parted for too long

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chapter 30

Justins P.O.V.

it's been 4 days since Beth's grandad passed away. I miss her so much. I have tried to take my mind of things by focussing in music

but knowing my princess is in pain makes me shatter inside...

she's coming home today and Im picking her up. I got here extra early.

I sat on the barrister. waiting for beth

don't get me wrong I love my beliebers but sometimes I just need my space.

they carried on asking for pictures and waiting for me behind me.

"Justin can I get a picture" a girl Said from behind me.

"I'm a human, I need my rights to be able to just sit here in a airport" I snapped.

"where sorry, we've been waiting here all day" another girl Said.

"yeh well iv been waiting for my girlfriend" I said as I drew my drawstring of my white hoodie trying to cover my face.

"guys leave him alone" another girl said. they eventually left as I waited for bethany to come I was with my body gourd.

I finally saw a girl wearing leggings and a purple hoodie with her hands in her pockets looking at the floor. I instantly new it was beth. Britney and her mum and dad where behind her. Bethany looked the most upset.

I ran to her and pulled her in for a hug. she hugged back.

Bethanys P.O.V...

we finally arrived back in California. it's been hard. I walked out of the aeroplane. there were a couple fans I walked straight passed them. I put my hood up.

I was wearing black leggings and a purple hoodie and my white converse.

I put my head down and walked to the main entrance.

I saw Justin running to me. he wore a white hoodie and black pants with black supras. he hugged me so tight. I could tell he missed me. I missed him too.

I hugged him back.

"how you doing princess?" Justin asked as he held my hand as we walked to his car.

mum dad and Britney were going in my uncle's car and I was going with Justin home.

"I'm good, you?" I said ask I put my head down.

"I missed you so much" he Said as he drove of.

"I missed you too" I said quietly as I put my head on the window

"if I could take away your pain... I would beth" Justin said

"thank you Justin" I said

"what for?" Justin said raising his eyebrows.

"supporting me... I love you" I said as I gave him a week smile.

"I love you too princess" we reached my house and Justin came and opened my door for me.

we were surrounded by paparazzi.

Justin held my hand as we walked to my door.

as I walked in my house I saw all my friends sitting in the living room.

chaz Ryan ariana Adriana Chloe samrah jess and Savannah.

they all came running to me and gave me big group hug.

" beth, I'm soo sorry" jess said. everyone nodded.

"it's fine" I said as I walked straight passed them to the stairs ans in to my room.

I heard footsteps behind me. I reached my room as my arms was pulled and slowly someone's grip came around my waist from behind.

it was Justin.

"baby, please don't be upset" Justin said. I turned around and faced him.

"I'm not..." I said as I walked to my bed I took of my shoes on got in the covers.

Justin came next to me and held me in his arms.

"when I was little me and my grandad... we would go down to this one lake and just sit there for hours talking and laughing... I miss him so much Justin" I said tearing up.

"shhhh don't cry baby. everything's gonna be alright. your grandad is probably watching over your right now, he loves you... stay strong for him" Justin said in a comforting voice.

"Justin..." I said. "yeh?" he replied.

"I'm sorry for getting in your way all the time... getting in your way of your career" I said. Justin straight away smashed his lips against mine.

"baby... if I didn't have you... I wouldn't be enjoying my music" he said joining our foreheads.

I let out a smile.

"let's go downstairs... join the guys" I said.

"are you sure?" Justin asked.

"yeh.." I said. Justin then pulled me up as we walked down the stairs together hand in hand.

I saw everybody in the living room. but Britney and mum and dad werent there.

"hey beth" they all said. chaz and Ryan were playing on my x box while the girls where gossiping.

"hey" I said. I sat next to Adriana. but Justin picked me up and sat me on his lap next to Adriana.

"we've been parted for too long babe" Justin said kissing my neck.

I laughed. "beth your mum told us to tell you that her Britney and your dad went to aunt... what was her name? oh yeh aunt Carolines house they will be back tomorrow morning" chaz said

"alright" I said. I never really liked aunt Caroline.

"you don't seem to happy" jess said.

"I don't like aunt Caroline" I Said everyone started laughing.

"why?" Justin said inbetween laughs.

"she always wanted me to be this perfect girl. every mistake I made she would point it out. ugh I don't like her at all" I Said with attitude.

"Ooooooooooo go girlfriend" everybody said cliking there fingers

I laughed so hard. I'm glad I have such great friends that are so supportive.

"wanna go to the mall tomorrow?" samrah said

"sure, I really wanna get the new Alexander stud bag" I Said smiling.

the boys then turned the news on.

it was about me and britney

"former modal Britney Nichols grandad passed away... Bethany mota sister of Britney took this news very badly as she was seen with former boyfriend Justin bieber leaving the dance studio with tears in her eyes. poor girls rejected her fans for the first time as she was heart broken." the lady on the tv Said.

it showed a picture of me holding Justin's hand wiping a tear from my eye leaving the dance studio.

and yes my sister is a modal. her surname is Nichol because she is married.

"how dis they find out?" Justin asked.

"Britney dis a interview" I said.

"speaking of interviews, tomorrow I have a interview with a radio show. I will see you lot after the interview and maybe we can get something to eat?" Justin said.

"sure" we all said

I was still sitting in Justin's lap.

"dayum girl.. you are as light as a feather" Justin said to me.

I laughed. we then kissed and it turned in to a make out session.

I laughed in between the kisses. "get a room!" chaz said.

we all laughed ans hung out some more.

my mind was taken of grandad. he will always be in my heart.

Meant To Be? (Justin bieber and Bethany mota love story)Where stories live. Discover now