I love you

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chapter 34

Justin's P.O.V.

I was in the studio watching the big tv with scooter. he was telling me to get to work but I had to watch the kids choice awards to see my babe.

I then saw Bethany posing for a picture. she looked absolutely stunning.

she then started interviewing people.

it was time to announce the winner to the best youtuber... there was a drum roll.

"BETHANY MOTA!!!" will smith said in the tv. I jumped up and screamed

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!" I said jumping.

Bethany made her speech I then tweeted about it.

"we should celebrate" scooter said.

"Bethany mota style" I smirked.

we then ran out the studio ans ran to Bethanys house. I rang the guys and girls to come to Beth's house so we can arrange something for beth when she gets home.

we were all huddled in Beth's room...

"ok what do you think we should do?" Ryan said.

"well we gotta make it special... something beth would love" I said.

instantly I had a great idea...

"HEY! why don't we tweet Beth's fans to make a video for beth saying congratulatens and we can out it all together?" I said.

"let's do it, and fast before beth gets back" Cody said.

we all tweeted the fans and got back loads of amazing sweet videos.

we made it in to one big video and set everything up.

Bethanys P.O.V...

me and Britney walked in to my house. the lights were off.

all of a sudden the lights turned on and there stood. Justin, chaz, Ryan, ariana, Adriana, jess, Chloe, samrah and savannah, Cody, chunky J, lil za, scooter, usher, Christian, ans brad. also my parents and Marin.

on the wall was a big screen with a projector hanging.

"surprise!!!!" everyone shouted. there was also a cake in the shape of the kids choice award.

"omg" I Said covering my mouth. Justin grabbed my hand and everyone huddled in front of the screen.

Justin pressed play and it revealed lots of little clips of my fans congratulating me on winning the award. the last video was of Justin...

"so proud of you babe. I love you so so much!" Justin said in the clip.

all of a sudden out of no where everyone came up all my friends and sprayed justin in silly strings.

they turned the video of.

"wow, thank you so so much" I said as we did a group hug.

"and you baby" I Said as I hugged and kissed Justin.

"anything for my princess" Justin said.

we then cut the cake and just hung out together.

"what are you planning on doing tomorrow beth?" mum said to me. everyone looked at me.

"sleep" I said. I was sitting on Justins lap my arms wrapped around his neck as he held my waist.

"that's it?" Justin said.

"my day consists of sweat pants blankets and a bed" I said. everyone laughed.

I pecked Justins lips. we continued chatting until everyone was going home.

"can't you stay?" I said to Justin as he held my waist and I out my hands on his shoulders.

"sorry babe but chaz and Ryan and me are having a bro night" Justin said smirking.

"ohhh ok, well have fun" I said. Justin then leaned in for a kiss and broke away but I could still feel his breath on my lips. "I will" he Said quietly.

I smiled as he kissed me again. I then broke away earning a groan from Justin.

"go on" I Said as I let go of Justin. he then walked out the door and I ran up to my room. I can't wait to just relax tomorrow. I quickly slipped in to my night shorts that had candy on them and my tank top the just showed my belly button.

I then reached for my phone and got a snapchat from Justin.

it was of him In his bed lying there topless with his boxers on and his hair messed up.

as the caption he put. a wink face.

I then laughed and sent him one

It was of my in bed with my candy shorts and tank top. and I smiled revealing my dimples.

as the caption I put a wink face.

Justin then Facetimed me. I answered it.

*Facetime call*

(Justin:italic Bethany: bold)

"hey babe"

"what happened to your bro night"

"chaz ans Ryan decided to be boring and watch the 'notebook'"

"so you decides to send me a half naked picture of you"

"Well you could of done the same babe"

"well I didn't"

"I miss you"

"I'm right next door. how can you miss me?"

"just, I wanna see you"

"go to bed justi-" I then stopped talking because i saw the cutest thing.

it was picture of me ans him on his wall. it was really big

"omg Justin"


"when did you get that picture?"

"oh, I forget to tell you, I got that today and I wanted to surprise you"

"its sooo sweet"

"all for you princess"

Justin then got up and walked to his door.

minutes later I saw him standing on my window edge. he was still on facetime.

"err can you open you window for me babe"

I laughed and shut the call. I then opened the window.

he jumped in. I then realised he was in his boxers.

"what you doing here naked!" I yelled in a loud whisper.

"well I missed you so you no..." Justin then jumped on to my bed.

"come here" Justin said as he lifted the covers so I could get in.

I got in and Justin put the covers over our heads.

this was it... it's happening...

Meant To Be? (Justin bieber and Bethany mota love story)Where stories live. Discover now