60. View Of Future

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Arturo watched his wife tear up. He stood watching her as he saw pain in her eyes.

Anna asked shakily "What do you mean by that Arturo?"

Arturo calmly replied "What do you think I mean?"

Anna whispered weakly "Are you ... Are you going to ignore my existence? That, I could not handle again Arturo. Please not that. Are you going to not talk to me and touch me until I begged just like last time when I endangered one of our children?" Anna felt nauseous "You say will hurt me until I am on my knees. Then, are you giving up on our marriage? Are you divorcing me?"

Arturo said with a cold expression as he looked at her "I did not say I will hurt you Anna. When did I say I will hurt you? Do you think I am actually capable of that? You ask me if I will divorce you. Really Anna? What kind of a man do you think I am? Do you think that my intention is to give up on our marriage? It has never been that Anna. You are recalling the last time that I was angry with you beyond belief... Even then... think about it... I could have never ignored you on purpose to hurt you. Last time, every time I looked at you I thought of what you put our daughter through without telling me. You hurt me Anna. I couldn't trust myself not to let you feel the pain that you let me feel. I could have taken you away from Amethyst. I could have separated you from our child if I didn't trust you to be a good mother. You are the mother of my children first Anna. I won't ever hurt you intentionally. You know that. You have hurt our marriage by hiding secrets. You have hurt me. But I will never hurt you..."

Anna asked worriedly "But what did you mean then?"

Arturo said sharply "Once a wound is created Anna, you can't close it by creating another wound. You have to stitch the wound back up. You have wounded our marriage. The only way to mend it is to ... restore trust. You need to trust me as your husband. I trust you as my wife. I always did. I never ever will think of another woman." He then started walking towards Anna.

Anna sobbed "I am sorry."

Arturo said "I know."

Anna cried "Please forgive me."

He touched her cheek with his hand making her feel tense.

Arturo said "You are reacting all wrong to me. I am your husband. Why do you tense up when I touch you? Arturo said "Let's start by this... How do I make you feel safe again with me Anna? Tell me. Do you really think I am capable of hurting you? Do you Anna?"

Anna looked away.

Arturo said "I won't hurt you. I don't want to hurt you and won't .... Look at me Anna." He then turned her chin towards him feeling her shaking and tensing up.

He leaned close and whispered "But somehow you must realise actions have consequences. I can't let you get away with what you did. You can't ever endanger yourself or our children again. I will restore trust in our marriage my way and you will be paying for any mistakes you made. It's going to take time... I love you... I will be anything but hurtful. I will be gentle..."

Anna could not understand "But you make no sense. Why are you being so gentle? If you are going to make me pay?"

Arturo whispered in her hear "I can you see that Anna you are fighting as hard as I am for our marriage. I am already convinced you know what went wrong... Last time all I saw when I looked at you was how our daughter could be hurt possibly when you played god with her life ..."

Anna asked "And now?"

Arturo said "Now I see... myself as responsible... I should have killed Jackson when I could. I let him live. That's not your fault... But you could avoid this situation. You could avoid putting Andreas in a position to get hurt."

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