32. The Young Don (Part 2)

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Vincenzo was staring at Terza intently as he was resting his hand on either side of her on the wall. She had her back to the wall as she was staring back at him breathlessly after they had an intense kissing session.

Vincenzo shook his head "You arrived at this meeting on time but it is too bad you arrive without permission and you have brought uninvited company with you too. You know trespassers are not welcome here... Do you know what I do to uninvited guests?" He then leaned closer and whispered "Do you want me to show you."

His breath on he  cheek was making her tickle. She said with a hint of a smile  "Would you rather I came here with no guards and protection?"

Vincenzo pulled away slightly "No. I wish you came with a proper army. These guards are obviously not fit to protect you. Not like how I can and my people can."

Terza defended "They did fine actually until Vitale came along. You can't hold it against my people. You wouldn't dare hurt them. They are my people."

Vincenzo gave out a dark chuckle "Tsk Tsk Terza. You should know not to dare me by now. Haven't I thought you not to?" Then, his expression turned serious "Also I would like to correct you. My people are your people too."

Terza sighed "You call your people mine when you don't call my people yours. Vincenzo let's end this argument right now and get to the point. You proved your point that your territory can't be invaded. Your border control of your territory is quite good. Now tell me is this over now? Are you letting my people and I go now?"

Vincenzo said I thought you wanted to drop by in my meeting. Why waste a trek Terza. Of course you can go once you get what you need. I will escort you to safety but your purple will stay."

Terza said " We are Irish. We have immunity. If you hurt my body guards there will be war."

Vincenzo retorted "As if what we already have is peace. I am sorry to break it to you Terza but the tensions are rising. My uncle Angelo's wife is hunted by your big brother and refusing to take any offers of peace on the table. There are plenty tensions in the business relations between the Irish and Italians while FBI is closing in looking for weaknesses in our defences to bring our walls down. The peaceful times are ending. It is time for nemesis. It's the era of the survival of the most intelligent and the annihilation of the careless criminals. Terza ... don't attempt to threaten me on my own land. It is to no avail to do so."

Terza said "Is it inconvenient if I do so. Why is that?"

He kissed her cheek as he whispered "Because Terza you are my territory. You can't threaten what's part of you. You are part of me and I am part of you."

Terza had enough "Its been nice catching up... I should take my leave now and I will come back to take my people to safety." She then tried to side step him but he leaned closer to her trapping her.

Terza sighed "Vincenzo. What do you want from me?"

Vincenzo said "Defeat. Surrender... remorse... penance .... but I will wave all that for another kiss." He then bridged his lips against hers "Terza. Don't deny me your touch. I need it now..." He then slowly attached his lips to hers. He was gentle. He tried not to be rough. He tried not to be forceful. He was mad at her. But a gentle kiss tastes better.

As Vincenzo pulled away he took a step away from her and stated "Fine. If you want to leave, I let you. I take you to safety but when you come back for your people don't expect anything to be left of them. They trespassed."

Terza took a step closer to him " You wouldn't dare."

Vincenzo said "Don't dare me Terza. I warn you. I will make it worse."

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