The vacation

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chapter 5

when we got home Justin came up to me " I'm sorry about what the pap said" he said why was he apologizing? "I don't mind, you don't have to apologize for something you didn't do" I smiled he smiled back I kissed his cheek "thanks Justin" he smiled and I turned the tv on I switched to E! news.

"Justin bieber was caught earlier today with former youtuber Bethany mota leaving McDonalds" I sighed listening to the lady " pictures show Justin whispering something in Bethanys ear then holding her hand, are they going out or not?" I had enough of her so I changed the channel to spongebob.

I looked over at Justin and he had his head in his hands and went closer to him and rubbed his back. "I hate pap!" he yelled getting angry. " calm down, don't let them bother you, you weren't bothered with them before so what's changed now" I asked " there now annoying you and I can't take that" I didn't no he felt this way I smiled at him and then went to Twitter.

@macbethers7: guys! don't believe everything you hear!

@lillymotavata: so are you dating justin or not! @Macbethers7

the same tweets carried on popping up do I left Twitter.

"Bethany come here!" my mum said. I walked to the kitchen "Pattie is coming over for dinner and so is Britney and Jake, so go get dressed" I did what I was told.

I wore a white dress with black flats since we were eating at home. I walked downstairs and everyone was already at the dinner table I walked in and the boys were checking me out. I just rolled my eyes and sat next to Britney. " I can't wait for this vacation!" Pattie said I was so confused "oh yeh, I hope you guys have fun!" Justin said what was going on. "uhh what vacation?" I said my mum and dad looked at each other "oh shoot we forgot to tell to you, me ur dad Pattie Britney Marin and Jake are going on a vacation to Hawaii!". my face dropped.

"when are you going?!" I yelled "tomorrow...." my mum said what! how can they not tell me! " what!! and you didn't think if telling me?!" I yelled " uhh whatever, I'm going to my room!" with that said I went to my room and fell asleep.

I woke up to my alarm going of I didn't have school school on Tuesdays! I got up and showered and got dressed it was really hot outside so I wore a muscle T and blue high waisted shorts.

I went downstairs and saw lots of suit cases, ofcourse my mum AMD dad are of to Hawaii today, completly forgot. "hey sweetie, please don't be mad with me" my mum said "I'm not mum I hope you have a good time in Hawaii" I smiled and she gave me a big hug before saying good bye. it was only me Justin chaz and Ryan now. I wander what we will get up to...


I no I told you guys I won't be doing auther notes but I just wanted to u no talk to u.

vote comment and read!

love u <3

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