36. Flying Back To New York

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Terza could hear sounds that resembled glasses and pouring of drinks nearby as she had closed her eyes resting. It was night time and she had woken up from her sleep on the plane that was flying to New York but she hadn't opened her eyes. She was hoping to sleep for longer but it was not a silent environment there and she was not a heavy sleeper. If she told that to Vincenzo he would have ordered everyone to be totally silent for their 12 hour flight as he always reacted drastically to her needs. She didn't mind the sounds much.

Earlier on, Vincenzo had received a message from Tristan to leave immediately. Vincenzo had made sure he left without delay. She had managed to have a cup of coffee with his family or rather the women before she had left in a rush. The Irish guards were left in Sicily. Vincenzo wasn't ordering their release for now.

Terza heard Vincenzo's grandfather's voice "The more I think about how you turned out, the less it makes sense... I am most baffled by your faith. Why did you stop at the church for on your way? Who turned you religious Vincenzo?" Terza hated hearing that voice even though Paulo was Vincenzo's grandfather. She definitely didn't want him to accompany them on this trip at all. But he was one of Vincenzo's mentors. Tristan only had one mentor who was Jackson O'Kane. Vincenzo had four; the old don, grandpa Paulo, uncle Pietro and uncle Piero. Amongst them she didn't mind Tiziana's father, Pietro. But her least favourite was Vincenzo's grandfather. Instinct told her to stay away from him. But he had to come as Vincenzo's grandfather and main advisor since Vitale had to stay behind to deal with Andreas and his demands for his sister. He didn't want to leave without her and the meetings hadn't reached a conclusion to find a solution.

Terza preferred it if Vitale accompanied them. Even though Paulo's safety was not guaranteed in New York, he still came along. It was common knowledge that Francesco Rosario was not fond of him showing up. But with Vincenzo now as the young Don, it complicated everything. She didn't look forward to going back to New York this time. She had a feeling there was going to be some darker days ahead. She just could feel it. If her brother had summoned Vincenzo with no reason it meant there was a serious issue.

Terza then heard Vincenzo "Grandpa. Drop this subject." The warning tone left no room for questions. She did feel the tension of the silence that followed but it didn't last long as grandpa Paulo said "I cant drop it. Who turned you? I like to know this. Your parents are responsible ... But ... It can't be your father..."

Vincenzo said "Clarify what you mean by that..." His voice was casual but the threat was obvious. Terza hopes that his grandpa got to taste Vincenzo's wrath. No one dared insult his mother. Paulo was crazy if he thought he could imply anything accusing Adele and live on. Terza knew that from the silence Paulo must have stopped himself from carrying on. Maybe he had understood the threat and the message... Grandpa Paulo had free reign to say anything he wanted especially behind closed doors. They were in a private section with no guards. He was free but of course there were rules. Vincenzo's Mother was sacred to him. She was certain he was going to kill his grandpa for his mother's honour because that was what his father had taught him. Grandpa Paulo also never disrespected Terza in public but Vincenzo had told Terza that behind closed doors he made comments about the Irish.

Paulo spoke after a pause "You can't afford to go soft Vincenzo."

Vincenzo said "And you can't afford to insult my mother. I have made it clear. I will listen to your instructions but there are exceptions. I don't wish to hear your opinion on certain subjects. I compromised. But if you break your word grandpa, I will break my word too."

Grandpa Paulo said "I asked you who turned you. That is all. I did not mention your mother."

Vincenzo said "Of course you didn't. If you had, then I would have reacted differently to you grandpa. But just to set the records straight I like to make this clear. I request from you that never ever mention my mother grandpa unless you wish to compliment her. I choose to live the way I do grandpa..."

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