skating is hard!

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chapter 9

Bethanys P.O.V...

I woke up in my bed, I couldn't remember how I got here the last thing I remembered was doing some editing, oh well!

I walked to the bathroom and had a shower and brushed my teeth, I opened my room window, it was soooooo hot. I chose to wear a pink cropped tank top with my denim skater skirt with my pink converse. I left my hair out and went downstairs.

as I walked in to the kitchen the boys were up and watching the hockey game on the kitchen tv.

"hey!" I said. the boys jumped they didn't no I was there oops

"Bethany... I nearly had a heart attack!" Ryan said

"oh haha sorry!" I laughed and grabbed some cereal. I decided to sit with the guys but when I sat down they gave each other a look "what?" I asked

"ugh, won't you get bored, you don't like hockey?" Justin spoke up. he had a point.

"well maybe I wanna learn!" I said, but really didn't want to learn.

"wait Bethany.. you don't know how to play hockey!" Justin said cracking up with laughter i just sat there eating my cereal. "we will teach you?" Justin offered

"haha no thanks anything else buy hockey!" I said

" fine, pick something that you wanna learn" Justin said hmmm "well... I got it! I wanna learn how to skate!" the boys started laughing so loud!

"haha ok if that's what you want, learn from the best, aka me!" Justin said

"no way! I'm better!" chaz said then they all argued. boys!

"do you have a board?" Justin asked, I nodded pointing to the pastel green penny board in the corner.

"I will get you the proper skate board, penny boards are harder to learn" Justin said "alright" I said getting up and washing my bowl "right you ready?" chaz asked.

"what for?" I asked. "where leaving now to teach you how to skate" Justin said putting on his shoes. my jaw dropped "I didn't think you would actually take it seriously!" I said backing up

just as I was backin up Justin and chaz linked arms with me and dragged me back "fine, who's driving?" I asked.

"you!" they all said.I sighed and grabbed my keys and phone "go to the mall first so we can get tour board" Justin said

*at the skate shop*

"so Justin, what boars are you getting this time" the man asked

"it's not for me, it for he'd, but just get me the regular one" Justin said

the guy looked at me and started checking me out, ugh "do you mind?" I said rudely the boys looked at me and laughed. I was about to had him the money but then he stopped me "it's on the house" he said. we thanked him and we went back to my car, this time there was double paparazzi.

Justin grabbed my hand and we headed for the car.

"were we going now" I said "just drive to this address" said said sticking the Sat Nav on my window.

we arrived at some old garage, what were we doing here?

" uhh where are we" I said locking my car door

"you'll see" Justin said grabbing his skate board out of the boot same as chaz and ryan.

we entered a big skate park inside the garage it was filled with graffiti all over the walls and lots of big bumps to skate on, there were lots of guys there guessing they were Justin's friends.

"hey bro" Justin said I laughed at how Justin was trying to act 'cool' with his friends. "Justin... who's this hottie" some guy said checking me out, "this hottie is called Bethany mota, and this hottie isnt afraid to beat your ass"  I said he then out his hands up in defense " feisty! I like em feisty" the guy said they all laughed "alright Bethany, this is little za, those two" pointing at 2 guys coming toward us "are brad and chunky J" I then looked at them and looked at Justin "oh and thats" before he could say anything I screamed "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" my voice echoed throughout the whole of the skate park the guys covered there ears "omg your Cody Simpson!!!" I said covering my mouth noticing that I said that really loudly they all started laughing leaving me blushing

" you a fan?" cody said smiling "something like that" I Said back.

"your absolutely beautiful... oh and loud" Cody said I blushed "oh yeh sorry bout that guys" I said putting one hand in my hip "alright let's skate" Justin said pulling my wrist and basically dragging me

"she's skating?" little za said still checking me out

"no?" I said before Justin could say anything

I then whispered something in Justin's ear and hw started laughing

" your not gonna fall on your butt" he said laughing

"the whole reason why I Said that in your ear was cos I didn't anyone to know you idiot" I said raising my eyebrows

"oh come on Bethany! its not that hard!" little za said.

I huffed and sighed "fine!" I gave in

"yes! now get your skate board put it on the floor and put one foot on it" chaz said I did as I was told but nearly falling I held Cody's shoulder I quickly took my hand of "I'm sorry" I said

"it's alright I like it" he said giving me a flirtatious smile I smiled back and tried again.

"ok now hold my hand and push yourself" Justin said he looked a bit angry, was he jealous of what just happened between me and Cody?

I did as I was  told but then stopped in the half way.

" why did you stop?" chunky J asked

"ok I'm making a deal here" I said they nodded "if I let you teach me how to skate, all of you guys and I mean everyone in this skate park has to come with me to Disney land In Florida" I said grinning "no!" they all said

"fine, bye then" i said walking by the door

suddenly they spoke up "fine we will come!" Justin said

I jumped up and hugged him "thanks!"

then I started skating again.

we were about to leave now

"ok we have summer vacation at school so we will go tomorrow k?" I said

they all agreed "fine give us your number" I gave them all my number and then little za held his hand out to shake it "I'm hugger not a shaker" I said hugging him

I hugged everyone and Cody was left I gave him a hug and he whispered in my ear "look forward to seeing you again tomorrow, I will text you tonight." he said I smiled and nodded I then waved goodbye and we headed home

"thanks guys" I said smiling at them.

Meant To Be? (Justin bieber and Bethany mota love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ