33. The Young Don (Part 3)

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Terza was sitting down on a sofa going through the Italian tv channels. She sighed in frustration as she was getting bored. Vincenzo had locked her in the room after their last conversation had offended him. He had wordlessly left leaving her under lock and key. She didn't even want to bother to break out. There was no point. Vincenzo was the inventor of security systems in that place from what she could tell. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of defeating her. So she just decided to wait for him after he had ignored her calls to unlock the door. She wasn't sure how long went past before a knock came on the door. She knew it wasn't Vincenzo because he wasn't going to knock. She called "Come in." She was right. Vitale came inside and she could see the guards surrounding the door too.

Vitale closed the door and smiled politely "Hello Miss O'Neil."

Terza laughed "Don't call me that. I am Clarissa to you and Terza only to Vincenzo. As long as you don't call me Terza, he won't mind."

Vitale was standing at the door like a statue "I haven't been instructed what to address you while I am in business mode so I take the safe option. Others are meant to call you ma'am if they wish to keep their tongues but family can call you abit less formally ... for now. When we reach Home I might try to call you Clarissa. I will see if it is approved."

Terza stood up and faced him "Where is he?"

Vitale said "He is talking to scorpious and Andreas. The meeting ended awhile ago. Now he is having his personal talk with those two cousins."

Terza asked "Why did you leave to come here?"

Vitale said "Vincenzo sent me here to ask if you needed anything for your overnight stay. I can go to town and get any supplies you need."

Terza said "I am fine. If I needed anything I will just ask your sister. Tiziana is here the last I heard."

Vitale said "That's what I told him. But then scorpious had a rant at me that he wants her out of Sicily now and he will take her to his ship."

Clarissa said "Over Vincenzo's dead body. He is traditional. He won't let Tiziana out of his sight alone with scorpious."

Vitale said "Exactly. But Andreas is brought along for peace. He is our cousin and scorpious's cousin. We are lucky Andreas is close to his aunt Alicia and likewise scorpious is remaining close to uncle Arturo. I say it's a bizzare situation. Who would have thought Ambrogio Voltolini's nephew remains close to Arturo Agostini of all the people. Anyway. Back to the topic. Do you need anything?"

Terza said "No. like I said, if I need anything I would ask Tiziana."

Vitale said "Very well. I will pass it on." He then turned to leave.

Terza walked towards him "Wait."

Vitale turned to her quickly "At your service. Demand. Miss O'Neil."

Terza rolled her eyes "That's enough. You are doing this on purpose to annoy Vincenzo so he is reminded I am still an O'Neil and no where near becoming his. You get away with it unlike many just because you are his favourite Rosario."

Vitale gave her a smile " I am loyal to the new don. What can I say?"

Terza crossed her arms over her chest as she walked closer to him "Its way deeper than that. He trusts you so much. I can't even compare his treatment of you to how he treats his brother. He sees you as different. I don't know why."

Vitale said "That makes two of us. I guess I am lucky. May I be dismissed now ... ma'am."

Terza sighed "Now you are annoying me by addressing me so formally.. No you can't go as a matter of fact. You need to stay and make it up to me. Go take a seat."

A Mob Boss's Territory (Book 4-About Vincenzo)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora