55. True Power

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Vincenzo watched his father smile at him. He approached him and put his hands on his shoulders staring into his eyes "Listen my son. Life is a cruel game. No one is this world has a life free of pain and conflict. That's what makes us who we are. It defines us. It it stays with us. I can confirm the one who shaped my life is my mother. Not my father. My mother is the face I remember. Not my father's. Never ask anyone about who wronged them. Ask them what wrong was done and who was hurt. My mother is who I ever cared for. I thought of her every single day. I still do. Did you ever see her in Sicily?"

Vincenzo was stunned as his father spoke to him about his mother. It was the first time. He breathed "I did. She talked about you... She misses you..."

Francesco gave him a sad smile "I know. I offered to save her. She refused." He then let go. "Now. You got some answers. Are you satisfied?"

Vincenzo said "Father... I still don't know anything about the past..."

Francesco said with a hard tone "You are not meant to know. It's my past. Not yours... I only told you because your uncle O'Neil has locked down the building and won't let my men in without a stand off until I speak with you. He did make a sign at the skies with one of those colourful banners of his with his helicopter. I think you need to know about the past but I don't wish to be the one to tell you. I wish you to make your own judgements about my past and not be influenced by what I tell you. I don't think you are ready to make judgements at such personal level. You are not even old enough to vote."

Vincenzo knew despite his father's resistance he had the biggest chance at that moment... O'Neil knew what he was doing. He was cornering his father and buying Vincenzo time to convince his father to tell him the truth. Vincenzo took a deep breath as he watched his father walk away towards the lake. His father picked up a stone and threw it across the lake. Vincenzo tried to reason with him "Father. I know it's nearly impossible for me to convince you to tell me about yourself. But I need this father. I need you father to guide me. I don't want to let you down. I don't wish to make mistakes ... that could be avoided ..."

Francesco put his hands in his pockets and looked up at the skies "You will never let me down... Not really. You are my son. Raising you and teaching you all I knew has been my responsibility. But I don't wish to stop you from making mistakes... You are human son. As much as you would like to be flawless and perfect you can't be. You are not faultless and neither am I. I have made mistakes in the past. I am not perfect. I put you under your uncle Antonio's care for one ... Look what I caused. I take responsibility for trusting the wrong man..."

Vincenzo walked closer towards his father "Please don't say that. I cherished every minute with uncle Antonio. He didn't have a choice but to hand me over to my grandpa. I don't blame him. Neither do I blame my grandpa truly. He did show me scenes I didn't wish to see. But I am fine now... He never went too far... Just you need to know... He was desperate for contact with your family father. He was desperate... He said he wanted you in his life and he needed you... He said he wanted to see his grand kids... He said he wanted to be invited to your Christmas and thanksgiving dinners... That's what he wanted that he couldn't have and it bothered him..."

Francesco turned sharply "You don't know what you are talking about son..."

Vincenzo said "I know... So please help me father. Help me understand. Tell me about your past. I will do as you say. If you wish me to pretend I know nothing I will. If you want me to do anything ... I will do it. Just please don't keep me in the dark. I know I have no idea what I am talking about and I am sorry. But I don't wish to be sorry for the rest of my life. I wish to be like you or get close to being like you as much as I can manage. I need you father to be a better man..."

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