him.

Arturo turned to his own guards and made a gesture making him spread out behind him giving them more space. That brought Tristan's body guards out of restlessness. They mirrored the posture of Arturo's guards.

Tristan walked closer to Arturo until he was a few steps away. " Let us skip the formalities. Shall we? I am only here for 15 minutes while my men are being stationed around the building where my wife is. I don't want greetings or sympathy. I am here on business. I would like to ask questions and I want answers. If you waste my breaths, I will not be kind. My wife is taken. I don't play with her life."

He then raised his finger "Where is my son? I thought he is at your father's home. I talked to Amethyst. But Andreas was not where he was supposed to be."

Tristan said "He is with Ambrogio."

Arturo stated " The O'Neil bloodline is scoring high today in negligence. Your people lost my wife. Now they lost my son too. That's a record. All in one day."

Tristan said "I trust Ambrogio with your son."

Arturo said " I do too. But that's Andreas I don't trust because he has just heard his mother has disappeared. I don't trust my son with Ambrogio. My son doesn't take orders from him. So I would like to declare my son missing."

Tristan said "The matters will be resolved if you come to the meeting point right now. We all will help to put an end to the situation... You will get what you want which is justice and revenge."

Arturo said " I want your uncle caught. He is responsible. But ... this is happening in your territory. Do you think I should hold you responsible too?"

Tristan nodded "I take full responsibility."

Arturo gave a bitter chuckle "I asked your father that. He said Tristan has responsibility for what happens under his watch but he asked me to hold him responsible instead. Well. He is responsible for your existence..."

Tristan said "I know my failure to prevent this disaster cant be ignored.. I wish to fix this... That's why I wish to ask you to go with my plan. The plan can work..."

Arturo said "Plan? You have a plan to execute when exactly? After my son is captured too or killed? Or after Jackson flees? You rule your people or do they  rule you? Anything that happens in my city I know of it. There is not anything I don't know when I am in Milan. So let me get this straight, you didn't know your uncle was planning this? Not even a small ray of suspicion? You have a lot to learn yet... What have you got to say about this?"

Tristan said "I am truly sorry. I can't express my sadness and regret enough. I am hoping I can mend the relationship between our families."

Arturo gave him a hard look and then relaxed as he put both his hands on Tristan's shoulders making Tristan's body guards raise their guns. He spoke as he looked into his eyes "I am just messing with you kid. You are only 17. I dont hold minors responsible... You have honour. I give you that. But your uncle has no honour. None. Francesco trusts you with my god daughter. So I dont doubt you or question you... You have made mistakes but this is not one of them. You can't be held responsible for the crimes of another man. But either way Jackson is not my priority. I want him dead. But my wife and children's safety come first. I want my wife back and my son. If anything happens to them, this city will pay... Now it's time for action. There is no time to waste. I wish to go search for my wife and son..."

A Mob Boss's Territory (Book 4-About Vincenzo)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum