40. Show Down

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Viggo was watching his brother drink soda while looking outside the window. Viggo was still sitting behind the board-meeting table looking at the paper work that Nolan O'Leary had signed while glancing up at his brother with mixed feelings from time to time. Vincenzo was occupied by the looks of it. As he was looking down at the paper work Viggo said "I see you need a drink after this historical meeting. It is rare for an Irish to show up here."

Vincenzo didn't look at him as he said "It won't be repeated."

Viggo looked up at his brother "You say it so earnestly. Well, Tristan is counted as family almost so you will see Tristan at least. It will be repeated. We will have Irish in this house in this friendly manner again."

Vincenzo said "Don't count on it after today."

Viggo took in his words and he was unsure of what to think. His words and the truth behind each word hit him. Something was up. "What do you mean?" He stood up and walked to Vincenzo. He stood next to him awaiting his reply as he glanced outside the window at the direction he was looking at. He was looking at Tristan and Vienna who were still saying goodbye. Nolan was long gone and Tristan was just talking to Vienna and hugging her. He wasn't sure if he wanted to watch that. It was getting too much. He glanced at his brother "Vincenzo what do you mean?"

Vincenzo said "His uncle. He is going to be punished today on my orders. Or rather today is a start. He won't know what's hit him."

Viggo couldn't believe what he was hearing "Vincenzo... what have you done?"

Vincenzo turned to his brother as he crushed the empty soda can in his hand "Do you want me to repeat myself? I just told you Viggo. Jackson O'Neil will be in pain today... by my orders. Very shortly."

Viggo was shaking his head "Have you lost your mind? Don't you know who you are dealing with? He is ... not someone you want to hurt. Tell me why you are doing  this and why you haven't told me anything about this before you did it?"

Vincenzo said "I just told you. Didn't I? I don't have to answer to you Viggo or anyone else when my baby sister's life was put in danger by Jackson and his people..."

Viggo was looking at his brother with astonishment "You make no sense... What has this got to do with Jackson?"

Vincenzo threw the crushed can of soda in the bin and said "Our baby sister was almost crushed in a car like this can of soda and almost died. No one plays god with my sister's life. No one. Jackson did so. He attempted to kill Angelia. I know it. He had a vendetta against her family for a very long time. But he wasn't the one to wipe them out. Others beat him to it. Killing your girl was going to be the ultimate victory. He wanted her dead so he could claim victory. He wanted her out of the way also since he is godfather to Reagan O'Reily and wants you to be her man. The man does have ambitions for others and himself. He played with fire by putting our sister in father. That fire he played with will burn him. He will hit back. We are ready."

Tristan was shaking his head and looking shocked "Vincenzo ... What are you saying? ... We have no proof."

Vincenzo closed his eyes as he put his hands on his hips shaking his head "I am the proof. I am the judge. I am the jury. Accept it." He then opened his eyes "Or fight it. But if you fight it, make no mistake... I will make you kneel. Don't doubt it. You can't beat me Viggo. I have all the loop holes covered. I even anticipated your attempts to confront me. Any action has a consequence so choose your words wisely."

Viggo took a deep breath "You are not understanding this. Our sister belongs to Tristan... You are going after Jackson? What have you planned to do?"

Vincenzo said " He has already killed most of the men involved in making the mess. But the ones covering up the mess are alive and are in his close circle protected by him. I will identify them, will catch them. I will kill them... All will die and he will watch them die."

A Mob Boss's Territory (Book 4-About Vincenzo)Where stories live. Discover now