38. Nolan At The Mansion

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Vienna was in her room resting when she found herself feeling better. She didn't want to stay in bed any more so she asked to see her mother. She knew she had to convince her to release her from her room. Her health was at stake so her father's guards weren't going to let her out since they didn't want to die in case she felt ill after leaving her room. Her mother of course was happy to see her feel better. She cautiously gave her permission to go for a walk in the gardens that day even though it was quite chilly and her father had forbidden her to go outside. Her mother was a doctor. She could over rule her father if she was willing enough to take responsibility for what happened next which she was. Her father could never harm her mother of course. That was rule of law at that mansion.

Vienna was pleased to finally walk outside and see the clouds reminding herself that she was still alive. She had a near death experience but it was all fine now. Nothing could go wrong. She decided to ask for some company as she walked to one of the guards "Can I please see Angelia? My mother said it is ok. Can she come outside to walk with me?"

The guard nodded and complied. She watched him walk away to get Angelia. She then walked around the trees and was enjoying her walk but the cars stopping at the gate suddenly got her attention. They were strangers.

She sat on the chair of the massive swing her father had ordered to be built for her years ago. She sat while watching the cars coming inside. This was a big group of people in business suits. Vienna recognised the tall blonde male with his navy suit. Nolan O'Leary. She had met him before. He was so nice to her. He offered her a scholarship she didn't want. He was also quite generous with his gifts to her when families exchanged gifts too when Vincenzo became a don months ago. She didn't know why he was so nice. She had no opinion of Nolan. She didn't know him at all. He was just a tall boy with a pair of piercing icy blue eyes who didn't stop staring at her. She started swinging slowly while she was watching his actions from far. She didn't think much of him. She had no reason to. He was a business man who Viggo dealt with these days. He was a business client or partner. That was all. So she didn't know why she had a feeling inside that there was more here. He looked at her in a way she couldn't even describe. She had no idea what it was but there was something that made her on alert when she was watching his moves. He was an Irish businessman. He was Tristan's equal or so they said. She knew nothing of the O'Leary family. Only Vincenzo knew them. Her big brother described Nolas as an Irish Avalanche.  She didn't know what it meant. Vincenzo had met him before. He knew their history. Not that he shared. He just warned Vienna to keep her distance if she could help it. But she knew that was not an option. Nolan was going to be attending the same college she was going to attend with Tristan next year and so was Viggo. There was no way of avoiding him. He seemed like the perfect gentleman so she wasn't concerned about him. She watched him address her father's guards with his unique elegance which she did respect. She could not hear them talk but his elegance was clear.

Nolan instructed the Rosario guard with his authoritative tone "I don't mind waiting outside. I like to stay here. There is no need for you to lead me to the waiting room."

The guard looked concerned "Sir. Allow us to make fire for you here if you wish to remain outside and not come inside."

Nolan spoke with finality "I am not in habit of repeating myself. I expressed my demands."

The guard looked troubled "Sir. Our instructions are to make sure you are comfortable while you are waiting. Are you sure sir that you wish to wait outside?"

Nolan gave him a hard look. If he was his own employee he would have shot him dead by now "Yes."

As the guard walked away he turned his head to his left as he whispered "Oh it will be my ... pleasure to wait outside. Believe me." His eyes once again met
hers. He didn't appreciate the guard interrupting him. This beautiful princess who was slowly swinging was the most breath taking human he had ever seen. He couldn't take his eyes off her. She was watching him silently as she was hugging her chest. He watched her swing back and forth as she held his gaze.

A Mob Boss's Territory (Book 4-About Vincenzo)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang